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Future of Coding Weekly 2021/11 Week 2 #103

Closed marianoguerra closed 2 years ago

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago
marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🎙 Future of Coding: Scott Anderson • End-user Programming in VR 🛸 Clojure Computational Notebook 🔧 Paint Machine 🏗️ Brutalist Lua

📢 We are working on Review Jam a week to experience some of the projects that appear on this newsletter and provide constructive feedback, check the site and subscribe to the mailing list to stay updated!

Our Work

📝 Intro to Sutro: raising the level of abstraction for programming by multiple orders of magnitude via Owen Campbell-Moore

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Hi All! I’ve created a new Domain Specific Language (DSL) for people to express “product definitions” of consumer products (apps+web apps), which can then be “compiled” into full running software, and a platform that actually generates the app builds, generates and hosts the backend and web apps etc.

My belief is that it is too hard to build consumer software today. This difficulty is in large part because we build at too low a level of abstraction. I believe we should raise the level of abstraction to the conceptual level for defining most features, and only write custom code for things that can’t be expressed at this high level. With that approach, we can compile the high-level abstraction to native UI for all platforms and make developing polished x-platform software ~1000X+ easier.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🛸 Clerk via Jack Rusher

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We open sourced our Clojure computational notebook library, Clerk, today. Here's an example of combining Clerk with my WikiData wrapper, Mundaneum, to interactively ask for some physicists and what they invented/discovered. Not bad.

Screen Shot 2021-11-03 at 20.14.48.png

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🔧 I created a drawing program with just 9 lines of code via Felipe Reigosa

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Hey guys, tiny machine this time. I created a drawing program using only 9 lines of code using MockMechanics.

🎥 short.mp4

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

💾 A JSON Parser written in bash via dnmfarrell

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I can never remember jq's syntax so I wrote a json processor that parses json input onto a stack, and transforms the JSON by chaining simple stack operations together. It feels a lot more natural to me, but maybe I'm too close to the code 🙂

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🐢 Teliva: Fork of Lua 5.1 to encourage end-user programming via Kartik Agaram

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Here's the new project I mentioned a few days ago

[October 16th, 2021 9:44 PM] ak: Has the utterly brutalist approach to end-user programming ever been tried? Just forcibly package up apps with all their dependencies, along with all the tools needed to edit, build and run them?

For a while now, we've had this notion of "end-user programming" in this community: the ability to modify software while we use it.

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marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🎙 Future of Coding #53 Scott Anderson • End-user Programming in VR by Ivan Reese

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Scott Anderson has spent the better part of a decade working on end-user programming features for VR and the metaverse. He’s worked on playful creation tools in the indie game Luna, scripting for Oculus Home and Horizon Worlds at Facebook, and a bunch of concepts for novel programming interfaces in virtual reality. Talking to Scott felt a little bit like peeking into what’s coming around the bend for programming. For now, most of us do our programming work on a little 2D rectangle, with a clear split between the world around the computer and the one inside it. That might change — we may find ourselves inside a virtual environment where the code we write and the effects of running it happen in the space around us. We may find ourselves in that space with other people, also doing their own programming. This space might be designed, operated, and owned by a single megacorp with a specific profit motive. Scott takes us through these possibilities — how things are actually shaping up right now and how he feels about where they’re going, having spent so much time exploring this space.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

Thinking Together

📝 The essence of ‘coding’ is modeling & simulation via Dalton Banks

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A thought that’s been crystallizing for me is that the essence of ‘coding’ is modeling & simulation (not e.g. data and functions). These themes show up all the time in FoC contexts, but as far as I can tell they’re rarely the ROOT metaphors of a system.

Of course there are plenty of examples in “real engineering,” what Alan Kay refers to as CAD<->SIM->FAB system. Do you know of examples of ‘convivial computing’ projects where modeling and simulation are the main event, or readings on the topic? What do you think of this premise?

Here’s a recent Quora answer for more context: Does Alan Kay see any new ideas in computing?

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marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🌳 The Tree Structure of File Systems via Felix Kohlgrüber

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Hi folks!

It's been a while since my last post in this group, and it feels good to be back with some new FoC-related thoughts: I've been thinking about the tree structure of file systems recently and it turns out that they're limiting and require workarounds for relatively common use cases. Files contain data, but don't have children. Folders have children, but can't store data themselves. What if a file system had "nodes" that could store data AND have children?

I've written a blog post about this and would like to hear your thoughts. As I'm not a native speaker in English and not really talented in writing, I'd be interested in feedback regarding the content as well as the general writing style etc.. Thanks in advance and looking forward to interesting discussions!

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago


💻 via Christopher Galtenberg

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"Low code platform for developing custom browser extensions. Designed for business use: give your employees access to internal tools and data within the browser"

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🦠 Covid NetLogo Simulation via Chris Maughan

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An interesting little application; from what I can tell written in a combination of Logo and Lisp. You can interactively edit the UI, etc.

Hit the 'Setup' then the 'Go' button to run the code (the source itself is hidden by the scrollbar in the main window).

(Oh, and it is a virus/Covid simulator)

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🗺 CodeSee Maps - Visualize code for faster onboarding, planning, and reviews via Deepak Karki

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marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

📝 Become a developer in 10 minutes. via Cole Lawrence

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Hey everyone, we just wrote up an intro to to gain a bit of intrigue into why we’re driven to build another tool for programming.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

📐 Curves and Surfaces – Bartosz Ciechanowski via Jack Rusher

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Lovely explorable explanation

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🎙 Codeless Deep Learning and Visual Programming via Deepak Karki

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Rosaria Silipo on Codeless Deep Learning and Visual Programming

In this podcast, Srini Penchikala spoke with Dr. Rosaria Silipo on codeless deep learning and visual programming topics. with focus on low code visual programming to help data scientists apply deep learning techniques without having to code the solution from scratch.

Rosaria Silipo is currently the head of data science evangelism at KNIME, the open-source data analytics platform. She is the author of over 50 technical publications, including books like Codeless Deep Learning with KNIME, Practicing Data Science: A Collection of Case Studies and A Guide to Intelligent Data Science.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

📰 Simon Peyton Jones of Haskell fame is going to work at Epic Games via Mariano Guerra

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Simon Peyton Jones of Haskell fame is going to work at Epic Games

will be working with my long-time colleague Lennart Augustsson and a team of others, on > Verse> . Verse is a new programming language that Epic is designing for their games, and in due course for the > metaverse

You can listen the CEO of Epic Games Tim Sweeney taling about the metaverse in 2019: Tim Sweeney and the Metaverse

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago