Closed marianoguerra closed 4 years ago
❓ via Ricardo A. Medina
What are good related podcasts you've listened to? (aside the FoC one, of course) I can recommend Meta Muse. 🔗 Muse (@MuseAppHQ) | Twitter
🎥 Hybrid Live Coding Interfaces: day one via Jack
Hybrid Live Coding Interfaces: performance & craft, Workshop day 1/2
Live streaming today 4pm UTC on the ICLC YouTube channel:
Full programme:
💬 Ope
What are the most influential things that you have read or watched or done and would recommend?
📝 Dango: A sketch of flexible and programmable documents via Kartik Agaram
yoshiki's Dango deserves more eyes than it would get when buried deep in a comment thread. Original context for the curious: Original conversation
(I'd love for more people to hoist great comments by others to the top-level, as a sort of counter-force to always responding within-thread.)
[July 27th, 2020 5:08 PM] yoshikischmitz: This is really cool! I also once designed(but never implemented) a spreadsheet for trees. For the use-cases I was imagining, it felt important that authors have control over the layout(I like how PANE is free-form too)- I'm curious what your thoughts/inklings there are.
I'm super intrigued by the notion of having an embodied instruction-pointer in a spreadsheet, I'm rooting for you to figure it out! ObservableHQ kinda does this with their cells, which highlight when the value changes. I wonder if a minimap might be helpful here?
💬 nicolas decoster
Somewhere else in this Slack, Stefan Lesser wrote:
I love seeing apps experimenting with what touch and mobile can add to traditional workflows instead of just looking at its limitations.
Every time a new “future” of coding app is presented, and it only works with mouse and keyboard and requires a large screen I’m a little sad of the missed opportunity.Interesting topic, that I'd like to bike-shed think about together.
I fully agree that touch devices and small screen devices are opportunities to imagine new way for programming. But I feel that it is quite hard to address. In particular small screens. Even with text programming, I always feel the need for a big screens. I can't imagine doing this on a phone.
And for visual programming, having large screen make it possible to adopt some "map kind" organisation of your programming artifacts, to have nice global view of what your are doing.
And something that is challenging, it to design visual representation/manipulation that works well for both large screen/keyboard'n mouse and small screen/touch.
What do you think of that? Is there some examples of programming environment that succeeded in this space?
Has anyone ever tried coding in VR? Not making a VR app, but writing code within a VR workspace. Even keeping the standard 2D screen metaphor, it seems useful to have infinite screens placeable anywhere in the world. You’re not restricted to physical monitors.
💬 nicolas decoster
I guess this contribution deserve a better visibility! It looks nice but I havent played with it yet, and can't tell it is really a productive tool, though.
Does anyone know about other programming tools with voice input?
[July 30th, 2020 6:55 PM] daniel.garcia.carmona: I found recently, and it looks really cool
In several threads over the last few weeks I saw references pop up about personal knowledge management tools — you might have heard keywords like Second Brain, Roam(cult), Obsidian, Zettelkasten, Digital Gardens, etc.
It's great to see a lot of people familiar with these here and I'm not surprised about that. But in what way do you see a connection to FoC?
Tools for thought is practically what I've been working on for a long time now, and as my work shifted from the programming aspects of that more to the general knowledge management aspects, I was under the assumption that this is not the right forum to discuss this (and that's fine — there are other great places to do that). It seems to come up here a lot though, and perhaps that's just my selective perception, so I'm looking forward to hear what people think about this.
📝 IBM completes successful field trials on Fully Homomorphic Encryption via Garth Goldwater
This is huge news for apps that want to be what i’d call “provably non-evil”
💬 ikrima
curious for those deep in programming languages, what's the general lang design community's take on continuation style passing i.e.
📝 Improving Declarative APIs for Graphics with Types via Philipp Krüger
I've been trying to put more of my work into words, so I've built a blog. I've started at the beginning and quite simply and hope to expand to more interesting topics in the future. Let me know what you think of this first post (it has some interactive code examples for everyone who likes to play around 😉 ).
📝 Glamorous Toolkit and Pharo via Tudor Girba
People ask about the difference between Glamorous Toolkit and Pharo. This post addresses that difference
Content and Conversations
📝 Computation graphs and graph computation via S.M Mukarram Nainar
🧵 conversation