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Grafana API ---生成数据源,Jmeter模板的报表 #6

Open margaretmm opened 6 years ago

margaretmm commented 6 years ago

!/usr/bin/env python

-- coding: utf-8 --

import json from urllib import response

import python_http_client import sys import time

interval unit: seceond

import http.client import urllib

def rest_get(host,url,auth=0): conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(host) if auth: headers = { 'Accept': 'application / json', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+auth } conn.request("GET", url,headers=headers) else: conn.request("GET", url) r = conn.getresponse() print(r.status, r.reason) data1 = print(data1)

def rest_post(host,url,data,auth=0): conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(host)

if auth:
    headers = {
        'Accept': 'application / json',
        'Content-Type': 'application / json; charset=UTF-8',
        'Connection': 'keep-alive',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + auth
    conn.request("POST", url, body=json.dumps(data),headers=headers)
    conn.request("POST", url, body=json.dumps(data))
r = conn.getresponse()
print(r.status, r.reason)
data1 =

if name == 'main': auth_edit="eyJrIjoiQXZISTdPSEN5THMxNW81cm54SmVOajA4MWhIeFVZNHUiLCJuIjoiam1ldGVyIiwiaWQiOjF9" auth_admin="eyJrIjoia2FQOEdWQk05VTZuSEZYVThBZlluVE1uMjlvcUhrT0UiLCJuIjoiam1ldGVyX2FkbWluIiwiaWQiOjF9" dashboard_json = { "dashboard": { "__requires": [ { "type": "panel", "id": "text", "name": "Text", "version": "" }, { "type": "panel", "id": "singlestat", "name": "Singlestat", "version": "" }, { "type": "panel", "id": "graph", "name": "Graph", "version": "" }, { "type": "panel", "id": "table", "name": "Table", "version": "" }, { "type": "grafana", "id": "grafana", "name": "Grafana", "version": "4.0.2" }, { "type": "datasource", "id": "influxdb", "name": "InfluxDB", "version": "1.0.0" } ], "id": None, "title": "ds_exe_id_4351", "description": "This dashboard shows live load test metrics provided by JMeter.", "tags": [], "style": "dark", "timezone": "browser", "editable": True, "sharedCrosshair": True, "hideControls": False, "time": { "from": "now-1d/d", "to": "now-1d/d" }, "timepicker": { "refresh_intervals": [ "5s", "10s", "30s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "2h", "1d" ], "time_options": [ "5m", "15m", "1h", "6h", "12h", "24h", "2d", "7d", "30d" ] }, "templating": { "list": [ { "allValue": None, "current": {}, "datasource": "ds_exe_id_4351", "hide": 0, "includeAll": False, "label": "Request", "multi": False, "name": "request", "options": [], "query": "SHOW TAG VALUES FROM \"requestsRaw\" WITH KEY = \"requestName\"", "refresh": 1, "regex": "", "sort": 0, "tagValuesQuery": None, "tagsQuery": None, "type": "query" }, { "auto": False, "current": { "tags": [], "text": "1m", "value": "60" }, "datasource": None, "hide": 0, "includeAll": False, "label": "Aggregation Interval", "multi": False, "name": "aggregation", "options": [ { "selected": False, "text": "1s", "value": "1" }, { "selected": False, "text": "10s", "value": "10" }, { "selected": False, "text": "30s", "value": "30" }, { "selected": True, "text": "1m", "value": "60" }, { "selected": False, 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