marhel / r68k

A m68k emulator in rust - let r68k = musashi.clone();
MIT License
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Turn r68k into a lib #83

Open emoon opened 8 years ago

emoon commented 8 years ago

Now that all instructions for 68k has been implemented (right?) it would be great to turn this into a proper Rust lib/crate so it can be used in other projects.

marhel commented 8 years ago

As the README says; "all instructions are implemented and verified against Musashi, but infrastrucure such as interrupts and host callbacks are yet to be implemented, and it's therefore not quite usable at this point."

But, sure, if you do feel it's usable then we could put some effort into turning it into a form more easily consumed. What are your suggestions?

emoon commented 8 years ago

I would say it's still useable in a limited context (you have data setup and want to run some 68k on that limited set)

Things I think should be fixed

marhel commented 8 years ago

Yes, QC should be a dev-dependency only.

I haven't tested on Windows, but I guess one could add a Windows-build of the Musashi lib as well? But setting up compilation from source would be even better (like you did with Capstone, I didn't know cargo could help build C programs as well).

The crate should be a lib crate, agreed, and cargo have some "example program" support for libs we could use, right?

So in short, I agree with everything you said :)

emoon commented 8 years ago

Problem with including a binary for Windows is that if someone is using it on Linux (or some other OS) it won't work so better to bulid from source. Musashi does some trickery with generating new C code from a description but that is possible to do with as well but I'm not sure if it's possible to only do it for dev-only (otherwise you really endup with two emulators where only one is really used)

For examples yes. What you do is to add a directory examples and then you can add examples souch as examples/ will now use r68k as a regular external crate. To test it you write

cargo run --example basic

marhel commented 8 years ago

Oh, but couldn't we just generate the C code once with the custom Musashi code generator, and include the generated file, instead of actually generating the code each time? We should point back to the Musashi-repo in any case, and ensure the process of re-generating is documented.

I think cargos "--example" feature is a really good supporting feature for library authors (and users), haven't seen that elsewhere.

emoon commented 8 years ago

Build the generater and just run it is fairly simple so I don't think it such a big issue really. The generation isn't what takes the time it's actually compiling the code that is a bit slow (few sec depending on your system) but I guess we only need to generate the 000 one also while Musashi by default does 020+ also.

Yeah --example is great. It allows you to really show of how the library is supposed to be used. Also another thing is when you document code in Rust (and use cargo to generate it) the code will be compiled and checked so your examples will always work with the given code you have.

marhel commented 8 years ago

If you've got some time to kill, you could take a look at the library branch ( which tries to move r68k over to a library. It's incomplete still, but contributions towards a better user experience are welcome. I'm thinking of adding an example that runs 10M cycles worth of dhrystone, or something like that, as a performance baseline. (bench is still not in stable, right?)

marhel commented 7 years ago

Improvements have been made on this

Musashi usage being Mac only has not been addressed.

emoon commented 7 years ago

Would it be possible to publish the different parts (or one crate with opt-in on what you need) on Would make it easier to use in projects then :)

marhel commented 7 years ago

Absolutely. I'm getting there.

I'm just trying to get it into a state where I don't have to make excuses for the state it is in 😄. I want to make memory and interrupt controllers pluggable, and add some documentation.

emoon commented 7 years ago

Cool :)

sethm commented 7 years ago

Bump! I'd love to use this library in a Rust project I'm working on that requires an emulated MC68000 core with a fairly bizarre ROM and RAM map. Musashi/r68k seems by far the best tool for the job.

If I can help in any way, ping me!

marhel commented 7 years ago


I'd love if r68k would be useful for you! There's is some refactoring work I've initiated a while ago that's present in the core-trait branch, which turns r68k into a lib, and Core into a trait, allowing a Core impl to be generic over the Memory and Interrupt Controller implementations. I wasn't at all experienced with ideomatic Rust design when I started this project, so I initially hardcoded some test-optimized "hardware" directly into the struct to get started, and I'm almost done paying off that particular technical debt.

With these changes, the main hurdle for you I guess would be the general lack of documentation. But I had already planned to do more docs before publishing a r68k crate, and I'm willing to do some documentation "on demand" here to help you along, because it would help me finally reach 1.0 quality.

So, if you're willing to help out, I'd suggest starting by taking a look at the benchmark code which illustrates the following;

and then fire away questions either here, or by opening up new issues, and I'll try to help you out.

Since r68k isn't yet a published crate, you'll need to tell Cargo your code have a github dependency by adding r68k-emu to your dependencies like this;

r68k-emu = { git = "", branch = "core-trait" }
sethm commented 7 years ago

Hi Marhel, just wanted to say thanks so much for this write-up. It's really great that you'd be willing to help like this. I've been very busy with my day job, but this week I would like to spend some time in the evenings getting a skeleton project built around r68k.