marian-nmt / marian

Fast Neural Machine Translation in C++
1.22k stars 228 forks source link

GPU translation currently broken? #27

Closed bhaddow closed 7 years ago

bhaddow commented 7 years ago

It outputs 3 lines then exits, no error message. Script found in /home/bhaddow/experiments/wmt17/backtrans/bench/

Configuration (tried changing thread and batch settings)

Paths are relative to config file location

relative-paths: yes

performance settings

beam-size: 5 normalize: yes gpu-threads: 4 cpu-threads: 2

mini-batch: 60

maxi-batch: 1200

scorer configuration

scorers: F0: path: model.npz type: Nematus

scorer weights

weights: F0: 1.0


source-vocab: vocab.en.json target-vocab: vocab.cs.json

hieuhoang commented 7 years ago

you've been in the office too long. Another gem: Find your constitu@@ ency Aber@@ av@@ on@@ Aber@@ con@@ wy@@ Aber@@ deen North@@ Aber@@ deen South@@ Aber@@ de@@ en@@ shire West and Kin@@ car@@ din@@ e@@ Air@@ dri@@ e and Shot@@ ts@@ Alder@@ shot@@ Aldr@@ idge @-@ Brow@@ n@@ hill@@ s@@ Al@@ trin@@ ch@@ am and Sale West@@ A@@ lyn and Dee@@ side@@ Amber Val@@ ley@@ Angu@@ s@@ An@@ trim East@@ An@@ trim North@@ An@@ trim South@@ Ar@@ fon@@ Ar@@ gy@@ ll and Bu@@ te@@ Ar@@ un@@ del and South Down@@ s@@ Ash@@ field@@ Ash@@ ford@@ Ashton under Ly@@ ne@@ Ay@@ les@@ bu@@ ry@@ Ay@@ r , Car@@ rick and Cum@@ no@@ ck@@ Ay@@ r@@ shire Cen@@ tral@@ Ay@@ r@@ shire North and Arran@@ Ban@@ bu@@ ry@@ Ban@@ ff and Buchan@@ Bar@@ king@@ Bar@@ n@@ sley Cen@@ tral@@ Bar@@ n@@ sley East@@ Barrow and Fur@@ ness@@ Bas@@ il@@ don South and Thur@@ rock East@@ Bas@@ il@@ don and Bill@@ er@@ ic@@ ay@@ Bas@@ ing@@ sto@@ ke@@ B@@ asse@@ tla@@ w@@ Bath@@ Bat@@ ley and Spen@@ Bat@@ ter@@ sea@@ Be@@ acon@@ s@@ field@@ Beck@@ en@@ ham@@ Bed@@ ford@@ Bed@@ fordshire Mid@@ Bed@@ fordshire North East@@ Bed@@ fordshire South West@@ Belfast East@@ Belfast North@@ Belfast South@@ Belfast West@@ Ber@@ mon@@ dsey and Old South@@ war@@ k@@ Ber@@ wick @-@ upon @-@ Twe@@ ed@@ Ber@@ wick@@ shire , Rox@@ burgh and Sel@@ kir@@ k@@ Beth@@ nal Green and Bow@@ Bever@@ ley and Hol@@ der@@ ness@@ B@@ ex@@ hill and Battle@@ B@@ ex@@ ley@@ he@@ ath and Cra@@ y@@ ford@@ Bir@@ ken@@ head@@ Birmingham Ed@@ g@@ bast@@ on@@ Birmingham Er@@ ding@@ ton@@ Birmingham Hall Green@@ Birmingham Hod@@ ge Hill@@ Birmingham Lady@@ wood@@ Birmingham North@@ field@@ Birmingham Perry Bar@@ r@@ Birmingham Sel@@ ly Oak@@ Birmingham Y@@ ard@@ ley@@ Bishop Au@@ ck@@ land@@ Black@@ bur@@ n@@ Black@@ ley and B@@ rough@@ ton@@ Black@@ pool North and Cle@@ vele@@ ys@@ Black@@ pool South@@ Bla@@ en@@ au Gw@@ ent@@ Bla@@ y@@ don@@ B@@ ly@@ th Val@@ ley@@ Bog@@ nor Regis and Little@@ ha@@ mp@@ ton@@ Bol@@ sover@@ Bolton North East@@ Bolton South East@@ Bolton West@@ Bo@@ ot@@ le@@ Boston and Ske@@ g@@ ness@@ Bos@@ worth@@ Bour@@ ne@@ mouth East@@ Bour@@ ne@@ mouth West@@ Bra@@ ck@@ nel@@ l@@ Brad@@ ford East@@ Brad@@ ford South@@ Brad@@ ford West@@ Bra@@ in@@ tree@@ Bre@@ con and Rad@@ nor@@ sh@@ ire@@ Brent Cen@@ tral@@ Brent North@@ Brent@@ ford and Isle@@ worth@@ Brent@@ wood and On@@ gar@@ Brid@@ gen@@ d@@ Brid@@ g@@ water and Somer@@ set West@@ Bri@@ gg and Go@@ ole@@ Brighton K@@ emp@@ town@@ Brighton Pav@@ ili@@ on@@ Bristol East@@ Bristol North West@@ Bristol South@@ Bristol West@@ Broad@@ land@@ Bro@@ mley and Chis@@ le@@ hur@@ st@@ Bro@@ ms@@ gro@@ ve@@ Bro@@ x@@ bour@@ ne@@ Bro@@ x@@ to@@ we@@ Buck@@ ing@@ ham@@ Burn@@ ley@@ Bur@@ ton@@ Bury North@@ Bury South@@ Bury St Edmun@@ ds@@ Ca@@ er@@ phil@@ ly@@ Cai@@ th@@ ness , Su@@ therland and Easter Ross@@ Cal@@ der Val@@ ley@@ Cam@@ ber@@ well and Pe@@ ck@@ ham@@ Cam@@ borne and Red@@ ru@@ th@@ Cam@@ brid@@ ge@@ Cam@@ brid@@ ge@@ shire North East@@ Cam@@ brid@@ ge@@ shire North West@@ Cam@@ brid@@ ge@@ shire South@@ Cam@@ brid@@ ge@@ shire South East@@ Can@@ nock Cha@@ se@@ Canter@@ bu@@ ry@@ Car@@ diff Cen@@ tral@@ Car@@ diff North@@ Car@@ diff South and Pen@@ ar@@ th@@ Car@@ diff West@@ Car@@ li@@ sle@@ Car@@ mar@@ then East and Din@@ ef@@ wr@@ Car@@ mar@@ then West and P@@ embro@@ ke@@ shire South@@ Car@@ shal@@ ton and Wal@@ ling@@ ton@@ Castle Po@@ int@@ Cer@@ edi@@ gion@@ Char@@ n@@ wood@@ Cha@@ tham and Ay@@ les@@ ford@@ C@@ head@@ le@@ Chel@@ ms@@ ford@@ Chelsea and Ful@@ ham@@ Chel@@ ten@@ ham@@ Che@@ sham and Amer@@ sham@@ Che@@ ster@@ field@@ Chi@@ chest@@ er@@ Ch@@ ing@@ ford and Wood@@ ford Green@@ Chi@@ p@@ pen@@ ham@@ Chi@@ pping Bar@@ net@@ Chor@@ ley@@ Christ@@ chur@@ ch@@ C@@ ities of London and Westmin@@ ster@@ City of Che@@ ster@@ City of Dur@@ ham@@ Cla@@ ct@@ on@@ Cle@@ e@@ thor@@ pe@@ s@@ Cl@@ wy@@ d South@@ Cl@@ wy@@ d West@@ Co@@ at@@ bridge , Chry@@ ston and Bel@@ l@@ sh@@ ill@@ Col@@ chest@@ er@@ Col@@ ne Val@@ ley@@ Con@@ gle@@ ton@@ Cop@@ el@@ and@@ Cor@@ by@@ Corn@@ wall North@@ Corn@@ wall South East@@ Cot@@ sw@@ ol@@ d@@ Cov@@ entry North East@@ Cov@@ entry North West@@ Cov@@ entry South@@ Craw@@ ley@@ Cre@@ we and N@@ ant@@ wi@@ ch@@ Cro@@ y@@ don Cen@@ tral@@ Cro@@ y@@ don North@@ Cro@@ y@@ don South@@ Cum@@ ber@@ nau@@ ld , Kil@@ sy@@ th and Kir@@ kin@@ til@@ loch East@@ Cy@@ non Val@@ ley@@ D@@ agen@@ ham and Rain@@ ham@@ Dar@@ ling@@ ton@@ Dart@@ ford@@ Daven@@ try@@ Del@@ yn@@ D@@ enton and Red@@ dish@@ Derby North@@ Derby South@@ Der@@ by@@ shire Dal@@ es@@ Der@@ by@@ shire Mid@@ Der@@ by@@ shire North East@@ Der@@ by@@ shire South@@ Dev@@ i@@ zes@@ Devon Cen@@ tral@@ Devon East@@ Devon North@@ Devon South West@@ Devon West and Tor@@ rid@@ ge@@ De@@ w@@ s@@ bu@@ ry@@ Don Val@@ ley@@ Don@@ caster Cen@@ tral@@ Don@@ caster North@@ Dor@@ set M@@ id and Poole North@@ Dor@@ set North@@ Dor@@ set South@@ Dor@@ set West@@ D@@ over@@ Down North@@ Down South@@ Dudley North@@ Dudley South@@ Dul@@ wich and West Nor@@ wood@@ Dum@@ fries and Gal@@ lo@@ way@@ Dum@@ fri@@ es@@ shire , Cly@@ des@@ dale and Twe@@ ed@@ dale@@ Dun@@ bar@@ ton@@ shire East@@ Dun@@ bar@@ ton@@ shire West@@ Dun@@ dee East@@ Dun@@ dee West@@ Dun@@ fer@@ m@@ line and Fi@@ fe West@@ Durham North@@ Durham North West@@ D@@ wy@@ for Me@@ iri@@ on@@ ny@@ d@@ d@@ E@@ aling Central and Act@@ on@@ E@@ aling North@@ E@@ aling South@@ all@@ E@@ as@@ ing@@ ton@@ East Ham@@ East Kil@@ bride , Strath@@ aven and Les@@ ma@@ ha@@ go@@ w@@ East Lo@@ thi@@ an@@ East@@ bour@@ ne@@ East@@ le@@ igh@@ Ed@@ dis@@ bu@@ ry@@ Edinburgh East@@ Edinburgh North and Le@@ ith@@ Edinburgh South@@ Edinburgh South West@@ Edinburgh West@@ Ed@@ mon@@ ton@@ El@@ le@@ sm@@ ere Port and Nest@@ on@@ El@@ met and Roth@@ well@@ El@@ th@@ am@@ En@@ field North@@ En@@ field South@@ gate@@ E@@ pping Forest@@ Ep@@ som and E@@ well@@ Ere@@ wash@@ Eri@@ th and Tha@@ mes@@ me@@ ad@@ E@@ sher and Wal@@ ton@@ Ex@@ eter@@ Fal@@ kir@@ k@@ F@@ are@@ ham@@ F@@ aver@@ sham and Kent Mid@@ Fel@@ tham and H@@ eston@@ Fer@@ man@@ agh and South Ty@@ ro@@ ne@@ Fi@@ fe North East@@ Fil@@ ton and Bradley Sto@@ ke@@ Fin@@ ch@@ ley and Gol@@ ders Green@@ Fol@@ ke@@ stone and Hy@@ the@@ Forest of De@@ an@@ Fo@@ yle@@ F@@ yl@@ de@@ Ga@@ ins@@ bor@@ ough@@ Gar@@ ston and Hale@@ wood@@ Gate@@ she@@ ad@@ Ged@@ ling@@ G@@ ill@@ ingham and Rain@@ ham@@ Glasgow Cen@@ tral@@ Glasgow East@@ Glasgow North@@ Glasgow North East@@ Glasgow North West@@ Glasgow South@@ Glasgow South West@@ Glen@@ ro@@ the@@ s@@ Gloucest@@ er@@ Gor@@ don@@ Go@@ sport@@ Gow@@ er@@ Gran@@ tham and Stam@@ ford@@ Gra@@ ve@@ sham@@ Great Gri@@ ms@@ by@@ Great Yar@@ mouth@@ Greenwich and Wool@@ wi@@ ch@@ Guil@@ d@@ ford@@ Hack@@ ney North and Sto@@ ke New@@ ing@@ ton@@ Hack@@ ney South and Shor@@ ed@@ itch@@ Hale@@ so@@ wen and Row@@ ley Reg@@ is@@ Hali@@ fax@@ Hal@@ tem@@ price and How@@ den@@ Hal@@ ton@@ Hammer@@ smi@@ th@@ Hampshire East@@ Hampshire North East@@ Hampshire North West@@ Hamp@@ stead and Kil@@ bur@@ n@@ Har@@ bor@@ ough@@ Har@@ low@@ Har@@ rogate and K@@ nar@@ es@@ bor@@ ough@@ Har@@ row East@@ Har@@ row West@@ Har@@ tle@@ po@@ ol@@ Har@@ wich and Essex North@@ Hastings and R@@ ye@@ Hav@@ ant@@ Hayes and Har@@ ling@@ ton@@ Hazel Gro@@ ve@@ He@@ mel H@@ emp@@ stead@@ Hem@@ s@@ worth@@ H@@ end@@ on@@ Hen@@ ley@@ Here@@ ford and Here@@ fordshire South@@ Here@@ fordshire North@@ Hert@@ ford and Stor@@ t@@ ford@@ Hert@@ fordshire North East@@ Hert@@ fordshire South West@@ Hert@@ sm@@ ere@@ Hex@@ ham@@ Hey@@ wood and Middle@@ ton@@ High Pe@@ ak@@ Hitch@@ in and Har@@ pen@@ den@@ Hol@@ born and St Pan@@ cra@@ s@@ Horn@@ church and Up@@ min@@ ster@@ Horn@@ sey and Wood Green@@ Hor@@ sham@@ Hou@@ gh@@ ton and S@@ under@@ land South@@ H@@ ove@@ Hud@@ der@@ s@@ field@@ Hull East@@ Hull North@@ Hull West and Hes@@ sle@@ Hunting@@ don@@ Hy@@ n@@ d@@ bur@@ n@@ Il@@ ford North@@ Il@@ ford South@@ In@@ ver@@ c@@ ly@@ de@@ In@@ ver@@ ness , N@@ air@@ n , Bad@@ en@@ och and Strath@@ spe@@ y@@ I@@ ps@@ wi@@ ch@@ Isle of W@@ igh@@ t@@ I@@ sl@@ ington North@@ I@@ sl@@ ington South and Fin@@ s@@ bu@@ ry@@ I@@ sl@@ wy@@ n@@ Jar@@ row@@ Ke@@ igh@@ ley@@ Ken@@ il@@ worth and South@@ am@@ Kensing@@ ton@@ Ket@@ ter@@ ing@@ Kil@@ mar@@ nock and Lou@@ d@@ oun@@ King@@ ston and Sur@@ bit@@ on@@ King@@ s@@ wood@@ Kirk@@ cal@@ dy and Cow@@ den@@ be@@ ath@@ Know@@ sle@@ y@@ L@@ agan Val@@ ley@@ Lan@@ ark and Hamilton East@@ Lan@@ ca@@ shire West@@ Lan@@ caster and Fle@@ e@@ two@@ od@@ Leeds Cen@@ tral@@ Leeds East@@ Leeds North East@@ Leeds North West@@ Leeds West@@ Le@@ ic@@ ester East@@ Le@@ ic@@ ester South@@ Le@@ ic@@ ester West@@ Le@@ icest@@ er@@ shire North West@@ Le@@ icest@@ er@@ shire South@@ Leigh@@ Le@@ we@@ s@@ Lewisham De@@ pt@@ ford@@ Lewisham East@@ Lewisham West and Pen@@ ge@@ Le@@ yton and Wan@@ stead@@ Lich@@ field@@ Lincol@@ n@@ Lin@@ li@@ th@@ gow and Fal@@ kir@@ k East@@ Liverpool River@@ side@@ Liverpool Wal@@ ton@@ Liverpool W@@ aver@@ tree@@ Liverpool West Der@@ by@@ Living@@ ston@@ L@@ lan@@ elli@@ Lon@@ don@@ der@@ ry East@@ Lou@@ gh@@ bor@@ ough@@ Lou@@ th and Horn@@ cast@@ le@@ Lud@@ low@@ Lut@@ on North@@ Lut@@ on South@@ Mac@@ cle@@ s@@ field@@ Ma@@ iden@@ head@@ Ma@@ id@@ stone and The We@@ al@@ d@@ Mak@@ er@@ field@@ Mal@@ don@@ Manchester Cen@@ tral@@ Manchester Gor@@ ton@@ Manchester Wi@@ thing@@ ton@@ Mans@@ field@@ Me@@ on Val@@ ley@@ Mer@@ iden@@ Mer@@ thy@@ r Ty@@ d@@ fil and Rhy@@ m@@ ney@@ Mid@@ d@@ les@@ br@@ ough@@ Mid@@ d@@ les@@ br@@ ough South and Cleveland East@@ Mid@@ lo@@ thi@@ an@@ Milton Keynes North@@ Milton Keynes South@@ Mitch@@ am and Mor@@ den@@ M@@ ole Val@@ ley@@ Mon@@ mouth@@ Montgom@@ ery@@ sh@@ ire@@ Mor@@ ay@@ More@@ cam@@ be and Lu@@ nes@@ dale@@ Mor@@ ley and Out@@ wood@@ Mo@@ ther@@ well and Wis@@ haw@@ Na h @-@ Ei@@ lean@@ an an I@@ ar@@ Ne@@ ath@@ New Forest East@@ New Forest West@@ Newar@@ k@@ New@@ bu@@ ry@@ Newcastle upon Ty@@ ne Cen@@ tral@@ Newcastle upon Ty@@ ne East@@ Newcastle upon Ty@@ ne North@@ Newcastle @-@ under @-@ Ly@@ me@@ Newport East@@ Newport West@@ New@@ ry and Ar@@ ma@@ gh@@ Newton Abbot@@ Norfolk Mid@@ Norfolk North@@ Norfolk North West@@ Norfolk South@@ Norfolk South West@@ Norman@@ ton , Pon@@ te@@ fra@@ ct and Castle@@ ford@@ North@@ amp@@ ton North@@ North@@ amp@@ ton South@@ North@@ amp@@ ton@@ shire South@@ Nor@@ wich North@@ Nor@@ wich South@@ Nottingham East@@ Nottingham North@@ Nottingham South@@ N@@ une@@ aton@@ O@@ ch@@ il and Per@@ th@@ shire South@@ Og@@ more@@ Old B@@ ex@@ ley and Sid@@ cup@@ Old@@ ham East and Sad@@ dle@@ worth@@ Old@@ ham West and Roy@@ ton@@ Or@@ k@@ ney and She@@ t@@ land@@ Or@@ ping@@ ton@@ Oxford East@@ Oxford West and Ab@@ ing@@ don@@ Pa@@ is@@ ley and Ren@@ fre@@ w@@ shire North@@ Pa@@ is@@ ley and Ren@@ fre@@ w@@ shire South@@ P@@ end@@ le@@ Pen@@ ist@@ one and Stock@@ s@@ brid@@ ge@@ Pen@@ rith and The Bor@@ der@@ Per@@ th and Per@@ th@@ shire North@@ Peter@@ bor@@ ough@@ Plymouth Mo@@ or Vie@@ w@@ Plymouth Sutton and Dev@@ on@@ port@@ Pon@@ ty@@ pr@@ id@@ d@@ Po@@ ole@@ Pop@@ lar and Li@@ me@@ house@@ Port@@ sm@@ ou@@ th North@@ Port@@ sm@@ ou@@ th South@@ Pre@@ se@@ li P@@ embro@@ ke@@ sh@@ ire@@ Prest@@ on@@ P@@ ud@@ se@@ y@@ Put@@ ney@@ Ray@@ leigh and Wick@@ ford@@ Re@@ ading East@@ Re@@ ading West@@ Red@@ car@@ Red@@ dit@@ ch@@ Re@@ ig@@ ate@@ Ren@@ fre@@ w@@ shire East@@ Rhon@@ d@@ da@@ Ri@@ bble South ( South Ri@@ bble ) Ri@@ bble Val@@ ley@@ Richmond ( Yor@@ ks ) Richmond Park@@ Roch@@ dale@@ Roch@@ ester and Stro@@ od@@ Roch@@ ford and South@@ end East@@ Rom@@ ford@@ Rom@@ sey and South@@ amp@@ ton North@@ Ross , Skye and L@@ ochab@@ er@@ Ross@@ endale and Dar@@ wen@@ R@@ other Val@@ ley@@ Ro@@ ther@@ ham@@ Ru@@ g@@ by@@ Ru@@ is@@ lip , North@@ wood and Pin@@ ner@@ Run@@ ny@@ med@@ e and Wey@@ brid@@ ge@@ Rush@@ cli@@ ffe@@ Ru@@ ther@@ g@@ len and Hamilton West@@ Rut@@ land and Mel@@ ton@@ Saf@@ fro@@ n Wal@@ den@@ Sal@@ ford and Ec@@ cle@@ s@@ Sal@@ is@@ bu@@ ry@@ Scar@@ borough and Whit@@ by@@ Sc@@ un@@ thor@@ pe@@ Sed@@ ge@@ field@@ Sef@@ ton Cen@@ tral@@ Sel@@ by and A@@ inst@@ y@@ Seven@@ o@@ ak@@ s@@ She@@ f@@ field Bri@@ ght@@ side and Hill@@ sbor@@ ough@@ She@@ f@@ field Cen@@ tral@@ She@@ f@@ field Hal@@ lam@@ She@@ f@@ field He@@ ele@@ y@@ She@@ f@@ field South East@@ Sher@@ wood@@ Shi@@ ple@@ y@@ Sh@@ re@@ w@@ s@@ bury and At@@ cham@@ Sh@@ rop@@ shire North@@ Sit@@ ting@@ bourne and Shep@@ pe@@ y@@ Sk@@ ip@@ ton and Ri@@ pon@@ S@@ lea@@ ford and North Hy@@ ke@@ ham@@ Slou@@ gh@@ Soli@@ hul@@ l@@ Somer@@ set North@@ Somer@@ set North East@@ Somer@@ ton and Fro@@ me@@ South Holland and The Deep@@ ings@@ South Shi@@ el@@ ds@@ South@@ amp@@ ton It@@ chen@@ South@@ amp@@ ton Test@@ South@@ end West@@ South@@ port@@ Spel@@ thor@@ ne@@ St Al@@ ban@@ s@@ St Aust@@ ell and New@@ qu@@ ay@@ St Hel@@ ens North@@ St Hel@@ ens South and Whist@@ on@@ St I@@ ves@@ Sta@@ f@@ ford@@ Sta@@ f@@ fordshire Mo@@ or@@ land@@ s@@ Sta@@ f@@ fordshire South@@ St@@ aly@@ bridge and Hy@@ de@@ Steven@@ age@@ Stir@@ ling@@ Stock@@ port@@ Stock@@ ton North@@ Stock@@ ton South@@ Sto@@ ke @-@ on @-@ Trent Cen@@ tral@@ Sto@@ ke @-@ on @-@ Trent North@@ Sto@@ ke @-@ on @-@ Trent South@@ Stone@@ St@@ our@@ brid@@ ge@@ Stran@@ g@@ ford@@ Strat@@ ford @-@ on @-@ A@@ von@@ Stre@@ ath@@ am@@ Stre@@ t@@ ford and Ur@@ m@@ ston@@ S@@ trou@@ d@@ Suf@@ folk Central and I@@ ps@@ wich North@@ Suf@@ folk Co@@ ast@@ al@@ Suf@@ folk South@@ Suf@@ folk West@@ S@@ under@@ land Cen@@ tral@@ Surrey East@@ Surrey He@@ ath@@ Surrey South West@@ Sus@@ sex Mid@@ Sutton Col@@ d@@ field@@ Sutton and Che@@ am@@ Swan@@ sea East@@ Swan@@ sea West@@ S@@ win@@ don North@@ S@@ win@@ don South@@ Tam@@ worth@@ Tat@@ ton@@ Ta@@ un@@ ton De@@ ane@@ Tel@@ ford@@ Te@@ w@@ ke@@ s@@ bu@@ ry@@ Than@@ et North@@ Than@@ et South@@ The W@@ re@@ kin@@ Thir@@ sk and Mal@@ ton@@ Thorn@@ bury and Y@@ ate@@ Thur@@ rock@@ Ti@@ ver@@ ton and Hon@@ it@@ on@@ Ton@@ bridge and Mal@@ ling@@ To@@ ot@@ ing@@ Tor@@ bay@@ Tor@@ fa@@ en@@ Tot@@ nes@@ Tot@@ ten@@ ham@@ Tr@@ uro and Fal@@ mouth@@ Tun@@ bridge Wel@@ ls@@ Tw@@ ick@@ en@@ ham@@ Ty@@ ne@@ mouth@@ Ty@@ ne@@ side North@@ Tyrone West@@ Ul@@ ster Mid@@ Upper Ban@@ n@@ U@@ x@@ bridge and Ru@@ is@@ lip South@@ Vale of Cl@@ wy@@ d@@ Vale of Gla@@ mor@@ gan@@ Vau@@ x@@ hall@@ Wake@@ field@@ Walla@@ se@@ y@@ Wal@@ s@@ all North@@ Wal@@ s@@ all South@@ Wal@@ th@@ am@@ sto@@ w@@ W@@ ans@@ be@@ ck@@ W@@ anta@@ ge@@ War@@ ley@@ War@@ rington North@@ War@@ rington South@@ Warwick and Le@@ am@@ ing@@ ton@@ War@@ wick@@ shire North@@ Washington and S@@ under@@ land West@@ Wat@@ ford@@ W@@ av@@ ene@@ y@@ We@@ al@@ den@@ Weaver V@@ ale@@ Welling@@ bor@@ ough@@ Wel@@ ls@@ Wel@@ wyn Hat@@ field@@ Went@@ worth and Dear@@ ne@@ West Bro@@ m@@ wich East@@ West Bro@@ m@@ wich West@@ West Ham@@ Westmin@@ ster North@@ West@@ mor@@ land and Lon@@ s@@ dale@@ Weston @-@ Super @-@ Mar@@ e@@ Wig@@ an@@ Wil@@ t@@ shire North@@ Wil@@ t@@ shire South West@@ Wim@@ bled@@ on@@ Win@@ chest@@ er@@ Wind@@ sor@@ Wir@@ ral South@@ Wir@@ ral West@@ With@@ am@@ Wit@@ ney@@ W@@ ok@@ ing@@ W@@ ok@@ ing@@ ham@@ Wolver@@ ha@@ mpton North East@@ Wolver@@ ha@@ mpton South East@@ Wolver@@ ha@@ mpton South West@@ Wor@@ cest@@ er@@ Wor@@ cest@@ er@@ shire Mid@@ Wor@@ cest@@ er@@ shire West@@ Wor@@ king@@ ton@@ Wor@@ sley and Ec@@ cles South@@ Wor@@ thing East and S@@ hore@@ ham@@ Wor@@ thing West@@ W@@ rex@@ ham@@ Wy@@ com@@ be@@ Wy@@ re Forest@@ Wy@@ re and Preston North@@ Wy@@ then@@ sha@@ we and Sale East@@ Ye@@ ov@@ il@@ Y@@ n@@ ys Mon@@ York Cen@@ tral@@ York Ou@@ ter@@ Yorkshire East

emjotde commented 7 years ago

I am not convinced yet. Three more please.

hieuhoang commented 7 years ago

i'm gonna be booted of github for using up their bandwidth

hieuhoang commented 7 years ago

ok. i'm adding a -max-length arg to defend against these input, default=500. It doesn't solve the problem when u push the mini-batch size too far

lets see what happens after the optimized broadcast

emjotde commented 7 years ago

Is this a hard truncate?

emjotde commented 7 years ago

The optimization should actually solve the problem, it will reduce it by a factor of 2048. I do not think there is another matrix that has these combinatorial resizes.