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Future of Coding Weekly 2022/05 Week 3 #132

Closed marianoguerra closed 2 years ago

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago
marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🐦 Twitter as a REPL ⚖️ The Engelbart-Licklider Balance 🏗️ Structured IDE 📓 Elixir's Livebook

Two Minute Week

💬 Jason Morris

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A year ago I presented a paper on using s(CASP) for detecting drafting errors in legislation. Today I was able to write the same code and run the same query from that paper, inside Blawx. Tomorrow, I will add it as an example to the live demo.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

Our Work

🐦 Tweet from @stevekrouse via Steve Krouse

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For a couple years, I keep returning to ideas of composability, remix-ability, coding in small pieces, getting to snap them together and apart fluidly, like legos, and with lots of collaborators. This is what excites me about functional programming, how it lends itself to abstractions that compose really well. However I was recently inspired by @JP Posma to throw elegant composability out of the window and simply enable coding in the small by appending small programs together...

...and what we came up with is called twittereval. The idea is you add the words "eval" to a tweet's URL and then we evaluate it (and all the tweets above it or referenced) as JavaScript. It's obviously silly but also kinda neat, and I thought it would be thought provoking to this community. Excited to hear what ideas and suggestions you guys have! I'd also really love it if anyone tried it out and made anything cool :)

🐦 Steve Krouse: I rebuilt my personal website entirely on Twitter, in a series of tweets, & evaluated with a silly ✨ new service ✨ @JanPaul123 & I hacked together to play with "coding in the small" or "micro coding"...

Introducing twittereval!

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

💻 Desk via Ryo Hirayama

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Within this week, I’d like to share a first demo of a future coding environment for the next 100 years I’m working, called Desk. This is what I am aiming for:

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

Thinking Together

💬 Naveen Michaud-Agrawal

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Do programming/computing systems have to be self-referential/meta-circular to scale?

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

💬 Mariano Guerra

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Why don't we "put our code where our mouths are"?

I've used really alpha projects in many areas but I almost never consider using "future of code" projects other than a short evaluation

My main "excuses":

Which are yours?

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🐦 Tweet from @jackrusher via Jack Rusher

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This tweet is a distillation of my position in a long thread that's linked below. It would be nice to hear from some of you in that linked thread, which already features a bunch of FoC-adjacent people.

🐦 Jack Rusher: Thesis: we have a ready supply of Engelbarts but a complete dearth of Lickliders.

🐦 Jack Rusher: @jonathoda @avibryant @dubroy I’ve worked in {university, startups, industrial labs}, each had ups and downs. The main thing missing in the current ecosystem: long time-horizon (5+ years) funding in a non-commercial setting that offers colleagues/mentors and treats working systems as the primary deliverable.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago


📑 Resources: Survey of Alternatives via Mariano Guerra

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An impressive list of resources

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🐦 Tweet from @Aella_Girl via Christopher Galtenberg

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Threads like this are invaluable, but it's not fun reading – "modern programming" is a borderline nightmare for the uninitiated

🐦 Aella: Learning Python has been really hard so far. Here's a thread of me breaking down my process of learning it from 100% scratch so far (day 2)

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🎥 Introduction to Envision via Mariano Guerra

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The Envision project aims to develop an IDE for object-oriented languages that features a visual structured code editor and is used for large-scale software development.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🔗 Against All Applications via Kartik Agaram

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This feels really relevant:

cc Steve Krouse Jonathan Edwards (cross-link: 💬 #administrivia@2022-05-12T20:35:49.434Z)

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🎥 Livebook v0.6 - Automate and learn with smart cells by José Valim via Mariano Guerra

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Great progress on Livebook, Elixir's Notebook Stack

What's new in Livebook: v0.6: Automate and learn with smart cells

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

📝 Why I Left the FBI to Start a Software Company via Chris Knott

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Why I Left the FBI to Start a Software Company

I love this story. Basically some programmers packed it in to join the FBI. They worked as operational special agents for several years, until their frustrations with agency IT forced them to just build their own tools guerrilla-style, so they could fight crime better.

What drove us was our rejection of the status quo for law enforcement and security solutions, as well as the painstakingly slow pace of the government bureaucracy. Every single day, we followed the mantra of “build high quality software faster than people can say no.”

Their solution eventually replaced a failed top-down $450m outsourced megaproject.

They left the FBI to sell their case management software full time. The whole company is basically former operational law enforcement. When they realised they couldn't pull the same trick for beat cops as they did for federal investigators, what did they do? Extensive research around these new user needs?? No, one of the founders got a job as a traffic cop.

Before we turned the Sentinel project around, I saw first-hand how user needs were consistently not met by the software engineers. It wasn’t because the engineers didn’t want to meet their needs. On the contrary, non-technical users frequently had trouble communicating their needs to the engineers. Likewise, the engineers frequently misunderstood how the users actually did their jobs, and made inaccurate assumptions about what would and would not work for the end users. One of the keys to our success with the Sentinel project was our unique dual roles as both end users and software engineers. There was nothing “lost in translation” between the end users and the engineers, since they were one and the same. Not wanting to repeat the same mistakes, there was only one thing to do — one of us needed to become a local law enforcement officer.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago