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MySQL vs SQLite #24

Closed angerrp closed 4 years ago

angerrp commented 4 years ago

Is there a reason why you chose MySQL? I think it would be easier to just use SQLite and remove the dependency of running a separate service (mysql server). Performance wise I think there shouldn't be a big difference for this application.

margyle commented 4 years ago

I'm not tied to MySQL, mostly just went with what I knew best so I could hit the ground running. I probably won't have the bandwidth to make db config changes for at least a month or two but am happy to merge any changes the community makes.

angerrp commented 4 years ago

Nice, I'm working on it. I can provide the PR the next few days. I can also have a look into the testing issue if you don't mind.

margyle commented 4 years ago

Great! Really appreciate it. Totally cool with you jumping in anywhere you feel like you can make an impact. Also cool with folks opening up new issues for other design implementation discussions like this one. Cheers!

jjok commented 4 years ago

I think this is the perfect kind of application for SQLite. I had a look into it before, but I don't know Python that well, so I thought it would probably take me ages. It will make the Docker image a lot simpler too.

jjok commented 4 years ago

There were some discussions about this on the message board a year or so ago, which you may be able to find...

angerrp commented 4 years ago

Nice, need to check out the other suggestions/discussion. I created a PR for this issue, feel free to review. Sry that there are that many changes in one PR, I will try to creating multiple PR in the future.