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Future of Coding Weekly 2022/01 Week 5 #116

Closed marianoguerra closed 2 years ago

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago
marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

⚖️ Law as Blocks 🧱 Block Protocol 💡 Knowledge Atlas 🧰 Moldable Development by Example

Our Work

📝 Building a meteorite visualisation with Noodl + Mapbox via James Haliburton

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I wanted to share one of our designers' projects built with Noodl. We've recently created a Mapbox integration, so this is a bit of an in-house experiment.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🎥 Blawx v1 Preview via Jason Morris

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Video demo of Blawx v1 early stage proof of concept user-friendly Rules as Code tool. Declarative logic, natural language explanations, hypothetical reasoning, zero-click deploy to API, block-based controlled natural language programming environment, live code generation. All feedback very welcome. ~7m.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

💻 via Dan Stocker

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Hi FoC,

We just released version Alpha 1.8.0 of CRANQ (!

For those that don't know, CRANQ is - despite what the website says - a general-purpose "low-coding" IDE and code repository. It compiles to JavaScript (npm packages), and is fully extensible from within. This release is still far from our original vision - lacking in instrumentation, types, search, and general UX - but is usable enough to prototype APIs and integrations.

Thoughts, feedback welcome.

We're also looking for case studies - projects that we help you build in CRANQ. DM me if you'd like to participate in our alpha programme.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

Thinking Together

📝 35 Interface Innovations that Rocked Our World via Dalton Banks

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oh god the hamburger icon was a Xerox PARC innovation

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🐦 Tweet from @TaliaRinger via Denny Vrandečić

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Just a half-formed thought: in the following tweet, the developer has mapped foot pedals to some modifier keys, so she uses one pedal for alt-tabbing, one pedal for control, one for shift, etc. But notice how giddy and happy she is presenting that? My guess is that the fact that even a little bit more of our body is used in our day to day work, which is usually just the fingers and hands, would make us giddier and happier.

🐦 Talia Ringer: Check out my new foot pedals!!!! They work for keyboard modifiers in Ubuntu!

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

💬 Denny Vrandečić

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I think something similar is going on with graph representations of otherwise linearly encoded texts, be that knowledge graphs, ontologies, or programming code. The idea that we spread out these more or less one-dimensional beasts into two dimensions, or even three, is deeply appealing to us, even though we haven't seen as much impact with the actual current results of this line of work. So thinks like UML diagrams, Vlojure, Scratch speak to our desire that they should be awesome. Just because it is a much better fit to our capabilities.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

💬 Jason Morris

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Seeking feedback on a rough interface prototype:


marianoguerra commented 2 years ago


🎥 On Impact in Software Engineering Research via Deepak Karki

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A bit of a meta discussion on research and impact!

In Andreas Zeller’s talk “On Impact in Software Engineering Research”, he presents a number of lessons from and for high-impact research:

Andreas Zeller is faculty at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security and professor for Software Engineering at Saarland University, both in Saarbrücken, Germany. His research on automated debugging, mining software archives, specification mining, and security testing has won several awards for its impact in academia and industry. Zeller is an ACM Fellow, an IFIP Fellow, an ERC Advanced Grant Awardee, and holds an ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

📝 The Design and Implementation of the Wolfram Language Compiler (2020) via Shubhadeep Roychowdhury

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marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

📝 Electric Tables: Experimenting with personal databases and the web as a texture via Andreas S

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What are your thoughts 💭 on this: Electric Tables to me it feels like a mesh up of many different things I’ve seen before. It’s like a tagging mechanism for HTML websites with a very simple local table store.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

📝 via Tom Larkworthy

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I quite like the idea of userspace reusable blocks The blocks living above the level of a single application. I wonder if I should prototype something.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🎥 Moldable Development by Example via Deepak Karki

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Tudor Girba discusses Moldable Development,

a way of programming through which we construct custom tools for every development problem.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🐦 Tweet from @prathyvsh via Prathyush

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Hey guys, not sure if this is totally aligned with interest of future of coding, mods feel free to remove the post if it isn’t. I put together this list of “knowledge atlases” which structure the different dependencies between topics across fields for self learners

🐦 Prathyush: Here is a curation of websites for all the self learners out there! Knowledge Atlases: A catalogue of portals with roadmaps for self learners —

Tweet Image

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago