mariavaz / assignments

Front-End Developer
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Assignment 3 #3

Open bigkat73 opened 7 years ago

bigkat73 commented 7 years ago

FEWD Week #3 Project: CSS Layouts


Relaxr was really impressed by your work last week and wants you to continue development on their landing page. Starting in class, you will work to build out a more complex layout for their company site. They decided on creating a blog, and their back-end engineers will be focused on developing the blog's functionality. They want your front-end skills to style their designs using HTML and CSS so Relaxr's engineers can begin integrating. Once again, the designers have handed you a basic design file with instructions and the JPEG below to help you bring the blog to life. Submit the finished version for homework.

Student: ____

Project URL: ____

Technical Requirements Does Not Meet Expectations (0) Meets Expectations (1) Exceeds Expectations (2)
Use in-line-block or floats in your CSS to achieve a two-column layout 2
Use the correct Open Sans Google Font typeface to style the text denoted in the design file and according to the JPEG provided 2
Use proper filename conventions (lowercase, .html) 2
Use a single external CSS stylesheet to style all pages 2
Use a background image for the headers 2
Add a hover effect to all the links using pseudo-classes 2
Integrate drop caps using pseudo-classes 2
TOTAL: 14/14