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Resources for Newsletter 2019/12/4 #1

Closed marianoguerra closed 4 years ago

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

This issue collects resources for the newsletter of the year/month/week that should be in the title

If you want to contribute open the issue and paste a resource you think is worth sharing in the newsletter and comment on the issue of the week.

Use comment reactions on issue comments to upvote/downvote/whatever each submission the reactions that have a clear sense of positive/negative will be considered to rank the submissions of the week.

alltom commented 4 years ago

Kartik posted this series of articles (in #random). I generally enjoy Kartik's links, but I haven't found the time to read this one yet. Can I still post it, and let the emoji reactions decide its fate?

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

I think we should thank Steve Krouse for his work creating and running this community

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Developers may be willing to pay for better dev tools:

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

A Tool for Tought

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Layering optimizations that require extra state

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Experiments in Constraint-based Graphic Design

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Consider the Development Feedback Loop - Mel Conway

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

You Can Have Collaborative Software That’s Wary of the Cloud

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Shalabh Chaturvedi 9:45 PM The 'no apps' perspective:, found via

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Mariano Guerra 6:03 PM JavaScript is analogous to Visual Basic in that it can be used by people with little or no programming experience to quickly construct complex applications.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Lambda World 2018 - Musical patterns as functions - Alexandra Cárdenas

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Clojure in Unity

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Declarative assembly of web applications from pre-defined concepts

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Component-Based Live Coding Environment

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

"A Live Programming Experience" by Sean McDirmid

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Your Debugger Sucks:

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Towards a unified theory of reactive UI - Raph Levien’s blog

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Local-first software: you own your data, in spite of the cloud

Related to:

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Tom Lieber:

"The goal of all of this eventually is to have a system that I can replace a lot of these old-fashioned manually-made Microsoft Access applications and all the different views, forms, reports, tables, and so on that you see in those."

Eirik BakkeEirik Bakke @eirikbakke Ultorg: A User Interface for Relational Databases (latest demo!)

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Excel Announcements @ Ignite 2019

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Doug Moen 3:33 PM

"Viewpoint: Toward a computer for Visual Thinkers" : Scott Kim, 1988. "What would a visual programming language look like, if computers had been invented by artists and visually oriented people, instead of by mathematicians and engineers?" As a first step, Kim proposes that the user's mental model of the program should be perfectly aligned with what is shown on the display: no hidden state.

The following video shows a graphical/textual editing environment where the full state of the editor is shown on the display. To use the editor, you must think visually, about what is shown on the display, instead of thinking abstractly and symbolically about the system's hidden state.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Ivan Reese 11:37 PM A new article by Vi Hart about their experiments programming with mixed physical/virtual objects:

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Future of Coding Virtual Symposium I Recording

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Robbie Gleichman: This paper looks useful for understanding how to visually represent code: Unifying Textual and Visual: a Theoretical Account of the Visual Perception of Programming Languages

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Garth Goldwater:

Some interesting stuff in this talk, including structural editing via drag and drop (with text, so a possible evolution of the block paradigm)

YOW! 2016 Dan Ingalls - Pronto: Toward a Live Designer's Notebook #YOW

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Garth Goldwater:

Really thought provoking talk on using pattern matching for better data transforms, and then for better debugging, and then for better core generation

Meander: Declarative Explorations at the Limits of FP by Jimmy Miller

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Nushell 0.7.0 Released

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

A Review of Paul Graham's Bel, Chris Granger's Eve, and a Silly VR Rant

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Releasing Nodes Alpha! We will start will small batch of lucky testers over the Christmas and scale up with Beta in early 2020.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Hacking on a VR desktop inside of a VR desktop

A short session working from inside of our VR Wayland compositor, wxrc. The view you're seeing is with a narrower field-of-view than you see in the headset, so it's less claustrophobic in practice.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Robbie Gleichman:

Here's a video presentation of my attempt at a compact visual syntax for Haskell as part of the Glance project. Video Slides

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Alex McLean: An effort at in-code feedback in tidal

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Sol Bekic: Built a little PoC of the Immediate-Mode ad-hoc scripting idea, and recorded a demo video: Proof of Concept: Immediate-Mode In-Canvas Tools for CAD-ish Applications

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

The Whole Code Catalog:

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Datafun: a functional query language Datafun: A Functional Datalog

The Unison Language and its Scala-based Runtime

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Past Futures of Coding

"in 1987 TI introduced the world's most powerful AI workstation, that same year TI made headlines again with the introduction of the LISP chip..."

Interface Builder's Alternative Lisp timeline

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Structure and Behavior: Part 1 of my blog chain Universal Structure

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

Sketch-n-Sketch: Interactive SVG Programming with Direct Manipulation by Ravi Chugh

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

"I See What You Mean" by Peter Alvaro

"Eve" by Chris Granger

"Transducers" by Rich Hickey

"Data Driven UIs, Incrementally" by Yaron Minsky

Growing a Language, by Guy Steele

JuliaCon 2016 (Keynote) | Fortress Features and Lessons Learned | Guy Steele

Alan Kay at OOPSLA 1997 - The computer revolution hasnt happened yet

Alan Kay — Doing with Images Makes Symbols

Lone Star Ruby Conference 2010 Real Software Engineering by Glenn Vanderburg

The Language of the System - Rich Hickey

"Transducers" by Rich Hickey

Four Solutions to a Trivial Problem - Guy Steele Jr.

JuliaCon 2016 (Keynote) | Fortress Features and Lessons Learned | Guy Steele

miniKanren Philosophy - William Byrd & Daniel Friedman

PolyConf 15: The Promise of Relational Programming / William Byrd

A Vision for Relational Programming in miniKanren - William E. Byrd

William Byrd on "The Most Beautiful Program Ever Written" [PWL NYC]

William E Byrd - Relational Interpreters, Program Synthesis, and Barliman - Code Mesh 2017

Gerry Sussman: We Really Don't Know How to Compute!

shalabhc commented 4 years ago

Re roamresearch, the canonical roam demo was recently streamed/uploaded to youtube:

Re Mel Conway's talk, he also has a write-up about those ideas:

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

@shalabhc saw it literally 30 seconds after pressing send to the newsletter :/

will add it to a future issue.


marianoguerra commented 4 years ago


remaining resources added to