Implement the same logic but create separate classes for each geometrical object
Programm limitation:
Create a simple class, do not use inheritance (and any other OOP principles)
There is no need to create a forever loop for a program menu
Programm requirements:
You may create properties for setting up the input data for your classes
You may add the constructors
You have to follow best practices to separate private/public fields/properties
(*)Programm enhancements:
Feel free to add some other input parameters for your classes or more geometrical objects and calculate more properties.
(e.g. create a class Trapezoid, enter the value of bases, calculate a Midsegment)
Based on #3 and #4
Implement the same logic but create separate classes for each geometrical object
Programm limitation:
Programm requirements:
(*)Programm enhancements:
Learning materials: