marek22k / geminiserver

A small Gemini server, to customize with static and dynamic content.
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gemini-diagnostics edge cases #1

Open marek22k opened 2 years ago

marek22k commented 2 years ago
[RequestMissingCR] A request without a <CR> should timeout
Request URL
Response header
  '20 text/gemini; lang=en\r\n'
No response should be received
  x '20'

Timeout, no return message, closing the connection or 59

[URLAboveMaxSize] Send a 1025 byte URL, above the maximum allowed size
Request URL
Response header
  '51 Not found\r\n'
Connection should either drop, or return 59 (BAD REQUEST)
  x Received status of '51'


[URLInvalidUTF8Byte] Send a URL containing a non-UTF8 byte sequence
Request URL
Connection should either drop, or return 59 (BAD REQUEST)
  ✓ Connection closed without response


[URLWrongPort] A URL with an incorrect port number should be rejected
Request URL
Response header
  '20 text/gemini; lang=en\r\n'
Status should return a failure code (53 PROXY REQUEST REFUSED)
  x Received status of '20'

Low priority 53

[URLSchemeHTTPS] Send a URL with an HTTPS scheme
Request URL
Response header
  '59 Unknown scheme: https\r\n'
Status should return a failure code (53 PROXY REQUEST REFUSED)
  x Received status of '59'


[URLWrongHost] A URL with a foreign hostname should be rejected
Request URL
Response header
  '20 text/gemini; lang=en\r\n'
Status should return a failure code (53 PROXY REQUEST REFUSED)
  x Received status of '20'

Low priority, depending on the setting it should be accepted

[URLSchemeHTTP] Send a URL with an HTTP scheme
Request URL
Response header
  '59 Unknown scheme: http\r\n'
Status should return a failure code (53 PROXY REQUEST REFUSED)
  x Received status of '59'
[URLInvalid] Random text should not be accepted by the server
Request URL
  'Hello Gemini!\r\n'
  x The read operation timed out

Closing the connection or 59

A few edges cases detected by

marek22k commented 2 years ago

still open: RequestMissingCR, URLWrongPort, URLWrongHost