marianoguerra / future-of-coding-weekly

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Future of Coding Weekly 2020/05 Week 3 #22

Closed marianoguerra closed 4 years ago

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

This issue collects resources for the newsletter of the year/month/week that should be in the title

If you want to contribute open the issue and paste a resource you think is worth sharing in the newsletter and comment on the issue of the week.

Use markdown for formatting, ideally a contribution should have a title a link and optionally a description.

Post helpers:

Use comment reactions on issue comments to up vote/down vote/whatever each submission the reactions that have a clear sense of positive/negative will be considered to rank the submissions of the week.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📝 Second-guessing the modern web. Via Stefan Lesser 🧵Conversation

Building a company on Django in 2020 seems like the equivalent of driving a PT Cruiser and blasting Faith Hill’s “Breathe” on a CD while your friends are listening to The Weeknd in their Teslas. Swimming against this current isn’t easy, and not in a trendy contrarian way. … If Wikipedia were started today, it’d be React. Maybe? What if everyone’s wrong? We’ve been wrong before.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📝 Nushell: A new type of shell. Via Mariano Guerra 🧵Conversation

Maybe the terminal will evolve into a useful UI before UIs do?

Real working hyperlinks in the terminal with Rich and Nushell show more interesting potential than anything new going on on UIs I've seen lately

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🎙️ #47 - Max/MSP & Pure Data: Miller Puckette by Ivan Reese 🧵Conversation

I heard an interview with Miller on another podcast (linked in the show notes), which focussed on the history of Max and Pd and the arc of his career. He dropped a few kernels of design-related ideas that went unexplored, so I decided to bring Miller on our show and have him go in-depth. We talked about the design of Max's scheduler (vs other kinds of realtime scheduling available in the early 80s), how he arrived at the visual "patcher" interface, why Pd looks and feels so spartan compared to Max, to what extent the patcher interface is actually visual as opposed to just a fancier CLI, and other notions that'd be interesting to folks designing their own live/visual programming environments.

This episode is the shortest, tightest interview I've done yet. I'm also slowly dialling-in the sonic identity that I'd like the show to have. Not there yet, but getting closer.

Enjoy! And please help spread the word about the show if you have a good way to do so.

Show notes & detailed transcript

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🎥 Progressive WebAssembly Applications, Alex Kehayias. Via Felix Kohlgrüber 🧵Conversation

I wasn't checking this slack for some time, but now that I did, I discovered that it passed 1,000 members, really cool! 🎉

I stumbled upon Progressive WebAssembly Apps (PWAAs) yesterday and thought that they might be of interest for members of this group. It's basically just combining Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and WebAssembly. The main selling points:

• Cross-Platform (runs in every modern browser)

• Native feel (mobile system ui integration, add to home screen, offline functionality, ...)

• Installation as easy as bookmarking a website

• Near-native performance using WASM

For me, this feels like it could become the go-to solution for cross-platform apps. I'll probably write a Todo-PWAA (I need a replacement for Wunderlist anyway :P) to test this approach.

Recording: Slides:

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

💬 Paul Sonnentag 🧵Conversation

I’ve stumbled upon the concept of zooming user interfaces (ZUI). Here are two great examples that show the potential of it. I thought some of you might find this interesting.

The first one is “Table Lens” from 1994 that allows users to “zoom-out” to see patterns in large tabular datasets. 🎥 video 📝 paper

The second example is a zoomable calendar called “Date Lens” that allows seamlessly browsing a calendar at different timescales. 🎥 video 📝 paper

I’m wondering why this pattern is not more prevalent in today’s software. I’m not aware of any popular software that supports this kind of interaction mode.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🎥 Schéma Quick Start by Dominik Jančík 🧵Conversation

Hi, I've only recently discovered this community but feel like you guys could enjoy a tool I've been working on for the past year and a half which I'm publicly releasing today. It's called Schéma, it's a visual programming tool combining Block and Node based approaches with focus on direct manipulation, instant feedback of each step in the processing, smooth ux and versatility, even though the first focus of it was light control (DMX, LEDs). It's developed from the ground up in the VL visual programming language. I'd love if you tried it out and tell me what you're enjoying, what not and what you can imagine doing with such a tool ☺ More information, including comprehensive documentation, available at

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🎥 2 Minute Week Update Part 4 by Chris Maughan 🧵Conversation

It was a slow week this week. I found I didn't have my usual energy for after-hours projects, and I needed a rest this weekend. As is usually the case in such circumstances, I spent some time cleaning up code and refactoring - I often find such activities help keep the project momentum up, while requiring less time & effort. I have spent some time recently thinking about how to manage note events and synchronize beats & timing. It seems like a good idea to integrate Ableton Link at the outset, because on some level it helps drive towards a cleaner management of such things. It is also really nice to have a built in way for musicians to work together with a live coder; a USP perhaps. I don't say it in the video, but the tempo of the audio is being controlled using the iPad drumming app, which the sample app and the synth are aligning with. Another piece of ongoing work is the integration of Orca-c which I've shown previously. This is an embedded Orca inside my text editor and forms one way in which a coder can drive the synthesizer (and later, I hope, some geometry/graphics too). Orca isn't the only way I intend to generate music, but it represents a relatively easier integration than music languages, etc. As I say in the video, there is still work to do to complete this feature.

🎥 Flow based programming introduction 2 by Maikel van de Lisdonk 🧵Conversation

Hi, in this very short 2nd introduction video I'll show you how to create a body mass index calculator with my flow-editor step by step. It also shows (very briefly) the new debug functionality to help "follow" the flow.

🎥 Instadeq Week in Two Minutes #5 by Mariano Guerra 🧵Conversation

  • Form builder cell to create forms that emit output on change and submit
  • Register and reload providers dynamically and allow services to specify configuration parameters that appear in the UI

🎥 Gantt Weekly 2 by Ryan King 🧵Conversation

Hey gang, not much of an update this week. Just documenting my struggles between wanting observable state and needing a centralised system to manage events. I tried to build my own system in a few days but soon realised there's a lot more I need to think about - and maybe there's some existing approaches you all know about that I could look into? In general, am trying to update state solely via a centralised event manager, but also use observables to automatically trigger those events (if that make sense) A messy sandbox you can play with can be found here:

🎥 Jorvik Part 5 by Chris Maughan 🧵Conversation

Apart from some work on the internals to better represent time events, I spent some time on writing a little visualiser to help me understand scheduling. I hope it will also end up being a nice additional tool for the end user to see what's going on too.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago