marigold-ui / marigold

Design System based on react-aria and Tailwind CSS
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Evaluate stiches.js to replace emotion and theme-ui #2153

Closed sebald closed 11 months ago

sebald commented 1 year ago

Library to evaluate:




We might use it like this:

import { styled } from '@stitches/react';
import { useComponentStyles } from '@marigold/system';

const StyledButton = styled('button', {...});

export const Component = ({ variant, size, children, ...props }) => {
  const styles = useComponentStyles(
    { variant, size },

  return <StyledButton {...props} css={styles}>{children}</StyledButton>

Reuse our API?

import { Box, useComponentStyles } from '@marigold/system';

export const Component = ({ variant, size, children, ...props }) => {
  const styles = useComponentStyles(
    { variant, size },

  return <Box as="button" {...props} __baseCSS={{ appearance: 'none' }} css={styles}>{children}</Box>
// system/Box.tsx
import { styled } from '@stitches/react';

export const Box = ({ __baseCSS, css, children, ...props }) => {
  const Component = styled(as, merge(__baseCSS, css));
  return <Component {...props} />;

Is this good? We maybe need to make a "factory"?

import { mg, useComponentStyles } from '@marigold/system';

export const Component = ({ variant, size, children, ...props }) => {
  const styles = useComponentStyles(
    { variant, size },

  return <mg.button {...props} css={styles}>{children}</mg.button>
// system/factory.tsx
import { styled } from '@stitches/react';

export const md = {
  button: styled('button', {
        // basically what previously was __baseCSS
        display: 'inline-flex',
        alignItems: 'center',
        justifyContent: 'center',
        gap: '0.5ch',
        cursor: disabled ? 'not-allowed' : 'pointer',
        width: fullWidth ? '100%' : undefined,
        '&:focus': {
          outline: 0,
  div: styled('div')
sarahgm commented 1 year ago

Some Questions from me for understanding the issue Description

Generel We use emotions ThemeProvider, does that mean we don't need one if we use Stitches JS? Because it's with the createStitches covered? Also the basic/default theme is there written?

From what I understand the obvious advantages are:

  1. just one tool instead of two(emotion&theme-ui) where we even don't use the full possibilities
  2. better performance

In my opinion (as far as I get it), I think we could implement this after we made next.js work 🙂 I haven't seen much conflicts. PS: I also think in this case we should make the tokens (e.g. color00 and color.00) consistent.

sebald commented 1 year ago


Why do we need to replace the pseudo selectors? Do you mean the way they are implemented? Because pseudo elements and pseudo selectors are supported? here in docs

I meant how our pseudos work (e.g. :hover -> :hover, [data-hover] We would need to keep/adjust that. Not that big of deal.

The Default Theme would be the Global css settings?

Not sure what you mean.

Also does that mean we need a <StyledButton/> and a 'normal' <Button/> ?

IDK depends how we implement it, I guess.

And to the other comment. Yeah, if we switch, we should take the opportunity and make stuff more consistent.

sebald commented 1 year ago


sebald commented 1 year ago

Switch to a non-CSS-in-JS Solution?

Since there might not be good support in the CSS-in-JS libs we might to consider other alternatives

Other components libs are currently moving away from CSS-in-JS library. One of the prominent ones is NextUI. Even the maintainer of Emotion says that

Server Components were designed in a way that is at fundamental odds with CSS-in-JS. So don't expect Emotion (or other popular CSS-in-JS libs) to introduce support for them. They just don't allow us to integrate with them anyhow. see this comment here:

While you can make them compatible, it might no optimal or worthwhile in the future. On the other hand we currently don't really have any Next apps in productions, except the Marigold docs. This might change in the future though.

Issue from NextUI regarding their reasons to switch:


Investigate Tailwind? The spiritual successor of Bootstrap has a enormous community already and might be an option that also solves a lot of our challenges.

In order to have the same feature and high compatibility with our current styling approach (variants and size), there are two options:

sarahgm commented 1 year ago

Reference how other Design Systems use Stitches:

sarahgm commented 1 year ago

Questions tailwind:


Next Steps:

sebald commented 1 year ago

what about extending a theme? How should this be handled?

can we use tailwind presets for this?

sarahgm commented 1 year ago

@sebald I mean the function extendTheme as I understand Presets are something else

sebald commented 1 year ago

@sarahgm ah, I think we can not use that any longer. Extending a theme has to be done via tailwind/postcss I guess

sarahgm commented 1 year ago

@sebald really? but the tests worked correctly I see no problem 🤔

sebald commented 1 year ago

Okay, then I am clearly wrong and I have to see the implementation 😄