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Future of Coding Weekly 2022/10 Week 3 #156

Closed marianoguerra closed 1 year ago

marianoguerra commented 1 year ago
marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

🐟 Stop Writing Dead Programs πŸ€– MockMechanics is Turing Complete πŸ€„ Tiny Tile-based Structure Editor πŸ›οΈ End User State Machines

Two Minute Week

πŸŽ₯ Lisperanto - editor with built in version control via Oleksandr Kryvonos

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marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

πŸ’¬ Kartik Agaram

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Beginnings of an environment for building programs live. Includes some discussion of how the program is represented, including version history.

This is all nothing new compared to Emacs, Lisp, Smalltalk, etc. What draws me to this project is trying to implement these features on a much simpler and so hopefully easier to learn and more self-sufficient stack.

This project has been fermenting in a couple of past threads:

Next step: use the version history to recover from errors. The big epiphany for me has been that I can recover from errors without restarting the entire program -- as long as programs submit to LΓ–VE's constraints: purely synchronous programming with an event loop, so that no single function can be long-lived. You can write any programs you like as long as they aren't batch programs.

πŸŽ₯ Single definition version control

marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

Our Work

πŸŽ₯ "Stop Writing Dead Programs" by Jack Rusher (Strange Loop 2022) via Jack Rusher

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My talk from Strange Loop is out. There will soon be a mini-site with a transcript, references, and a few additional notes and corrections.

marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

πŸ’¬ Felipe Reigosa

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Hey guys, this time I proved that MockMechanics is Turing complete (not a big surprise). I created the smallest universal Turing machine without using any code. Let me know what you think.

πŸŽ₯ turing2

marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

Thinking Together

🐦 Tweet from @pomber via Mariano Guerra

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what's a good UI to edit a string representation of a small array of numbers?

🐦 Rodrigo Pombo: what's a good UI to edit a string representation of a small array of numbers?

so far I have this, but I want to see more options

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marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

πŸ’¬ Breck Yunits

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Scenario: GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket decide they're just not that into it anymore and are gonna sunset. What are the other cool online VCS communities?

marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

πŸ”— We are stuck with egrep and fgrep (unless you like beating people) via Kartik Agaram

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One problem in the world today is that if you take a widely used program and add a warning to it in some situation, people get mad at you. No matter how useful the warning is, how insidious the situation it protects you against.

The reason for this seems to be that not everyone who sees a warning is empowered to fix the underlying cause. You might use a library that does something warning-worthy. You can't change the library yourself to fix the warning.

Question for live-program enthusiasts like Jack Rusher[1][2]: I wonder how much this problem is caused by overusing batch-programming and an insufficiently expressive communication channel for warnings. I made up a wishlist at that might be interesting to think about together.

On the other hand, I see Common Lisp people get annoyed about similar issues:

[1] πŸ’¬ #share-your-work@2022-10-11T15:48:02.267Z

[2] πŸ’¬ Message Link

marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

πŸ’¬ Jim Meyer

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Coding tools treat code as static structured text.

UX design tools treat design as static vector-graphics with "noodles for swapping a 1000 static states" on top.

Code is data that needs direct manipulation with instant feedback. That's what creative tools need to achieve.

marianoguerra commented 1 year ago


🐦 Tweet from @guidorosso via Christopher Shank

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Finite state machines enabling β€œend-user programming” of complex animations!

🐦 Guido Rosso: Here's how the state machine is set up in @rive_app for this. Without a state machine, all these interactions and logic would need to be written in code.

Btw this is all designed and animated in Rive too.

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marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

πŸ’¬ Tony Worm

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I wonder how much Stable Diffusion, NeRF, and similar techniques will change this?

marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

πŸ“ via Jan Ruzicka

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Today, I’ve discovered this year-old but brilliant website and youtube channel by @Emil H:

It’s a series of videos about ideas for improving programming tools. The ones that especially spoke to me were the stretchy code map (episode 2), call graph navigator (episode 4). I’m personally looking forward to the next episodes, when Emil has the time to record them.

marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

πŸ“ Programming a Problem-Oriented Language (1970) via Shubhadeep Roychowdhury

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marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

πŸŽ₯ [TyDe'22] tylr, a tiny tile-based structure editor via Mariano Guerra

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tylr, a tiny tile-based structure editor

Abstract: Structure editors designed for keyboard input often struggle to resolve the tension between maintaining hierarchical term structure and offering efficient linear editing affordances. Contemporary designs either compromise structure by deferring to text near the leaves or else maintain structure by permitting only edits that transform the selected term.

However, visually adjacent sequences (e.g. of operators, operands, and individual delimiters) do not always cleave cleanly to term boundaries, so even experienced users report difficulties with selection and code restructuring tasks. We propose a novel approach to structure editing, tile-based editing, that maintains term structure while offering linear selection and modification affordances.

The idea is to allow disassembly of terms into linearly sequenced tiles and shards around user selections, while guiding the user through restructuring actions and automatically inserting holes in a manner that ensures reassembly into a term. This paper introduces tylr, a tiny tile-based editor designed primarily to highlight this uniquely flexible set of affordances.

We evaluated tylr with a lab study where participants performed simple code transcription and modification tasks using tylr as well as a text editor and a structure editor built on JetBrains MPS, a state-of-the-art keyboard-driven structure editor generator.

Our results indicate that participants frequently made use of tylr's selection expressivity, and that this flexibility helped them complete some modification tasks significantly more quickly than with the MPS editor.

We further observed that a few participants completed some tasks more quickly using tylr than with text, but were in general slowed by a number of limitations in our current design and implementation. We discuss these limitations and suggest future research and design directions aiming toward more flexible structure editing interfaces.

marianoguerra commented 1 year ago

πŸ’¬ Ivan Reese

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[Not moved from anywhere, original post by Ivan Reese]

We're going to record the next episode of the FoC podcast in about a week.

Something new I'd like to do is read questions or other discussion prompts submitted by the audience. Then we'll probably talk about them. Would be weird if we just read them and moved on after a moment's awkward silence.

Kindly DM me any questions or things you'd like us to talk about. Don't β€” I repeat, do not β€” send them to Jimmy Miller. You mustn't. He's a real programmer, not an art school dropout. He can't be trusted with information.

Best if the questions / topics are related to the FoC, the show, or Jimmy/myself as "people". But I can't and won't tie your hands.

Thanks, friends!

marianoguerra commented 1 year ago