mariiahnied / serverless-livestream-1

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Twocatz frontend #23

Closed mariiahnied closed 3 years ago

mariiahnied commented 3 years ago

Changes made

Closes #[issue number]

ghost commented 3 years ago

Week 4 Step 7 ⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤ | 🕐 Estimated completion: 5-20 minutes

Ultimate CAT INVASION! ~

Demo: 🐱

It's now time to connect everything together! (catzapp/index.html, catzapp/script.js, and your Azure function)

✅ Task:

:bulb: If your test doesn't pass the first time, it might be because your Azure Function is slow to respond. Simply re-run the job like this.

🚧 Test your Work

Open up your LiveServer plugin and start your local server. To test your web app:

⚠️ When you enter FOUR NAMES into each of the text boxes, do FOUR CAT PICTURES show up below?

How can Base64 turn into a Cat?

Now that you should've received strings of base64 from your Azure function call, you need some way to display them for the users.

:question: How can I display base64?
:one: Retrieve the base64 values from your API :two: Append `data:image/png;base64,` in front of the base64 data :three: Like you've done previously, modify the `src` attribute of the image tags and set it equal to the string you created in :two: Read more [here](

ghost commented 3 years ago

📝 Week 4 Livestream Feedback

Please complete after you've viewed the Week 3 livestream! If you haven't yet watched it but want to move on, just close this issue and come back to it later.

Comment your feedback:

Help us improve BitCamp Serverless - thank you for your feedback! Here are some questions you may want to answer:

:camping: To move on, comment your feedback.

mariiahnied commented 3 years ago

Thank you!

mariiahnied commented 3 years ago

I loved the course!