marijnh / Eloquent-JavaScript

The sources for the Eloquent JavaScript book
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deepcompare and code share #544

Closed gumbol closed 3 years ago

gumbol commented 3 years ago

hi for the deepcompare exercise chapter4. It is not clear for me if you need to take into consideration a case where both objects have same properties and values but different order.

just to be clear we are comparing two objects properties and order doesnt change their value compared to string or number

Also i would suggest creating a space where everyone can share there solutions.

marijnh commented 3 years ago

The idea is to not take order into consideration.

Setting up or moderating any kind of interactive spaces around this book is not something I'm currently willing to put time and energy into, sorry.

gumbol commented 3 years ago

what i meant is maybe a markdown page here on github where someone can edit with their code.