marella / material-symbols

Latest variable icon fonts and optimized SVGs for Material Symbols.
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Icons are deleted here but still exists in google / material-design-icons #40

Open cjayashantha opened 1 month ago

cjayashantha commented 1 month ago


I am migrating from version 0.7.0 to the latest version (0.21.2). I noticed that some icons have been deleted. I checked the material-design-icons, and the deleted icons still exist there. Below is the list of deleted icons (these were not removed in a single version but across different versions). Is there any reason for this?

EG: battert_20 Google:

list of icons deleted

airplanemode_active.svg ambient_screen.svg arrow_back_ios_new.svg assistant.svg astrophotography_auto.svg astrophotography_off.svg auto_activity_zone.svg auto_awesome.svg auto_detect_voice.svg auto_fix.svg auto_fix_normal.svg auto_fix_off.svg auto_graph.svg auto_label.svg auto_meeting_room.svg auto_mode.svg auto_schedule.svg auto_timer.svg auto_videocam.svg autopay.svg battery_20.svg battery_30.svg battery_50.svg battery_60.svg battery_80.svg battery_90.svg battery_vert_005.svg battery_vert_020.svg battery_vert_050.svg camera_enhance.svg clear_night.svg cloud_queue.svg cloudy.svg cut.svg device_reset.svg done.svg emoji_flags.svg expand_less.svg expand_more.svg face_retouching_natural.svg feed.svg file_download_done.svg flightsmode.svg generating_tokens.svg hourglass_full.svg image_not_supported.svg insights.svg join_full.svg keyboard_voice.svg lens.svg location_automation.svg magic_button.svg magic_exchange.svg magic_tether.svg monetization_on.svg movie_filter.svg navigate_before.svg navigate_next.svg nest_wifi_gale.svg nightlight_off.svg note.svg panorama_fish_eye.svg performance_max.svg photo_filter.svg play_shapes.svg power_rounded.svg push_pin.svg quiet_time.svg quiet_time_active.svg settings_suggest.svg sleep.svg smart_button.svg sms_failed.svg temp_preferences_custom.svg tips_and_updates.svg wifi_calling_1.svg wifi_calling_2.svg wifi_calling_3.svg

dezhin commented 1 month ago

It may be related to, the arrow_back_ios_new icon and others from the list above aren't visible in Google Fonts... This package and Google Fonts might use the same broken list.