Communication_Over_HTTP issue exists @ projects/Fetch_current_weather/ in branch master
The application's requests.get method, in projects\Fetch_current_weather\ at line 14, sends an HTTP request to the server using get. However this request is sent over unprotected HTTP, without securing the channel with HTTPS. This will expose transported data to Man-in-the-Middle attacks.Similarity ID: 1469275027
Communication_Over_HTTP issue exists @ projects/Fetch_current_weather/ in branch master
The application's requests.get method, in projects\Fetch_current_weather\ at line 14, sends an HTTP request to the server using get. However this request is sent over unprotected HTTP, without securing the channel with HTTPS. This will expose transported data to Man-in-the-Middle attacks.Similarity ID: 1469275027
Severity: Medium
Vulnerability details and guidance
Internal Guidance
Training Recommended Fix
Lines: 8
Code (Line #8):