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Future of Coding Weekly 2022/07 Week 1 #141

Closed marianoguerra closed 2 years ago

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago
marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

📜 First Structured Editor 🎈 50 Years of Smalltalk 🪞 Executables are Objects 🧑‍💻 Notebook All the Things

Two Minute Week

🎥 Notebook Dataflow Debugger via Tom Larkworthy

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The FoC environments create new classes of bugs. My last livestream got screwed up by an errant dataflow dependency which was impossible to find in the heat of the moment so I made a tool to help me solve this class of bug faster. (kudos to the observable plot library too which helped me make the visuals much faster too). You can play with the dataflow debugger in your browser yourself here

This tools (hopefully) helps communicate the idea each cell is really a stream of values

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

Our Work

🧑‍💻 Livecode a webserver in a browser via Tom Larkworthy

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I've updated webcode so that owners of endpoints can configure "public livecoding", which allows any logged in user to grab the public traffic to that endpoint (well, each logged in user gets their own fingerprinted endpoint, so traffix is not mixed between users). So finally I can write a public demo of livecoding. This article is maybe too long but its how to implement a webserver including: serving and responding to web forms, serving a dynamic image (e.g. dashboard), and streamed responses.

webcode offers a fairly low level HTTP interface so achieving most of those things requires a fair amount of HTTP knowledge, hence I thought I would just write it up.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🕸️ Visual editor for compound graph datasets via Nilesh Trivedi

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Hello all, I have been building a visual editor for compound graph datasets:

Compound graphs are those where nodes have two kinds of connections: Adjacency and Inclusion. I.e. A node can be a child of another node - in addition to having other kind of edges.

Cytoscape JS is great at visualizing such graphs, but I couldn’t find a visual editor for these kind of datasets. This is NOT a diagram-editor for which there are plenty of choices (like TLDraw or Excalidraw).

This is built with SVG and Svelte and works completely in the browser. I will be open-sourcing it in the coming weeks.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

📢 Wasp Alpha Testing Program - Admissions via Matija Sosic

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Hey all,

we’ve made some more progress on Wasp lately and added a few bigger features (e.g. running async jobs/workers - so wanted to share with the community here 🙂.

Since we’re moving towards Beta and plan to release in a couple of months, we’d also appreciate your feedback - we’re running a small Alpha Testing Program (takes ~45mins + we tried to make it fun :D) and would be thrilled to get your thoughts and ideas on how we can make Wasp better 🙂. You can find more details and apply here:

Thanks a lot and honored to be a part of the community!

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🎥 GLUI Prototype Introduction via Mariano Guerra

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I'm building a new prototype, working title: GLUI

It's an attempt to enable creating complex configurations and scripts while avoiding the problems and limitations of configuration languages, scripting languages and UIs

Here's the introduction video:

If you find it too long you may want to use the Chapters feature to jump to sections that interest you.

The introduction and motivation may be useful to get an overview.

For a quick take on the powerful aspects of the prototype you may want to jump to 14:34 where I reuse a connection config in 3 places by linking to it

and the derive a new configuration from it by using the derive feature.

You want to try it? here it is, just remember it's the first version:

Please let me know what you think, if you would like to know more, contact me and we can get into the details and/or long term objectives.

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🎥 Export via Kartik Agaram

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I showed 💬 #share-your-work@2022-06-05T17:46:04.815Za few weeks ago, and I've been mostly fixing bugs since. It might be converging to a fixed point now; no more features, bugs slowing to a trickle, most changes containing a 1-line fix and a dozen lines for a test. Then my hope is that it will continue to work reliably for a while without needing any updates (assuming future versions of cooperate).

To freeze things I need to provide escape hatches. When people ask for new features, provide them either in forks (example) or as separate applications entirely. That way the codebase stays approachable/hackable/habitable, particularly for people who don't need the additional features. Here's an example of a separate application: an exporter to markdown+SVG:

You can see it in action in this video. There's minimal UI here. I export files by dragging them on the exporter window, and it emits new files in the folder window that I can then open in any markdown application (that can render SVG).

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago


🐦 Tweet from @jackrusher via Jack Rusher

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🧵 Some info about Emily, which is -- I think -- the first structure editor for code:

🐦 Jack Rusher: Emily, Wilfred Hansen, 1969.

Emily is to my knowledge the first structure editor for source code. It included a kind of grammar-driven “hole-filling” mechanism that would not be unfamiliar to modern efforts.

Emily Image

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🎥 Camp Smalltalk Supreme — Dan Ingalls Keynote via Mariano Guerra

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🎥 All Talks from Smalltalk Renaissance — 50 Years of Smalltalk

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

🐦 Executables are objects by @Gilad_Bracha via Andreas S

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Gilad Bracha Shared this Perspektive on objects and execution/executables

I am Grateful for the effort. But I’d saddens me also a bit because I feel that Gilad is trying to make a case for concepts like objects beyond certain reference frames like programming languages, like Java. But because the way “our” programming culture is, more programmers would rather connect the notion of an object to Java classes/instances rather than objects from “The art of the meta object protocol”. Similarly with “patterns” .

If we assume that everything evolves in a kind of dialectic manner I’m curious if there is a antithesis to objects(functions/data?) and how the synthesis looks like.

Which (again) reminded me of that Alan Kay / Rich Hickey Discussion : How ever data could be a bad idea

There is something about these discussions that sets a tone and expectations. Like that there is a singular truth. How can we ever have discussions again if we can not understand each other’s perspectives?

🐦 Gilad Bracha: Nothing concentrates the mind like the prospect of an execution. Executables are objects. Blog post at:

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

📝 Basic building blocks of a programming language via Duncan Cragg

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Here's something interesting from LtU: "Basic building blocks of a programming language"

I'd comment but I've lost my account deets and can't create a new one cos the site seems broken right now.

So I'll comment here instead...

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

Thinking Together

🐦 Tweet from @pixelflipping via Dalton Banks

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here’s a question i’ve been chewing on in various forms; i’m interested both in responses and different ways the question may have been framed/answered before

🐦 Dalton Banks: how would CS be different if we described information in pixels, not bits?

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

💬 Jan Ruzicka

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What do you imagine under dynamic medium ? Is there the dynamic medium, or are there more of them? What aspects of it are the most important? What tools will be used to interact with it (what are the analogs of pencils)? In what respect is it a medium -what does it mediate, and between whom? What kind of literacy will it enable?

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago

💬 Sergej Koščejev

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I'm looking for some pointers/articles/papers on abstractions for incremental computations. Something that describes a Computation that can compute a value on demand and has Dependencies and the value is invalidated when one of the Dependencies change... and a Computation can also be a Dependency of another computation. But more detailed and more rigorous. Has anybody ever seen such a thing?

marianoguerra commented 2 years ago