marianoguerra / future-of-coding-weekly

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Future of Coding Weekly 2020/06 Week 3 #26

Closed marianoguerra closed 4 years ago

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

This issue collects resources for the newsletter of the year/month/week that should be in the title

If you want to contribute open the issue and paste a resource you think is worth sharing in the newsletter and comment on the issue of the week.

Use markdown for formatting, ideally a contribution should have a title a link and optionally a description.

Post helpers:

Use comment reactions on issue comments to up vote/down vote/whatever each submission the reactions that have a clear sense of positive/negative will be considered to rank the submissions of the week.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🎥 Stop specifying modules via Kartik Agaram 🧵Conversation

Progress on supporting a subset of Markdown in my text-mode paginator, and how programming languages can use modules without explicitly importing them.

🎥 Animotica via Chris Maughan 🧵Conversation

I missed a week last week, due to being quite busy, and being stuck on a few things. Hopefully I can be forgiven the extra minute that this week's update contains. In the video I cover the LFO operators, and a new mode of FM synthesis.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📅 Midweek Patch Therapy via Dominik Jančík 🧵Conversation

Hi, a couple months ago I've started a weekly online Zoom meetup centered around visual programming, tech and installation art, called Midweek Patch Therapy. There's usually a few things worth sharing from each session - issue solutions, presentations of interesting projects and so on. I edit these down into short YouTube videos Right now it's mostly visited by people from the vvvv community. However I would like to expand the reach and mix things up a little 🐈🐩. So if you're interested in meeting new people, sharing and discussing ideas and projects or maybe just sitting back while learning something, please accept my warmest invitation to join us every Wednesday at 17:30 CET at Feedback on the format, topics, video quality, etc. is also very much welcome, just as any questions you might have!

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📢 Déjà Vu Platform: assemble web apps from concepts using HTML via Santiago Perez De Rosso 🧵Conversation

I wanted to share a project I worked on for my PhD and hear your thoughts. It is a platform for quickly assembling web apps out of a new kind of software module we call a concept. Concepts are full-stack units of end-user functionality. For example, a comment concept manages the creation and display of comments, and a posting concept lets users create posts.

Each concept exports a set of components, which are similar to components in modern web frameworks like React. A key difference, however, is that concept components have an associated server-side action, which can be synchronized with other actions. In our platform, called Déjà Vu, a developer builds an app by including concepts and synchronizing the server-side actions of components. To assemble apps you only write JSON, HTML, and CSS—no server-side code or client-side JavaScript is required.

If you have any feedback, let me know. Also, if you are working on modularity/software composition, I’d love to see what you are up to!

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

❓ via Doug Moen 🧵Conversation

What are best practices for writing a projectional code editor? What data structures do I use?

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📢 via Jonathan Edwards 🧵Conversation

All we need is to agree on a few challenge examples. Like Then we run a workshop on solutions using our alternative programming technologies. Cross between a writers workshop and a bakeoff. Maybe award joke prizes (Least Likely to be Funded). This might be my next happening. DM me if you’re interested

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

📑 List of formal systems being used in biology via Prathyush 🧵Conversation

The list is largely incomplete, but it was great to find that graphical notation by von Neuman used to explain automata, in the search. Also, look at the stuff by Vandrella. He’s doing some lit modelling stuff in his website.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

❓ via Nick Smith 🧵Conversation

Has anyone ever seen an implementation of arbitrary-precision floats (N.B: not rationals) where you don't actually have to set the precision BEFORE you perform an operation? I want to do a sequence of operations and then round the final result, not round constantly and incessantly. It seems like no human on earth has ever implemented this before, which baffles me. (Edit: division is allowed to be rounded)

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

❓ via Spencer Baugh 🧵Conversation

What are the best implementations of interactive UI usage of OOP interfaces? for example I'd envision seeing an object as a box containing a list of methods (and other objects it contains, also as boxes), and being able to click on a method, and having it expand to give me places to drag and drop other objects in, and then turning into another box representing the object it returns. (Specifically I'm interested in making such an interactive UI for an advanced low-level OS interface I've created, mostly as a way to teach the interface)

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🎥 Ryan Singer, “Designing with Forces: How to Apply Christopher Alexander in Everyday Work ” via Stefan Lesser 🧵Conversation

As we have several fans of Christopher Alexander here, I don‘t want you to miss out on this gem of a talk I just came across

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

❓ via Tom Lieber 🧵Conversation

Does anyone here have experience embedding WebAssembly VMs? I’d like to talk about where there’s any firm ground from which to start on a FoC idea. I can only find half-finished projects and systems that used to work.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

⌨️ Trying out CodeBERT via Shubhadeep Roychowdhury 🧵Conversation

First notebook in a series which shows how to use our codeBERT model for Python. Comments and suggestions welcome 🙂

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago

🎙️ 🖌️ Episode 48 • Jennifer Jacobs • Para & Dynamic Brushes 🎨 via Ivan Reese 🧵[Conversation]()

There’s a small handful of people that I’ve been requested again and again to interview on the Future of Coding podcast. Jennifer Jacobs is one of those people. Her work on Dynamic Brushes in particular, and parametric drawing in general, occupies a major intersection between disciplines and provides insights that we can all apply to our own work. This interview touches on childhood education, programming tools for both non-programmers and expert programmers, tangible interfaces, wearable and embodied computation, aesthetics, the relationship between academia and industry, means of evaluating the efficacy of projects, geometric encodings of first-order logic, symbolic representations, whether Scratch could exist outside MIT, and more. Jennifer does a wonderful job articulating the nature her own work, but also the works of her collaborators, peers, and influences, so that we come away with a great understanding for the broader spaces in which her research fits. Jennifer is already am important figure in our Future of Coding field, and I am very excited to follow her career and see all the places the impacts of her work will be felt.

You’ll notice right away that Steve Krouse is sitting in the interviewer chair this time. This is the first of a handful of episodes that Steve recorded in 2019 but didn’t release. I’m planning to edit and release them throughout 2020, so you’ll hear a bit more of Steve yet.

marianoguerra commented 4 years ago