margox / braft-editor

MIT License
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Any plans to support markdown and/or jsx #338

Open jmolivas opened 5 years ago

jmolivas commented 5 years ago

There is any plan to provide support for markdown and/or jsx?

There is a roadmap for new features?

Great project by the way ;)

margox commented 5 years ago

Hi, I am trying to enhance this editor with draft-js-plugins-editor. If everything is OK, you may be able to use draft-js-markdown-plugin to achieve this in future versions.

jmolivas commented 5 years ago

@margox my bad I was meaning mdx not md as Markdown

margox commented 5 years ago

Hi,I think it's not easy to support this feature in a runtime project, especially under the functional limitations of draft-js, and currently I don't have an idea to implement this, but PR's are welcome at any time!

blizzardzheng commented 5 years ago

@margox 大概啥时候能支持 draft-js-plugins-editor 呀

margox commented 5 years ago

@margox 大概啥时候能支持 draft-js-plugins-editor 呀

你是需要用到draft-js-plugins-editor里面的哪一个插件呢? 因为我这边对EditorState进行了扩展,导致无法使用draft-js-plugins-editor那一套