In "The Trickiness of Removing" on page 169 of the PDF version of Ecstatic Earthworm, there is either an error in the text or I am confused about what you are trying to convey:
Remember that zip/next moves depth-first, not breadth-first. The next node after (+ 1 HERE) is 1, not (2 3).
From the example that is in play, I would expect this to say "The next node after (+ 1 HERE) is +, not (2 3)." since the depth-first walk would take you into the seq at the left-most position. I've confirmed this with the REPL:
In "The Trickiness of Removing" on page 169 of the PDF version of Ecstatic Earthworm, there is either an error in the text or I am confused about what you are trying to convey:
From the example that is in play, I would expect this to say "The next node after (+ 1 HERE) is +, not (2 3)." since the depth-first walk would take you into the seq at the left-most position. I've confirmed this with the REPL:
This is using the original zipper, not the one resulting from the removal, but I see the same thing with the latter as well.