margorski / exodos-launcher

Launcher for eXoDOS. Basic and forked from Flashpoint Launcher repository (
MIT License
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Restore config page and tide up #25

Open margorski opened 4 months ago

margorski commented 4 months ago

Config page was hidden because most of options was related to the Flashpoint project. It now may be valuable to restore config page, tide up and put there some options for exo.

First step would be to restore this and tide up from flashpoint stuff.

colin969 commented 4 months ago

I wrote a set of standardized Config box components for flashpoint a while ago. I'd recommend using those. It includes things like buttons, checkboxes, selection dropdowns, text inputs. You just need to provide the title, description, value and change handler for each.

<div className='setting'>
  <p className='setting__title'>{strings.preferencesHeader}</p>
  <div className='setting__body'>
      onToggle={this.onVerboseLoggingToggle} />
    // ... more settings under this section