marianoguerra / little-riak-core-book

source of the little riak core book
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riak_core introduction / high level presentation #10

Open gwelr opened 6 years ago

gwelr commented 6 years ago

I've started reading the little riak_core book but could not find a high-level presentation of what actually is riak_core, or what is riak_core responsible of. It might be a good added value to make a short introduction about what riak_core is and what it is not. In this context, the book could link to and as "dive into" riak_core. Considering the situation of the documentation hosted on following the demise of basho, maybe it is even more interesting to take this documentation right into the book.

Just my 0.02 :)

gwelr commented 6 years ago

Great job, BTW, and well written !

marianoguerra commented 6 years ago

you have a good point, I'm on the process of rewriting it in a more compact way. You can check the progress here: