marigold-ui / marigold

Design System based on react-aria and Tailwind CSS
MIT License
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Dependency Dashboard #1237

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

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Detected dependencies

.github/workflows/build.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `pnpm/action-setup v3.0.0` - `actions/setup-node v4`
.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `github/codeql-action v3` - `github/codeql-action v3` - `github/codeql-action v3`
.github/workflows/labeler.yml - `actions/labeler v5`
.github/workflows/lint.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `pnpm/action-setup v3.0.0` - `actions/setup-node v4`
.github/workflows/release.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `pnpm/action-setup v3.0.0` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `changesets/action v1` - `slackapi/slack-github-action v1.26.0` - `JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action v4`
.github/workflows/stale.yml - `actions/stale v9.0.0`
.github/workflows/test.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `pnpm/action-setup v3.0.0` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `codecov/codecov-action v4`
.github/workflows/typecheck.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `pnpm/action-setup v3.0.0` - `actions/setup-node v4`
.node-version - `node 20`
config/eslint/package.json - `@babel/core 7.24.4` - `@babel/eslint-parser ^7.22.10` - `@babel/plugin-syntax-flow ^7.16.7` - `@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx ^7.17.3` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 7.5.0` - `@typescript-eslint/parser 7.5.0` - `eslint-config-prettier ^9.0.0` - `eslint-config-react-app 7.0.1` - `eslint-plugin-flowtype ^8.0.3` - `eslint-plugin-import 2.29.1` - `eslint-plugin-jest 27.9.0` - `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y 6.8.0` - `eslint-plugin-prettier 5.1.3` - `eslint-plugin-react 7.34.1` - `eslint-plugin-react-hooks ^4.6.0` - `eslint-plugin-testing-library 6.2.0` - `prettier 3.2.5` - `eslint 8.57.0` - `eslint-plugin-tailwindcss 3.14.2` - `typescript 5.3.3` - `eslint 8.x.x` - `typescript 5.3.x`
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config/prettier/package.json - `@trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports 4.3.0` - `prettier-plugin-tailwindcss 0.5.11` - `prettier 3.x`
config/storybook/package.json - `@mdx-js/react 3.0.1` - `@storybook/addon-a11y ^8.0.6` - `@storybook/addon-essentials ^8.0.6` - `@storybook/addon-interactions ^8.0.6` - `@storybook/source-loader ^8.0.6` - `@storybook/test ^8.0.6` - `@types/react 18.2.73` - `@vitejs/plugin-react 4.2.1` - `vite-tsconfig-paths 4.3.2` - `@storybook/addon-storysource ^8.0.6` - `@storybook/addon-themes ^8.0.6` - `@storybook/cli ^8.0.6` - `@storybook/core-events ^8.0.6` - `@storybook/preview-api ^8.0.6` - `@storybook/react-vite ^8.0.6` - `autoprefixer 10.4.19` - `postcss 8.4.35` - `postcss-loader 8.1.0` - `react 18.2.0` - `react-dom 18.2.0` - `storybook ^8.0.6` - `tailwindcss 3.4.1` - `typescript 5.3.3` - `vite 5.2.7` - `@storybook/react 8.0.x` - `react 18.x` - `react-dom 18.x` - `typescript 5.3.x`
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.nvmrc - `node 20`