mariano / disque-php

PHP library for Disque, an in-memory, distributed job queue
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Client does not cope with missing host in HELLO reponse #46

Open dominics opened 7 years ago

dominics commented 7 years ago

It's not well documented, but the HELLO response is not expected to always reply with an IP address for every node.


In this case, the Disque server does not have an IP address yet (even if you use the bind option), and the HELLO response looks like this:> hello
1) (integer) 1
2) "b27f65e00cb76bb4de71dab8148f3a09d93251cd"
3) 1) "b27f65e00cb76bb4de71dab8148f3a09d93251cd"
   2) ""
   3) "7711"
   4) "1"

In this situation, the client will still consider this a valid candidate node, and will load it into the connection managers ->nodes member during revealClusterFromHello()/revealNodeFromHello(). From there, it may be selected by the priorityStrategy and put into use (because even though it doesn't have a host, it does have a low priority), causing an error.

Instead, we should filter out HELLO responses that don't have a host set (we wouldn't be able to connect to them anyway)

dominics commented 7 years ago

I've asked for clarification as to whether this is expected upstream at:

Note that this breaks any assumption that HELLO will always return at least one valid node (it may contain none.)

dominics commented 7 years ago

This might not be such a problem because:

I think we're being saved by the fact you shouldn't be able to see a non-host HELLO response for any node but the one you originally connected to.