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Improve Design of My Account Section #712

Open bchiaruttini opened 3 years ago

bchiaruttini commented 3 years ago

Redesign look and functionality of this section for Families, SW and Site Visitors. Ideas include:

For ALL user types:

Have a pop up when users access this section that prompts families to update their stage in the process, (and for workers to review their active/on hold children)

Events: A Message if not signed up for any events. A link to current events?

Inquiries: Under Title of Inquiries, add These are the inquiries associated with your account. Personal notes you add are not shared and are viewable only by you.

And then in the Notes block, change to "enter personal notes here"....

Specifically For Families: Separate content in My Information into two tabs; My Information and My Stages (which will include Where are you in the Adoption Process and Adoption Preferences sections)

Consider a progress bar on main page which visually depicts progress towards placement and prompts user to update.

Specifically For Admin: Change "Dashboard" to read "Reporting"

Specifically For SW: Under Children: A subheading that reads "The following children/sibling groups are active or on hold for recruitment with MARE. You can register a new child here (with hyperlink to Child Reg form). To reactivate a prior child/sibling group for recruitment, contact your Child Services Coordinator

jeremysMARE commented 1 year ago

From this list, make the following changes:

Question related to this story: do any of the fields available under "my information"/"account information" for families update the record if the user changes them?

The following have already been resolved: