Closed DougieDCD closed 13 years ago
Same issue here.
Same here. Attempting to install on OS X Lion.
I actually fixed this in ubuntu by installing nodejs-dev (sudo apt-get install nodejs-dev). Not sure of the equivalent in OS X Lion.
Please test again with the new release
Error persists in new version.
Please paste the contents of npm.log
info it worked if it ends with ok
verbose cli [ 'node', '/usr/bin/npm', 'install', 'db-mysql' ]
info using npm@1.0.30
info using node@v0.4.12
verbose /usr/bin/node node symlink
verbose config file /home/dndavies/.npmrc
verbose config file /usr/etc/npmrc
silly testEngine { name: 'npm',
silly testEngine description: 'A package manager for node',
silly testEngine keywords:
silly testEngine [ 'package manager',
silly testEngine 'modules',
silly testEngine 'install',
silly testEngine 'package.json' ],
silly testEngine version: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine preferGlobal: true,
silly testEngine config: { publishtest: false },
silly testEngine homepage: '',
silly testEngine author:
silly testEngine { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine bugs:
silly testEngine { email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine directories:
silly testEngine { doc: './doc',
silly testEngine man: './man1',
silly testEngine lib: './lib',
silly testEngine bin: './bin' },
silly testEngine main: 'npm',
silly testEngine bin:
silly testEngine { npm: './bin/npm.js',
silly testEngine npm_g: './bin/npm.js',
silly testEngine 'npm-g': './bin/npm.js' },
silly testEngine dependencies:
silly testEngine { semver: '1',
silly testEngine ini: '1',
silly testEngine slide: '1',
silly testEngine abbrev: '1',
silly testEngine 'graceful-fs': '1',
silly testEngine minimatch: '0',
silly testEngine nopt: '1',
silly testEngine 'node-uuid': '1.2',
silly testEngine 'proto-list': '1',
silly testEngine rimraf: '1',
silly testEngine request: '~2.1.1',
silly testEngine which: '1' },
silly testEngine bundleDependencies:
silly testEngine [ 'slide',
silly testEngine 'ini',
silly testEngine 'semver',
silly testEngine 'abbrev',
silly testEngine 'graceful-fs',
silly testEngine 'minimatch',
silly testEngine 'nopt',
silly testEngine 'node-uuid',
silly testEngine 'rimraf',
silly testEngine 'request',
silly testEngine 'proto-list',
silly testEngine 'which' ],
silly testEngine devDependencies: { ronn: '' },
silly testEngine engines: { node: '0.4 || 0.5', npm: '1' },
silly testEngine scripts:
silly testEngine { test: './test/',
silly testEngine prepublish: 'make doc',
silly testEngine dumpconf: 'env | grep npm | sort | uniq' },
silly testEngine licenses:
silly testEngine [ { type: 'MIT',
silly testEngine url: '' } ],
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false,
silly testEngine contributors:
silly testEngine [ 'Isaac Z. Schlueter (',
silly testEngine 'Steve Steiner (',
silly testEngine 'Mikeal Rogers (',
silly testEngine 'Aaron Blohowiak (',
silly testEngine 'Martyn Smith (',
silly testEngine 'Mathias Pettersson (',
silly testEngine 'Brian Hammond (',
silly testEngine 'Charlie Robbins (',
silly testEngine 'Francisco Treacy (',
silly testEngine 'Cliffano Subagio (',
silly testEngine 'Christian Eager (',
silly testEngine 'Dav Glass (',
silly testEngine 'Alex K. Wolfe',
silly testEngine 'James Sanders (',
silly testEngine 'Reid Burke (',
silly testEngine 'Arlo Breault (',
silly testEngine 'Timo Derstappen (',
silly testEngine 'Bradley Meck',
silly testEngine 'Bart Teeuwisse (',
silly testEngine 'Ben Noordhuis (',
silly testEngine 'Tor Valamo (',
silly testEngine 'Whyme.Lyu (',
silly testEngine 'Olivier Melcher',
silly testEngine 'Tomaž Muraus (',
silly testEngine 'Evan Meagher (',
silly testEngine 'Orlando Vazquez (',
silly testEngine 'George Miroshnykov',
silly testEngine 'Geoff Flarity (',
silly testEngine 'Pete Kruckenberg',
silly testEngine 'Laurie Harper (',
silly testEngine 'Chris Wong',
silly testEngine 'Max Goodman (',
silly testEngine 'Scott Bronson',
silly testEngine 'Federico Romero',
silly testEngine 'Visnu Pitiyanuvath (',
silly testEngine 'Irakli Gozalishvili (',
silly testEngine 'Mark Cahill (',
silly testEngine 'Zearin',
silly testEngine 'Iain Sproat',
silly testEngine 'Trent Mick (',
silly testEngine 'Felix Geisendörfer (',
silly testEngine 'Conny Brunnkvist (',
silly testEngine 'Will (' ] },
silly testEngine _id: 'npm@1.0.30',
silly testEngine contributors:
silly testEngine [ { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Steve Steiner',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Mikeal Rogers',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Aaron Blohowiak',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Martyn Smith',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Mathias Pettersson',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Brian Hammond',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Charlie Robbins',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Francisco Treacy',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Cliffano Subagio',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Christian Eager',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Dav Glass',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Alex K. Wolfe',
silly testEngine email: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'James Sanders',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Reid Burke',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Arlo Breault',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Timo Derstappen',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Bradley Meck',
silly testEngine email: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Bart Teeuwisse',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Ben Noordhuis',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Tor Valamo',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Whyme.Lyu',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Olivier Melcher',
silly testEngine email: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Tomaž Muraus',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Evan Meagher',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Orlando Vazquez',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'George Miroshnykov',
silly testEngine email: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Geoff Flarity',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Pete Kruckenberg',
silly testEngine email: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Laurie Harper',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Chris Wong',
silly testEngine email: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Max Goodman',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Scott Bronson',
silly testEngine email: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Federico Romero',
silly testEngine email: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Visnu Pitiyanuvath',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Irakli Gozalishvili',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Mark Cahill',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Zearin', email: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Iain Sproat', email: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Trent Mick',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Felix Geisendörfer',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Conny Brunnkvist',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Will',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' } ],
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silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true,
silly testEngine man:
silly testEngine [ 'man1/start.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/owner.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/home.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/publish.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/author.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/link.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/init.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/ls.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/list.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/folders.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/explore.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/README.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/outdated.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/json.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/set.1',
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silly testEngine 'man1/prune.1',
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silly testEngine 'man1/uninstall.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/stop.1',
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silly testEngine 'man1/removing-npm.1',
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silly testEngine 'man1/developers.1',
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silly testEngine 'man1/deprecate.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/completion.1',
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silly testEngine 'man1/build.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/help-search.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/global.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/rebuild.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/prefix.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/config.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/help.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/submodule.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/restart.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/whoami.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/registry.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/edit.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/view.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/search.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/npm.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/coding-style.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/install.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/pack.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/get.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/ln.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/semver.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/bundle.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/update.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/index.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/cache.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/root.1',
silly testEngine 'man1/rm.1' ] }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/package.json
verbose loadDefaults npm@1.0.30
silly testEngine { name: 'nopt',
silly testEngine version: '1.0.8',
silly testEngine description: 'Option parsing for Node, supporting types, shorthands, etc. Used by npm.',
silly testEngine author:
silly testEngine { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine main: 'lib/nopt.js',
silly testEngine scripts: { test: 'node lib/nopt.js' },
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine bin: { nopt: './bin/nopt.js' },
silly testEngine license:
silly testEngine { type: 'MIT',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine dependencies: { abbrev: '1' },
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/nopt/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false },
silly testEngine id: 'nopt@1.0.8',
silly testEngine devDependencies: {},
silly testEngine engines: { node: '' },
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/nopt/package.json
verbose loadDefaults nopt@1.0.8
silly testEngine { author:
silly testEngine { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine name: 'minimatch',
silly testEngine description: 'a glob matcher in javascript',
silly testEngine version: '0.0.4',
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine main: 'minimatch.js',
silly testEngine scripts: { test: 'tap test' },
silly testEngine engines: { node: '' },
silly testEngine bundleDependencies: [ 'lru-cache' ],
silly testEngine dependencies: { 'lru-cache': '~1.0.2' },
silly testEngine devDependencies: { tap: '~0.0.5' },
silly testEngine licenses:
silly testEngine [ { type: 'MIT',
silly testEngine url: '' } ],
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minimatch/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false },
silly testEngine _id: 'minimatch@0.0.4',
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/minimatch/package.json
verbose loadDefaults minimatch@0.0.4
silly testEngine { name: 'abbrev',
silly testEngine version: '1.0.3',
silly testEngine description: 'Like ruby\'s abbrev module, but in js',
silly testEngine author: { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter', email: '' },
silly testEngine main: './lib/abbrev.js',
silly testEngine scripts: { test: 'node lib/abbrev.js' },
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/abbrev/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false },
silly testEngine id: 'abbrev@1.0.3',
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine devDependencies: {},
silly testEngine engines: { node: '' },
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/abbrev/package.json
verbose loadDefaults abbrev@1.0.3
silly testEngine { name: 'semver',
silly testEngine version: '1.0.9',
silly testEngine description: 'The semantic version parser used by npm.',
silly testEngine main: 'semver.js',
silly testEngine scripts: { test: 'tap semver.js' },
silly testEngine devDependencies: { tap: '0.x >=0.0.4' },
silly testEngine license:
silly testEngine { type: 'MIT',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine bin: { semver: './bin/semver' },
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/semver/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false },
silly testEngine id: 'semver@1.0.9',
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine engines: { node: '' },
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/semver/package.json
verbose loadDefaults semver@1.0.9
silly testEngine { name: 'proto-list',
silly testEngine version: '1.0.0',
silly testEngine description: 'A utility for managing a prototype chain',
silly testEngine main: './proto-list.js',
silly testEngine author:
silly testEngine { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine scripts: { test: 'node proto-list.js' },
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine license:
silly testEngine { type: 'MIT',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine devDependencies: { tap: '0' },
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/proto-list/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false },
silly testEngine id: 'proto-list@1.0.0',
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine engines: { node: '' },
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/proto-list/package.json
verbose loadDefaults proto-list@1.0.0
silly testEngine { name: 'slide',
silly testEngine version: '1.1.3',
silly testEngine author:
silly testEngine { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine contributors:
silly testEngine [ { name: 'S. Sriram',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' } ],
silly testEngine description: 'A flow control lib small enough to fit on in a slide presentation. Derived live at Oak.JS',
silly testEngine main: './lib/slide.js',
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine devDependencies: {},
silly testEngine engines: { node: '' },
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/slide/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false },
silly testEngine _id: 'slide@1.1.3',
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/slide/package.json
verbose loadDefaults slide@1.1.3
silly testEngine { author:
silly testEngine { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine name: 'ini',
silly testEngine description: 'An ini encoder/decoder for node',
silly testEngine version: '1.0.1',
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine main: 'ini.js',
silly testEngine scripts: { test: 'tap test/.js' },
silly testEngine engines: { node: '_' },
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine devDependencies: { tap: '~0.0.9' },
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/ini/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false },
silly testEngine _id: 'ini@1.0.1',
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/ini/package.json
verbose loadDefaults ini@1.0.1
silly testEngine { name: 'request',
silly testEngine description: 'Simplified HTTP request client.',
silly testEngine tags: [ 'http', 'simple', 'util', 'utility' ],
silly testEngine version: '2.1.1',
silly testEngine author:
silly testEngine { name: 'Mikeal Rogers',
silly testEngine email: '' },
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine bugs: { url: '' },
silly testEngine engines: [ 'node >= 0.3.6', node: ' >= 0.3.6' ],
silly testEngine main: './main',
silly testEngine scripts: { test: 'bash tests/' },
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false },
silly testEngine _id: 'request@2.1.1',
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine devDependencies: {},
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/request/package.json
verbose loadDefaults request@2.1.1
silly testEngine { author:
silly testEngine { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine name: 'graceful-fs',
silly testEngine description: 'fs with incremental backoff on EMFILE',
silly testEngine version: '1.0.0',
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine main: 'graceful-fs.js',
silly testEngine engines: { node: '0.4 || 0.5' },
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine devDependencies: {},
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false },
silly testEngine _id: 'graceful-fs@1.0.0',
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/graceful-fs/package.json
verbose loadDefaults graceful-fs@1.0.0
silly testEngine { author:
silly testEngine { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine name: 'which',
silly testEngine description: 'Like which(1) unix command. Find the first instance of an executable in the PATH.',
silly testEngine version: '1.0.2',
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine main: 'which.js',
silly testEngine bin: { which: './bin/which' },
silly testEngine engines: { node: '' },
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine devDependencies: {},
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/which/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false },
silly testEngine _id: 'which@1.0.2',
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/which/package.json
verbose loadDefaults which@1.0.2
silly testEngine { name: 'node-uuid',
silly testEngine description: 'Simple, fast generation of RFC4122(v4) UUIDs.',
silly testEngine url: '',
silly testEngine keywords: [ 'uuid', 'guid', 'rfc4122' ],
silly testEngine author: { name: 'Robert Kieffer', email: '' },
silly testEngine contributors: [],
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine lib: '.',
silly testEngine main: './uuid.js',
silly testEngine version: '1.2.0',
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-uuid/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false },
silly testEngine id: 'node-uuid@1.2.0',
silly testEngine devDependencies: {},
silly testEngine engines: { node: '' },
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-uuid/package.json
verbose loadDefaults node-uuid@1.2.0
silly testEngine { name: 'rimraf',
silly testEngine version: '1.0.6',
silly testEngine main: 'rimraf.js',
silly testEngine description: 'A deep deletion module for node (like rm -rf
silly testEngine author:
silly testEngine { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine license:
silly testEngine { type: 'MIT',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine repository:
silly testEngine { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: 'git://' },
silly testEngine scripts: { test: 'cd test && bash' },
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/rimraf/package.json',
silly testEngine wscript: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false,
silly testEngine contributors:
silly testEngine [ 'Isaac Z. Schlueter (',
silly testEngine 'Wayne Larsen (',
silly testEngine 'ritch',
silly testEngine 'Marcel Laverdet' ] },
silly testEngine id: 'rimraf@1.0.6',
silly testEngine contributors:
silly testEngine [ { name: 'Isaac Z. Schlueter',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Wayne Larsen',
silly testEngine email: '',
silly testEngine url: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'ritch', email: '' },
silly testEngine { name: 'Marcel Laverdet' } ],
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine devDependencies: {},
silly testEngine engines: { node: '' },
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/rimraf/package.json
verbose loadDefaults rimraf@1.0.6
verbose from cache /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/package.json
verbose into /usr/lib/nodemodules/npm [ 'db-mysql' ]
verbose cache add db-mysql
verbose cache add [ 'db-mysql', null ]
silly cache add: name, spec, args [ undefined, 'db-mysql', [ 'db-mysql', null ] ]
verbose parsed url { pathname: 'db-mysql', href: 'db-mysql' }
info addNamed [ 'db-mysql', '' ]
verbose addNamed [ null, '' ]
verbose GET db-mysql
verbose raw, before any munging db-mysql
verbose url resolving [ '', './db-mysql' ]
verbose url resolved
verbose etag "6IZ4GD6A0Y8CVIP8PCOF2CXSE"
silly get cb [ 304,
silly get cb { server: 'CouchDB/1.1.0 (Erlang OTP/R14B04)',
silly get cb etag: '"6IZ4GD6A0Y8CVIP8PCOF2CXSE"',
silly get cb date: 'Sun, 13 Nov 2011 19:25:44 GMT',
silly get cb 'content-length': '0' } ]
verbose etag db-mysql from cache
verbose GET db-mysql/0.7.5
verbose raw, before any munging db-mysql/0.7.5
verbose url resolving [ '', './db-mysql/0.7.5' ]
verbose url resolved
verbose etag "6IZ4GD6A0Y8CVIP8PCOF2CXSE"
silly get cb [ 304,
silly get cb { server: 'CouchDB/1.1.0 (Erlang OTP/R14B04)',
silly get cb etag: '"6IZ4GD6A0Y8CVIP8PCOF2CXSE"',
silly get cb date: 'Sun, 13 Nov 2011 19:25:45 GMT',
silly get cb 'content-length': '0' } ]
verbose etag db-mysql/0.7.5 from cache
verbose bin dist [ '0.4-ares1.7.4-ev4.4-openssl0.9.8o-v83.1.8.26-linux-2.6.38-8-server',
verbose bin dist { shasum: '9985613b74085eef3c733fc3c9e673c0af581053',
verbose bin dist tarball: '' } ]
verbose has wscript [ undefined,
verbose has wscript { file: '/home/dndavies/.npm/db-mysql/0.7.5/package/package.json',
verbose has wscript contributors: false,
verbose has wscript serverjs: false,
verbose has wscript wscript: true } ]
silly testEngine { name: 'db-mysql',
silly testEngine description: 'MySQL database bindings for Node.JS',
silly testEngine keywords:
silly testEngine [ 'database',
silly testEngine 'db',
silly testEngine 'native',
silly testEngine 'binding',
silly testEngine 'library',
silly testEngine 'plugin',
silly testEngine 'client',
silly testEngine 'mysql',
silly testEngine 'libmysql' ],
silly testEngine homepage: '',
silly testEngine version: '0.7.5',
silly testEngine engines: { node: '>=0.4.1' },
silly testEngine maintainers:
silly testEngine [ { name: 'Mariano Iglesias',
silly testEngine email: '' } ],
silly testEngine bugs: { url: '' },
silly testEngine licenses: [ { type: 'MIT' } ],
silly testEngine repositories:
silly testEngine [ { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: '' } ],
silly testEngine main: './db-mysql',
silly testEngine scripts:
silly testEngine { install: 'node-waf configure build',
silly testEngine preuninstall: 'rm -rf build/',
silly testEngine test: 'node-waf test',
silly testEngine doc: 'node-waf doc' },
silly testEngine devDependencies: { nodeunit: '', nodelint: '' },
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/home/dndavies/.npm/db-mysql/0.7.5/package/package.json',
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false,
silly testEngine wscript: true },
silly testEngine _id: 'db-mysql@0.7.5',
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /home/dndavies/.npm/db-mysql/0.7.5/package/package.json
verbose loadDefaults db-mysql@0.7.5
silly resolved [ { name: 'db-mysql',
silly resolved description: 'MySQL database bindings for Node.JS',
silly resolved keywords:
silly resolved [ 'database',
silly resolved 'db',
silly resolved 'native',
silly resolved 'binding',
silly resolved 'library',
silly resolved 'plugin',
silly resolved 'client',
silly resolved 'mysql',
silly resolved 'libmysql' ],
silly resolved homepage: '',
silly resolved version: '0.7.5',
silly resolved engines: { node: '>=0.4.1' },
silly resolved maintainers:
silly resolved [ { name: 'Mariano Iglesias',
silly resolved email: '' } ],
silly resolved bugs: { url: '' },
silly resolved licenses: [ { type: 'MIT' } ],
silly resolved repositories:
silly resolved [ { type: 'git',
silly resolved url: '' } ],
silly resolved main: './db-mysql',
silly resolved scripts:
silly resolved { install: 'node-waf configure build',
silly resolved preuninstall: 'rm -rf build/',
silly resolved test: 'node-waf test',
silly resolved doc: 'node-waf doc' },
silly resolved devDependencies: { nodeunit: '_', nodelint: '*' },
silly resolved _npmJsonOpts:
silly resolved { file: '/home/dndavies/.npm/db-mysql/0.7.5/package/package.json',
silly resolved contributors: false,
silly resolved serverjs: false,
silly resolved wscript: true },
silly resolved _id: 'db-mysql@0.7.5',
silly resolved dependencies: {},
silly resolved _engineSupported: true,
silly resolved _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly resolved _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly resolved _defaultsLoaded: true } ]
info into /usr/lib/node_modules/npm db-mysql@0.7.5
info installOne db-mysql@0.7.5
info unbuild /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/db-mysql
verbose from cache /home/dndavies/.npm/db-mysql/0.7.5/package/package.json
verbose mkdir (expected) error ENOENT, No such file or directory '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm'
verbose mkdir done: /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm 755
verbose unpack_ uid, gid [ 1000, 1000 ]
verbose unpackTarget /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/db-mysql
silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
verbose success gzip "--decompress" "--stdout" "/home/dndavies/.npm/db-mysql/0.7.5/package.tgz"
verbose success tar "-mvxpf" "-" "-o" "-C" "/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm"
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/mysql-test-sync.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/.gitignore
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/mysql-test.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/mysql-test-async.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/tests.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/package.json
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/db-mysql.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/mysql-test-long-number.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/CHANGELOG
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/t.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/mysql-test-insert.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/.gitmodules
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/wscript
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/mysql-test-sync-update.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/.npmignore
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/mysql-test-placeholder.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/mysql-test-long.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/mysql-test-manual-query.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/tests-settings.json
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/tests-db.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/mysql-test-no-connection.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/src/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/src/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/src/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/src/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/src/query.h
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/src/result.h
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/src/mysql.h
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/src/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/src/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/src/connection.h
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/doc/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/doc/index.html
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/doc/changelog.html
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/doc/api.html
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/lib/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/exception.h
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/node_defs.h
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/tests.js
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/events.h
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/query.h
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/result.h
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/connection.h
silly asyncMap in gTP /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/_db-mysql.npm/package/lib/node-db/binding.h
verbose gunzed /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql.npm/package
verbose rm'ed /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/db-mysql
verbose renamed [ '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/___db-mysql.npm/package',
verbose renamed '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/db-mysql' ]
verbose has wscript [ undefined,
verbose has wscript { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/nodemodules/db-mysql/package.json',
verbose has wscript contributors: false,
verbose has wscript serverjs: false,
verbose has wscript wscript: true } ]
silly testEngine { name: 'db-mysql',
silly testEngine description: 'MySQL database bindings for Node.JS',
silly testEngine keywords:
silly testEngine [ 'database',
silly testEngine 'db',
silly testEngine 'native',
silly testEngine 'binding',
silly testEngine 'library',
silly testEngine 'plugin',
silly testEngine 'client',
silly testEngine 'mysql',
silly testEngine 'libmysql' ],
silly testEngine homepage: '',
silly testEngine version: '0.7.5',
silly testEngine engines: { node: '>=0.4.1' },
silly testEngine maintainers:
silly testEngine [ { name: 'Mariano Iglesias',
silly testEngine email: '' } ],
silly testEngine bugs: { url: '' },
silly testEngine licenses: [ { type: 'MIT' } ],
silly testEngine repositories:
silly testEngine [ { type: 'git',
silly testEngine url: '' } ],
silly testEngine main: './db-mysql',
silly testEngine scripts:
silly testEngine { install: 'node-waf configure build',
silly testEngine preuninstall: 'rm -rf build/',
silly testEngine test: 'node-waf test',
silly testEngine doc: 'node-waf doc' },
silly testEngine devDependencies: { nodeunit: '', nodelint: '' },
silly testEngine _npmJsonOpts:
silly testEngine { file: '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/db-mysql/package.json',
silly testEngine contributors: false,
silly testEngine serverjs: false,
silly testEngine wscript: true },
silly testEngine _id: 'db-mysql@0.7.5',
silly testEngine dependencies: {},
silly testEngine _engineSupported: true,
silly testEngine _npmVersion: '1.0.30',
silly testEngine _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.12',
silly testEngine _defaultsLoaded: true }
verbose caching /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/db-mysql/package.json
verbose loadDefaults db-mysql@0.7.5
info preinstall db-mysql@0.7.5
verbose from cache /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/db-mysql/package.json
verbose into /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/db-mysql []
silly resolved []
verbose about to build /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/db-mysql
info build /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/db-mysql
verbose from cache /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/db-mysql/package.json
verbose linkStuff [ false,
verbose linkStuff false,
verbose linkStuff false,
verbose linkStuff '/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules' ]
info linkStuff db-mysql@0.7.5
verbose linkBins db-mysql@0.7.5
verbose linkMans db-mysql@0.7.5
verbose rebuildBundles db-mysql@0.7.5
info install db-mysql@0.7.5
verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle false
verbose Setting uid from 0 1000
verbose stack at uid setting Error
verbose stack at uid setting at exec (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/exec.js:35:17)
verbose stack at uid setting at Array.0 (/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/lifecycle.js:119:5)
verbose stack at uid setting at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:126:26)
silly exec sh "-c" "node-waf configure build"
info db-mysql@0.7.5 Failed to exec install script
ERR! error installing db-mysql@0.7.5 Error: db-mysql@0.7.5 install: node-waf configure build
ERR! error installing db-mysql@0.7.5 sh "-c" "node-waf configure build"
failed with 127
ERR! error installing db-mysql@0.7.5 at ChildProcess.node-waf configure build
ERR! sh "-c" "node-waf configure build"
failed with 127
ERR! Failed at the db-mysql@0.7.5 install script.
ERR! This is most likely a problem with the db-mysql package,
ERR! not with npm itself.
ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
ERR! node-waf configure build
ERR! You can get their info via:
ERR! npm owner ls db-mysql
ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
ERR! System Linux 2.6.38-8-server
ERR! command "node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "db-mysql"
ERR! cwd /usr/lib/node_modules/npm
ERR! node -v v0.4.12
ERR! npm -v 1.0.30
verbose exit [ 1, true ]
Ok that doesn't help much.
Can you switch into the db-mysql directory and give me the output of:
$ node-waf configure build --verbose
The program 'node-waf' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install nodejs-dev
Surely I shouldn't have to install nodejs-dev on my production server?
note: even with that installed, I get the following error:
npm install db-mysql
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: No such module
at Object.
That's inane. Clearly the db-mysql package is there:
Do you have npm updated? You should realize that it was updated recently. And you obviously need to have nodejs-dev for installing binary add ons, as was cleared out earlier in this same ticket.
I'm having the same issue attempting to install on OS X 10.6.8.
MySQL 5.1.43 node.js v0.6.2 npm 1.0.106
I followed the install instructions which said to add an env variable MYSQL_CONFIG pointing to /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config. I added this to my bash_profile and then source'd the file and verified echo $MYSQL_CONFIG prints out appropriately.
I then did sudo npm install -g db-mysql. NOTE: I also checked ticket #32 because it's essentially the same error.
Here's the last part of npm-debug.log in my project directory starting where the error occurred:
info install db-mysql@0.7.6
verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle false
verbose Setting uid from 0 nobody
verbose stack at uid setting Error
verbose stack at uid setting at exec (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/exec.js:35:17)
verbose stack at uid setting at Array.0 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/lifecycle.js:127:5)
verbose stack at uid setting at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:192:40)
silly exec sh "-c" "node-waf configure build"
silly spawning [ 'sh',
silly spawning [ '-c', 'node-waf configure build' ],
silly spawning '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/db-mysql' ]
info db-mysql@0.7.6 Failed to exec install script
ERR! error installing db-mysql@0.7.6 Error: db-mysql@0.7.6 install: node-waf configure build
ERR! error installing db-mysql@0.7.6 sh "-c" "node-waf configure build"
failed with 1
ERR! error installing db-mysql@0.7.6 at ChildProcess.node-waf configure build
ERR! sh "-c" "node-waf configure build"
failed with 1
ERR! Failed at the db-mysql@0.7.6 install script.
ERR! This is most likely a problem with the db-mysql package,
ERR! not with npm itself.
ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
ERR! node-waf configure build
ERR! You can get their info via:
ERR! npm owner ls db-mysql
ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
ERR! System Darwin 10.8.0
ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "-g" "db-mysql"
ERR! cwd /Users/aaron/Sites/nodesite
ERR! node -v v0.6.2
ERR! npm -v 1.0.106
verbose exit [ 1, true ]
Make sure you have mysql_config binary installed on your OS. For example, on Ubuntu perform a find (sudo find / -n mysql_config) to see if you have it on your filesystem. If its found but not on your path, then set the environment variable MYSQL_CONFIG as described. If its not found then you need to install it. Again, on Ubuntu its part of the libmysqlclient-dev package. (sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev).
npm ERR! db-mysql@0.6.7 install:
node-waf configure build
npm ERR!sh "-c" "node-waf configure build"
failed with 127 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the db-mysql@0.6.7 install script. npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the db-mysql package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! node-waf configure build npm ERR! You can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls db-mysql npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above. npm ERR! npm ERR! System Linux 2.6.38-8-server npm ERR! command "node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "db-mysql" npm ERR! cwd /home/dndavies npm ERR! node -v v0.4.12 npm ERR! npm -v 1.0.30 npm ERR! npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in: npm ERR! /home/dndavies/npm-debug.log npm not ok