Presently there is no transparent interface to query external data sources.
External data-sources are assumed to be jdbc datasources and the tables and
columns are hard-coded in the editor and the external data source is expected
to be in this format. This is problematic given that the nature or schema of
the external data source is not known. A common data source could be Bungeni
parliamentary information system -- but the Editor needs to look at scenarios
(e.g. judgement) where bungeni may not be in the picture and requires a
transparent way to map external data-sources.
To look at a example usage of the current way data sources are queried , create
a new debaterecord and try to markup either a Question, Speech or Motion. These
actions prompt the user for a dialog where they have to select from a list of
questions or list of members of parliament or a list of motions. Similarly when
you create a new document , the start up metadata screen requires entering a
parliament id, session id, sitting id etc.. these need to be populated from an
external data source.
To Do - General Architecture
The Editor needs to support a standard API for retrieving information from data
Lets highlight how the new API shoud look like with an example --
Currently we use hard queries like :
Select MP_name, MP_id, MP_uri from members_of_parliament
to retrieve member of parliament lists.
Instead if we had a transparent API like :
which returns a XML (or perhaps better JSON since this is purely for
interchange and not persistence-- ) package
containing a list of members of parliament and their details :
<users type="members">
<user id="282" uri="/ke/MP/1935-01-02/">
<user ....>
The editor screens are written to this REST API and they always return
information in a fixed documented form.
The REST API in turn has configurable data connectors (which are mapped to the
API using interfaces ... which means we can switch and swap and write new
connectors and map them to the API ).
So something like --
REST API (e.g. /get_all_members ) ==> maps to connector ==> IBungeniConnector
(implements generic IEditorConnector ) ==> retrieves information from bungeni
so the REST API acts as a proxy to the actual data store.
The REST API needs to run in the Editor application it starts and stops
with the Editor.
REST API could be written using the Restlet framework ( )
To Do - API Details
1) Get parliament metadata info
Info about the current parliament :
date of parliament creation
name of parliament
current session
current sitting
2) Get list of questions in current parliament
Question name
Question date
Type of Question
Who asked the question
Who was it put to
3) Get list of motions in current parliament
Motion name
Motion date
Type of motion
Who created the motion
4) Get list of bills in current parliament
Bill name
Bill date
type of bill
Who created the bill
5)Get list of members of parliament :
6) More come ..
Original issue reported on by on 20 Jun 2011 at 10:39
Original issue reported on by
on 20 Jun 2011 at 10:39