marhkb / pods

Keep track of your podman containers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error on loading container details: invalid type string "SIGTERM", expected u64 #789

Open Cloud0x1 opened 3 months ago

Cloud0x1 commented 3 months ago

The error appears when: Opening "Containers" tab > Clicking on ANY kind of containers I tried creating container from command-line, from the gui, tried different images, the error still appears each time consistently.


$ cat /etc/os-release | head -1
NAME="Arch Linux"
$ grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8650U CPU @ 1.90GHz

Pods version: 2.0.1 (flatpak)

katanaBadger commented 3 months ago

I was in the process of submitting a bug report as well.

I have so far never came across an issue using Pods on Fedora Workstation, but after a recent Arch install, any container instance created with or without Pods always throws this toast message:

"Error on loading container details: invalid type: string "SIGTERM", expected u64 at line 1 column xxxx"

Note: the column is a different 4 digit number with every container, usually in the 3700-4199 range.

Similarly, inspecting the container yields:

"Inspection error: invalid type: string "SIGTERM", expected u64 at line 1 column xxxx"

Due to this, the 'size' field is blank and loads indefinitely, and the 'Inspection' utility cannot be entered.

Also, I'm not sure if this is related in any way, but the only SIGTERM that appears in the container inspection is:

"StopSignal": "SIGTERM",


Cloud0x1 commented 3 months ago

Maybe this is 2.0.1 on arch thing?

marhkb commented 3 months ago

It seems, Podman 5 had a breaking API change. So, serde can't deserialize the HTTP response. I'm thinking about to change to something like flexbuffers in order to handle such breakages easier. Also, seems to be unmaintained.

woodsb02 commented 3 months ago

Looks like there are a few people requesting podman-api-rs gains support for the 5.0 api:

I'm dealing with another breaking change in the Podman 5.0 API, which is preventing pods from displaying containers correctly:

For me, this is causing the following error:

Error on loading container details: invalid type: sequence, expected a string at line 1 column 5702

Running the following command: $ curl --unix-socket /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock http://d/v4.3.1/libpod/containers/eebde641a1336aa7551c8384bf3dd2a2ac40296ec0ac1df543a2dead8ff38dd9/json?size=true

I found that column 5702 was the colon in between:


Screenshot from 2024-04-25 20-07-53