marhel / r68k

A m68k emulator in rust - let r68k = musashi.clone();
MIT License
72 stars 7 forks source link

Very cool #1

Closed emoon closed 7 years ago

emoon commented 8 years ago


Just wanted to say that it's great that you are doing this! I'm working on this thing which needs to run a very tiny Amiga emulator to run some Amiga problems.

It's written in Rust but currently uses Musashi as emulation core but my plan has always been to replace that with something written in Rust in the long run.

So this comes as a welcome surprise :)

marhel commented 8 years ago


If you want to contribute some opcode-implementations, that'd be great! I assume it would be quite straight forward - almost a copy paste job - to implement "duals" to the ops already implemented, such as adding all variants of SUB (based on the existing ADD ops), or more logic ops; EOR, OR (based on AND), SBCD (ABCD), more shift ops LSL/LSR, ROL/ROR etc (ASL/ASR). I've just done them in alphabetical order. The infrastructure is set-up to run A/B-tests comparing your op-implementation with Musashi with almost no extra work on your part, so it's almost trivial to find out if the implementation is correct.

Take a look at for example this or this commit, to get a feel for the amount of code required.

I'd be happy to walk you through the process in more detail, if you (or anyone else) are interested.

emoon commented 8 years ago

Yeah that looks very straightforward.

Dunno if you consider it too much overhead but otherwise creating an github issues for a range of opcodes and then mark each "inprogress" when being worked or something similar would be nice as then I could work on some now and then when I have time to make sure we don't do double work.

marhel commented 8 years ago

No that seems like a good way to coordinate. I'll write up some instructions, and create a number of issues.

emoon commented 8 years ago


marhel commented 8 years ago

Please take a look at and I'll get some issues up within a day or two.

emoon commented 8 years ago

Looks good. The link to doesn't seem to have anything in it yet.

marhel commented 8 years ago

Yes, it was meant to point to the source code, not the wiki, fixed now.

emoon commented 8 years ago

Another question I come to think of is that some instruction has different cycle count depending on the input. For example the shift instructions. So I guess it will be hard to to set a fixed cycle count then for the impl_op!(-, cmp_32, cmp_32_di, ay_di_32, dx, 6+12); and the last part

marhel commented 8 years ago

Well, yes, the implementation needs to handle shift ops differently, which it does where it adds 2*shiftdistance to the constant specified as the last part of the impl_shift_op-macro...

emoon commented 8 years ago

Ah I see. Thanks! No more questions :)

marhel commented 8 years ago

So, I created issues for the remaining opcodes. Feel free to pick one. I'll probably add some placeholders to the source code, which will possibly minimize PR-merge conflicts.

emoon commented 8 years ago

Sounds good. Can you assign all SUB issues on me?

marhel commented 8 years ago


marhel commented 8 years ago

Hmm, I cannot add you as an assignee without making you a collaborator, which seems to give you push access. :) I'll have to look into setting this up further, but that'll have to wait until a little bit later. Sorry :)

emoon commented 8 years ago

Np. I just write a comment on those I will start with.

emoon commented 8 years ago

And you can flag that one as in-progress or something like that (with a label)

marhel commented 8 years ago

I labelled all 6 SUB-issues as "In progress", thank you for playing along!

emoon commented 8 years ago

Thanks! I added a comment to all of them in case someone else peaks at them.

Thanks for doing this project :)

emoon commented 7 years ago

Think we can close this one now :)