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Investigate Image Preview of Prime Web Image #264

Open joesmare opened 5 years ago

joesmare commented 5 years ago

In the Cloudinary>AWS migration we lost prime web image preview. Jared to investigate whether this is possible with AWS

joesmare commented 4 years ago

Can this be moved to @n-devr if you share what you learned?

joesmare commented 4 years ago

@autoboxer advised that he didn't do any research. Transferring to @n-devr

bchiaruttini commented 4 years ago

could image preview be at top of child record?

n-devr commented 4 years ago

I must admit I don't fully remember the details around this one - what was the Prime Web Image Preview that we'd like to replicate with AWS?

bchiaruttini commented 4 years ago

The goal is to easily see the child's display image (vs the link to the image) that is used for their profile (and called display image). My idea was perhaps this could even display at the top, like an avatar for the child when you open to record.

n-devr commented 4 years ago

Ahh, so this would be for display within the admin ui? It's technically feasible but it would require another change to Keystone itself and would definitely be a tricky change to make. Happy to give it a shot if you think it's worth the time/effort, probably best to discuss when we meet.