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Future of Coding Weekly 2021/08 Week 2 #89

Closed marianoguerra closed 3 years ago

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago
marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

📗 Reactive Documents 🧫 Quick & Dirty Simulations 🧠 Japan's 5th Gen Computer System 💡 Making Progress by Alan Kay

Two Minute Week

🎥 TypeCell and Reactive Documents via Yousef El-Dardiry

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In this demo I’m exploring mixing a Live Programming Notebook with a block based editor like Notion. This unlocks creating Reactive Documents you might know from Bret Victor’s demoes

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

Our Work

💻 via Breck Yunits

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Working on a new language for making quick and dirty simulations. Today added the ability to run multiple "experiments" at once.

My goal is to be able to be in the middle of writing an essay and have the ability to whip up an agent simulation to quickly explore some ideas.

Not sure where it will go, but having fun learning about simulations and playing with ideas.


marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

Thinking Together

💬 André Terron

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Exploration: How much can debugging resemble music playback?

As I was working on an exploration on debugging interfaces, I came across the concept of using music controls for code execution (just for fun). What buttons would you expect to be there, and what would you expect those buttons to do?

I'm also looking for other debugging projects for inspiration, and I'd love to hear what are your essential debugging tools and workflows!

Screen Shot 2021-08-05 at 11.22.27 AM.png

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago


📝 Japan's Fifth Generation Computer Systems: Success or Failure? via Mariano Guerra

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In an alternative universe we are all programming in parallel prolog against huge knowledge bases and CPUs optimized for logical operations.

What happened? Here's a summary of Japan's Fifth Generation Computer Systems

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

📝 Stackoverflow Developer Survey 2021 via Shubhadeep Roychowdhury

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Stackoverflow Developer Survey, 2021 (80,000 developers took part this year). Some interesting insights and some "Oh I know it already" stuff...

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

🎥 Keynote: Making Progress — Alan Kay via Mariano Guerra

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marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

📝 Personal Computing On An Amiga In 2021 via Srini Kadamati

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marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

🎙 Interview by Devon Z with Jon Blow via Srini Kadamati

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marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

💡 Enlightenment to Entanglement: How to Think About Technological Complexity - Interintellect via Stefan Lesser

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This could be interesting for people here

I found the linked resources under suggested readings well worth a read, in particular:

I won’t be able to attend this. If anybody here does, it would be great to hear some of the things discussed.

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago