marijnkampf / Random-Photo-Screensaver

Source of Random Photo Screensaver
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Unable to access mapped drives #85

Open aerovargas opened 7 years ago

aerovargas commented 7 years ago

I am running RPS on a fresh windows 10 pro installation with IE v 11.576. After a fresh RPS installation, i can see and select my mapped network drives and select folders to add to RPS. If I reopen the configuration screen, those mapped drives are gone. So I manually add them in the copy/paste section. If i save them, close the configuration and reopen the configuration those manually added mapped locations are gone. RPS works fine on windows machines that were upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7.

Any suggestions? Let me know if you need additional information.

marijnkampf commented 7 years ago

Can you make sure there is only one version of RPS running. Check the bottom left corner for any messages saying there is already a version running, as it won't be able to save changes to the settings. The easiest way to access the RPS configuration screen is to press the S key whilst it's running, rather than go through the Windows settings screen saver menu.

aerovargas commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your response! When you say "Check the bottom left corner for any messages saying there is already a version running", do you mean when RPS is running? If so, all I see is "DB" with the number of images scanned, number of files and number of folders. When I access setting by pressing S, I can add the "missing" network locations. However those locations are not used by RPS. Do you have additional suggestions?

marijnkampf commented 7 years ago

Can you give an example of the network locations you are trying to add?

aerovargas commented 7 years ago

Thanks again for the response. For example; Z:/Myphotos/ where "Z" is already a mapped drive with permission.

marijnkampf commented 7 years ago

It's windows so the slashes should be z:\myphotos\

aerovargas commented 7 years ago

Thanks again for your response. I'm sorry, thats a typo on my part. I hand typed my response as opposed to a copy/paste. It is mapped to z:\myphotos\ and not saving.

marijnkampf commented 7 years ago

Does RPS scan folders and images when you first select the mapped drive?

aerovargas commented 7 years ago

Thanks again for your continued assistance. When have only the mapped drive selected (z:\myphotos) and initiate RPS, it does not scan that folder and no images are displayed.

While trying to find my own workaround for this issue I noticed that when RPS is running and I click "s", the folder list that comes up only shows C drive. When I click "show folder list", make no changes and then click back to "show selected folders", I now see C and D which are physical drives in addition to several removable drives (still no mapped drive). I'm not sure why this expanded list with all the physical and removable drives didnt show up the first time I entered the folder list. I'm not sure if that is related to the mapped drive issue but wanted you to know.

I have also tried using the IP address of the mapped drive as \\myphotos. This is saved and persists unlike my attempt to use z:\myphotos\ however it never scanned the images. It wasnt until I changed the reference to \stora\myphotos\ did the images final appear and were scanned.

mpoppendieck commented 7 years ago

I seem to have the same problem. I mapped a network drive and also put in the network address properly. RPS can display from the network address if I restart the system by switching to another screensaver and then back to RPS. However, I simply cannot get a filter working on any drive that is not on my local computer. UPDATE: I think my problem was mostly a learning curve. Everything seems to be working now. The biggest thing I had to learn is to configure the screensaver while it is running using the S key. I apparently had multiple instances running, but since I did not have the lower left text displayed, I didn't get the message.