Object_Access_Violation issue exists @ projects/Hashing_passwords/hashing_passwords.py in branch master
Method parser.parse_args at line 9 of projects\Hashing_passwords\hashing_passwords.py gets user input from element parse_args. This input is used by the application, without being validated, to access arbitrary attributes of potentially sensitive objects.Similarity ID: -1648249596
Object_Access_Violation issue exists @ projects/Hashing_passwords/hashing_passwords.py in branch master
Method parser.parse_args at line 9 of projects\Hashing_passwords\hashing_passwords.py gets user input from element parse_args. This input is used by the application, without being validated, to access arbitrary attributes of potentially sensitive objects.Similarity ID: -1648249596
Severity: Medium
Vulnerability details and guidance
Internal Guidance
Training Recommended Fix
Lines: 9
Code (Line #9):