mareframe / vat

Visualizing Atlantis Tool (vat)
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Question on netcdf4 required by vat #3

Closed hmorzaria closed 9 years ago

hmorzaria commented 9 years ago


Hi, I've tried to install vat but run into an error with dependency on netcdf4. I wanted to see if you had any suggestions. If I am running R in a 64-bit Windows 7 system. If I run 32-bit R,install netcdf4 for 32bit and try to install vat I get an error that netcdf is not installed on arch x64. Conversely if I run 64-bit R,install netcdf4 for 64bit and try to install vat I get an error that netcdf is not installed on arch xi386.


Hem Nalini Morzaria

install_github(repo = "cddesja/vat", ) Downloading github repo cddesja/vat@master Installing vat "C:/Users/HemNalini.MorzariaLu/Documents/R/R-3.1.2/bin/i386/R" --vanilla CMD INSTALL \ "C:/Users/HemNalini.MorzariaLu/AppData/Local/Temp/1/RtmpMPyZWR/devtools397c5f011eab/cddesja-vat-5ee7bff" \ --library="C:/Users/HemNalini.MorzariaLu/Documents/R/win-library/3.1" --install-tests

  • installing source package 'vat' ... * R * preparing package for lazy loading \ help * installing help indices * building package indices * testing if installed package can be loaded * arch - i386 *\ arch - x64 Error : package 'ncdf4' is not installed for 'arch = x64' Error: loading failed Execution halted ERROR: loading failed for 'x64'
  • removing 'C:/Users/HemNalini.MorzariaLu/Documents/R/win-library/3.1/vat' Error: Command failed (1)
cddesja commented 9 years ago

Have you installed ncdf4 prior to loading the package? On Windows, it looks like you don't have a binary available. Can you try, launching R in 64 bit, and

install.packages("ncdf4", type = "source')

If so, try


Does that load OK? If so, then run

devtools::install_github(repo = "cddesja/vat")

I haven't tested vat on a Windows machine, so I'd be happy to hear about any success/failure you might encounter. Also, it might depend on where exactly R is installed. I can get access to a Windows machine, however, if this bug persists.

cddesja commented 9 years ago

I just installed a Windows virtual machine and was unable to replicate your issue. However, I did a few things that might be different from what you've done.

1) I installed R-64 only to C:/ 2) I installed to C:/ 3) I installed the binary of the ncdf4 package from here: 4) I then ran install.packages("", repo = NULL, type = "source") 5) Then I install vat follow the instructions on the GitHub site.

See if that makes a difference.

cddesja commented 9 years ago

Hi, I am closing this issue because I haven't heard back for you and because this isn't an issue with the vat package but instead with the ncdf4 package on Windows..