marianoguerra / future-of-coding-weekly

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Future of Coding Weekly 2020/05 Week 2 #21

Closed marianoguerra closed 4 years ago

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

This issue collects resources for the newsletter of the year/month/week that should be in the title

If you want to contribute open the issue and paste a resource you think is worth sharing in the newsletter and comment on the issue of the week.

Use markdown for formatting, ideally a contribution should have a title a link and optionally a description.

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Use comment reactions on issue comments to up vote/down vote/whatever each submission the reactions that have a clear sense of positive/negative will be considered to rank the submissions of the week.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📝 Dev tools are dead…Long live the dev tools. Via Shubhadeep Roychowdhury 🧵Conversation

How dev tools were created?

Which kind of tools were used by the first generation programmers?

How did they evolve?

We often have these questions in mind, here is a nice article which can give a little glimpse in it.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📝 Evaluating programming systems design. Via Kartik Agaram By Jonathan Edwards 🧵Conversation

Edwards, Kell, Petricek and Church, "Evaluating programming systems design", Psychology of Programming Interest Group

Basically they're asking the following question: Assume we start writing interactive essays as the output of research. How does the review process change? How do we maintain academic rigor?

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📝 "No Code"​ is great. But here's why we need Yes Code. Via Mariano Guerra 🧵Conversation

Ask yourself: When’s the last time you used an app, or visited a website, that was made by an actual individual person? How many of the tools you use at work, or apps you spend time on for fun, come from a community that you're part of? If you’re a coder, when’s the last time you just quickly built something to solve a problem for yourself or simply because it was a fun idea?

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

💬 Grigory Hatsevich 🧵Conversation

Maybe it is a good idea to use zooming (ctrl + mouse wheel) to transition between various visual representations of the program. Zoom out — and you'll see the whole picture. Zoom in — and you'll see the code. Zoom in even further — and you'll see some details. Etc. I wonder how many different useful layers in between we can think of.

Are there programming environments which somehow implement this idea? Do you like this idea?

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📝 Design Note: Considering Goto Harmful . Via Stefan Lesser 🧵Conversation

I’m still working my way through Crafting Interpreters and just came across a nice piece of content that many here might get a kick out of: at the end of chapter 23 hides a design note, which is a fascinatingly deep critique of Dijkstra’s Goto considered harmful. There’s nothing really surprising or substantially new in there, but I really like how Bob Nystrom argues about the complexities that hide in a paper that practically ended a certain language feature. It’s relatively short and you don’t need to read any other part of the book; it totally stands on its own. Here’s a teaser:

I guess what I really don’t like is that we’re making language design and engineering decisions today based on fear. Few people today have any subtle understanding of the problems and benefits of goto. Instead, we just think it’s “considered harmful”. Personally, I’ve never found dogma a good starting place for quality creative work.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

⌨️ Codespaces: Your instant dev environment. Via Stefan Lesser 🧵Conversation

This seems to have the potential for quite some impact on the future of coding, doesn’t it? What do you think?

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📝 Notion encourages busy-work and I’m tired of it: Why has everything become so needlessly complicated?. Via Mariano Guerra 🧵Conversation

This post seems to show the limitations of malleable systems

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🎥 The Universal Syntax Tree. Via David Piepgrass 🧵Conversation

So apparently a 9½ minute video is too long for the 2-minute video channel. Who would've thought! This is an introduction to Loyc trees and LES which I've been working on for a few years.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🎥 Beads introduction Ep. 004 - the layout system part 2. Via Edward de Jong 🧵Conversation

Here is a follow up on the Beads layout system. Beads has a very unique layout system that is slightly more advanced than the Apple struts and springs system used in XCode. You design your layout by starting with the full screen rectangle, and subdividing it into pieces. Each chunk can be further subdivided. It has pre-programmed the commonly used types of decompositions: plain, vertical slice, horizontal slice, vertical scrolling, 2D grid, and a farily elaborate report writer for those who need to produce printed reports in the classic style. Since the layout system is in the language itself, you can use variables, IF statements, and subroutines in the layout portion, unlike CSS which hampers you great. Another huge advantage over CSS is that Beads uses explicit whitespace so placement of items is 100% predictable and repeatable, unlike CSS which on a small typo can scramble your page. Building a complex product by gradual refinement is the methodology you use in Beads; always proceeding from a working standpoint, and adding in detail.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🎥 Flow based programming introduction part 1. Via Maikel van de Lisdonk 🧵Conversation

Hi, here's a short introduction video about my flow-based-programming project.

In the near future I'll upload more videos to talk and show more deeply about the project, but I hope that this video already gives you an idea of what I am creating

🎥 [alv] weekly #2 - structured editing, composite types, music showcase. Via Sol Bekic 🧵Conversation

🎥 Hest "Week" 2. Via Ivan Reese 🧵Conversation

🎥 Gantt Week 1. Via Ryan King 🧵Conversation

This is a programmable Gantt chart tool I've been working on. I just released it as a beta to my users today. I'm expecting them to find the formulas very intimidating (although most can use basic excel) but I'll let you know what their feedback is next week! Couldn't fit in the canvassy graphical interface but perhaps another time.

🎥 Instadeq Week in Two Minutes #4: Providers. Via Mariano Guerra 🧵Conversation

A unified protocol to consume batch/streaming data from external systems

🎥 Beads language Ep 005, building a dual scale temperature control. Via Edward de Jong 🧵Conversation

Here is a short video showing how to build a temperature control. You proceed directly from a sketch to a final shippable product using Beads, with no prototyping necessary. A lot of wasted work happens in our industry by using wireframing tools that can't be executed. You are better off with a crude-looking working product than a fake but pretty demo. It saves time, when the final shapes are all worked out from the running product, then you apply the final polish. Beads is rare among languages in that it carries at runtime physical units of measurement (by creating a new datatype which carries the unit exponent array and magnitude of the value), and has pre-programmed all the common conversions, such as degrees Kelvin to degrees Centigrade, etc. In this example i also show how you can have two interlinked controls on the screen, and whichever one changes the model the other control tracks its value, all without any additional code.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🖱️ Nice block based environment for building simulations. Via Scott Anderson 🧵Conversation

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📝 Chatting with Glue. Via Christopher Galtenberg 🧵Conversation

Cognitive Tools for Augmented Conversation

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🎥 Convivial Computing Salon schedule and videos. Via Jonathan Edwards

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago