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Future of Coding Weekly 2021/09 Week 3 #95

Closed marianoguerra closed 3 years ago

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago
marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

🎼 Compose Realtime Apps 🧑‍🏫 Review Jam 🐛 Time Traveling Debugger ➿ Digital Tape Drawing

Our Work

🎥 Compose Turbine Prototype: Realtime Chat App via Steve Krouse

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This is a prototype demo for Compose (new-ish startup)

Would love to hear points of confusion, excitement, and other feedback ☺

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

Thinking Together

💬 Alex

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Ok here goes a 'diversity' thread! I ran a session on the weekend that was like a kind of reverse beginners' workshop. We talked about what it was like engaging with tidalcycles as a community as a beginner, trying to teach me how to improve things. It echoed a discussion I took part in with early career Black artists as part of a programme called 'algoafrofutures' - I learned there are huge hidden barriers to participation in the form of hidden hierarchies and norms that repel most people ('most', given that white men are the minority). It seems that many just don't want to post their questions to a forum or especially engage with a live chat system because of bad past experiences and the general attitude of the "men on the internet" who hang out there. It seems people who experience racism, misogyny etc are there, but are lurking or not participating (shout out to the lurkers! would love to hear what you think but, well..). Similarly with local live coding workshops in Sheffield, women-only workshops will be full but then only men will show up to open workshops and mansplain things to the woman co-running the workshop. This is serious I think - communities that repel most people in ways they don't realise, and which totally undermines their aims to e.g. find a future of coding for everyone (in the case of this community), or do something similar by connecting computer programming with performing arts and wider culture (in the case of live coding).

So what can we do about it, besides solemn introspection? I really enjoyed Emma Dabiri's work which challenges the response to BLM, from an Irish and UK perspective. I recommend her short book 'what white people can do next' and most recent appearance on the blindboy podcast - best to check that out than rely on my summary.. But her thinking is based on solid academic understanding of the nature of race, and argues not for allyship (which only re-enforces power structures) but coalition. I think I'll stop there as I'm interested in what other people think 'coalition' could mean in this context..

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

📝 Review Jam (Draft) via Mariano Guerra

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It takes a community to augment human intellect

Have you tried enso, darklang, wasp-lang, glamorous toolkit, mu, imp,, operon, cuttle, flowrunner, gadget, meemoo, MockMechanics, adacraft, WhiteBox, MAudio, TypeCell, Ratio,, Hazel, Lambdu?

Why not? 😉

Maybe you didn't know you could? where to start? what to do? what kind of feedback to give? in which format? where to submit it?

Here's an idea: Review Jam! A Week of Constructive Feedback and Conversations

An opportunity to share and get real usage feedback on your project

An opportunity to experience, review and get inspired by other projects

Like a game jam but we try each other's projects

Check the draft page and let me know what you think!

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

📝 VisualVM via fivo

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Imagine a finished system that runs (in the sense of there are no runtime bugs) that has lots of threads/routines with all kinds of message queues/channels that interact. I am wondering what kind of visualization tools exist that help me understand where possible bottlenecks are, which parts are active and where there is congestion?

The closest I can kind of think of is VisualVM , but it is still kind of basic in the sense that it only gives visually access to stuff like fine grained memory usage, performance of subparts, which threads are active, idle, parked but does not give me a lot of insight in how the different system parts interact with one another.

I admit that I also don't know exactly what I am looking for and therefore don't know what I should be typing into my favorite search engine. I am sure somebody has built more elaborate tools in that direction and would like to hear your thoughts and suggestions of what I should be looking at.

So as an example, let's take a simple producer/consumer model on a channel. Let's say the producer is producing more stuff of than the consumer can take from the channel. One could imagine a node (consumer/producer) and a line (channel) visualization where one sees how active the producer/consumer is (via a red to green spectrum), maybe also one could zoom in to see which subpart is active and how full the channel is (maybe also via a red to green spectrum). That is just an example that came to mind in which the channel would be become dark red over time as it becomes "congested".

Keen to hear your thoughts/ideas.

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

💬 Cole Lawrence

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Has anyone seen a great WYSIWYG experience for editing margin (and/or) padding in a design tool? I’m thinking something that does not require a tool window on the right side of the screen, and might be a bit opinionated about the amount of flexibility give to the “designer”.

One example that comes to my mind is the designer for theming Alfred (for macOS).

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago


📝 An Interview With Ted Kaehler via Josh Justice

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Hi folks, I am new to this community but I wanted to share an interview that Ted Kaehler (who worked on both Smalltalk and HyperCard) was kind enough to do with me. I asked him about the two systems and how they relate to users being able to inspect and modify their own software.

Some of his insights that interested me most were about the impact of the HyperCard Help Stack on HyperCard’s design itself, the places he says that Bill Atkinson was right in his different approach from Smalltalk, and how a user builds a drag and drop UI and then says “I’m almost done.”

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

🖨️ A Simulator of a Universal Turing Machine via Shubhadeep Roychowdhury

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marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

🧮 Espalier (formerly Object Spreadsheets) via Alexander Chichigin

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Now we can say it's a low-code "spreadsheets-on-steroids" platform. I see many features similar to Coda and Notion (but areguably better), and they explicitly reference Airtable in their video which I found pretty impressive and illuminating. It's a shame the project have halted.

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

🐦 Tweet from @ngnghm via Andreas S

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🐦 💻🐴Ngnghm: In a proof assistant, is it the human assisting the computer, or the computer assisting the human?

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

📝 Jean E Semmat’s paper “Programming Languages: History and Future” via Jimmy Miller

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Had to share this incredible chart from Jean E Semmat’s paper “Programming Languages: History and Future” (Not sure if breaking the rules/norms by sharing an image. But look at it!)

Image from iOS

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

The Time Travel Debugger for Web Development via Chris Knott

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marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

📅 Conference on Software Visualisation via Alexander Chichigin

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On 27-28 of September the Conference on Software Visualisation is coming

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

📝 The worst thing I read this year, and what it taught me... or Can we design sociotechnical systems that don't suck? - Ethan Zuckerman via Kartik Agaram

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I'm 4 years late to this thoughtful article which delves deeply into the dichotomy between involving users ("nothing about us without us") and progressing along learning curves ("making things better by making better things"); and the role technology can play in social change (as part of infrastructure, alongside laws, markets and social norms)

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

🎙 Alan Kay on the context and catalysts of personal computing via Mariano Guerra

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Alan Kay on the context and catalysts of personal computing

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago

🎥 Digital Tape Drawing via Ivan Reese

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Nice quick demo of a "tape drawing" UI, where you use one hand to control the position of the pen, and the other hand to control the angle, allowing for precisely drawing both smooth curves and straight line segments.

marianoguerra commented 3 years ago