marianacelyvelasquez / deep-learning-project

Group project for the Deep Learning course in HS 2023: Arrhythmia detection via dialted CNN + SWAG
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Running Dilated CNN Code #2

Open pascal-mueller opened 9 months ago

pascal-mueller commented 9 months ago

Trying to run the code from the Dialted CNN paper. This issue is to share observations:

1) You have to provide the CINC2020 data in a directory that contains all .hea and all .mat files. This is weird because the data isn't shipped in this format. So one would first have to copy all the data form all the subdirs to one dir.

2) It seems that the notation of the voltage has changed. On the site we have e.g. A0001.mat 16+24 1000/mV 16 0 -21 3745 0 III yet if you download the data you have A0998.mat 16x1+24 1000.0(0)/mV 16 0 -48 0 0 V3 (note this is not the same record). The difference is, that on the frist example we have an intever 1000 and on the second we have a float with what I assume is an error bound (?) 1000.0(0). This is problematic because in at line 99 they get that value and try to cast it into an int i.e. int("1000.0(0)") which doesn't work.

In general their parse_header function is flawed and no idea how that thing can work with the current format. Also no idea why they would implement it themselfes when there's wfdb. Rant over. 😄

pascal-mueller commented 9 months ago

I think I fixed the

import os
import torch
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import fnmatch
from skmultilearn.model_selection.iterative_stratification import iterative_train_test_split

import torch
import numpy as np

class ToTensorPredict(object):
    """Convert ndarrays in sample to Tensors.

    def __call__(self, waveform):
        waveform = torch.from_numpy(waveform).type(torch.FloatTensor)
        return waveform

class ApplyGainPredict(object):
    """Normalize ECG signal by multiplying by specified gain and converting to millivolts.

    def __call__(self, waveform):
        # CINC data is only multiplied with 0.001, not 4.88
        waveform = waveform * 0.001
        return waveform

class ToTensor(object):
    """Convert ndarrays in sample to Tensors.

    def __call__(self, sample):
        waveform = sample['waveform']
        sample['waveform'] = torch.from_numpy(waveform).type(torch.FloatTensor)
        sample['label'] = torch.from_numpy(
        return sample

class ApplyGain(object):
    """Normalize ECG signal by multiplying by specified gain and converting to millivolts.

    def __init__(self, umc=False):
        self.umc = umc

    def __call__(self, sample):
        if self.umc:
            waveform = sample['waveform'] * 0.001 * 4.88
            waveform = sample['waveform'] * 0.001
        sample['waveform'] = waveform
        return sample

def get_classes(root_dir, header_files):
    classes = set()
    for file in header_files:
        input_file = os.path.join(root_dir, file)
        with open(input_file, 'r') as f:
            for lines in f:
                if lines.startswith('#Dx'):
                    tmp = lines.split(': ')[1].split(',')
                    for c in tmp:
    return sorted(classes)

class To12Lead(object):
    """Convert 8 lead waveforms to their 12 lead equivalent.

    def __call__(self, sample):
        waveform = sample['waveform']

        out = np.zeros((12, waveform.shape[1]))
        out[0:2, :] = waveform[0:2, :]  # I and II
        out[2, :] = waveform[1, :] - waveform[0, :]  # III = II - I
        out[3, :] = -(waveform[0, :] + waveform[1, :])/2  # aVR = -(I + II)/2
        out[4, :] = waveform[0, :] - (waveform[1, :]/2)  # aVL = I - II/2
        out[5, :] = waveform[1, :] - (waveform[0, :]/2)  # aVF = II - I/2
        out[6:12, :] = waveform[2:8, :]  # V1 to V6

        sample['waveform'] = out
        return sample

def generate_path(root_dir, filename):
    return os.path.join(root_dir, filename)

def parse_header(header_data):
    tmp_hea = header_data[0].split(' ')
    ptID = tmp_hea[0]
    num_leads = int(tmp_hea[1])
    sample_Fs = int(tmp_hea[2])
    gain_lead = np.zeros(num_leads)

    for ii in range(num_leads):
        tmp_hea = header_data[ii+1].split(' ')
        foo = tmp_hea[2].split('/')[0]
        foo = foo.split(".")[0]
        gain_lead[ii] = int(foo)

    # for testing, we included the mean age of 57 if the age is a NaN
    # This value will change as more data is being released
    for iline in header_data:
        if iline.startswith('# Age'):
            tmp_age = iline.split(': ')[1].strip()
            age = int(tmp_age if tmp_age != 'NaN' else 57)
        elif iline.startswith('# Sex'):
            tmp_sex = iline.split(': ')[1]
            sex = 1 if tmp_sex.strip() == 'Female' else 0
        elif iline.startswith('# Dx'):
            labels = [l.strip() for l in iline.split(': ')[1].split(',')]
    features = {'ptID': ptID, 'labels': labels, 'age': age, 'sex': sex,
                'num_leads': num_leads, 'sample_Fs': sample_Fs,
                'gain': gain_lead}
    return features

def get_y(root_dir, classes, header_files, class_mapping):
    y = []
    for fname in header_files:
        with open(generate_path(root_dir, fname), 'r') as f:
            header = parse_header(f.readlines())
            labels = np.zeros(len(classes))
            for l in header['labels']:
                if class_mapping is not None:
                    l_eq = class_mapping.loc[class_mapping['SNOMED CT Code'] == int(
                        l), 'Training Code']
                    if not l_eq.empty:
                        labels[classes.index(int(l_eq))] = 1
                    labels[classes.index(int(l))] = 1
    return np.array(y)

def get_xy(root_dir, max_sample_length, cut_off, class_mapping):
    waveform_files = sorted(fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(root_dir), '*.mat'))
    header_files = sorted(fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(root_dir), '*.hea'))
    if class_mapping is not None:
        classes = pd.unique(class_mapping['Training Code']).tolist()
        classes = get_classes(root_dir, header_files)
    X = [f.split('.')[0] for f in waveform_files]
    if cut_off:
        keep_indexes = range(len(X))
        # filter out samples with length greather than `max_length`
        keep_indexes = []
        for idx in range(len(X)):
            waveform =, X[idx]))['val']
            length = waveform.shape[1]
            if length <= max_sample_length:
    X = np.array(X)[keep_indexes]
    X = np.expand_dims(X, axis=1)
    y = get_y(root_dir, classes, header_files, class_mapping)[keep_indexes]
    return X, y, classes

def split_dataset(root_dir, test_size, max_sample_length, cut_off, class_mapping=None):
    X, y, classes = get_xy(root_dir, max_sample_length, cut_off, class_mapping)
    X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = iterative_train_test_split(
        X, y, test_size)
    return X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, classes
pascal-mueller commented 9 months ago

@marianacelyvelasquez If you have any insights into how to run the code from the paper, please note it here. Thank you!