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Optionally deep clone run outputs #1142

Closed dmadisetti closed 2 weeks ago

dmadisetti commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

I noticed when I did the qmd export for quarto that plots don't properly work:

This doesn't affect the reactive notebook since the plot object is rendered to HTML, essentially creating a snapshot, and then the next cell is executed. However, in script mode the output is just a pointer to the current global state

Suggestion: I think deep copies can be expensive, so maybe an optional deep copy?


3.12-dev (I haven't pulled in a few days but I don't think you've made any changed that would affect this)

Code to reproduce

Relevant export test:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

if __name__ == "__main__":
    objs, _ =
    for i, o in enumerate(objs):
        # Unpack the Line2d cases
        if isinstance(o, list):
          o, = o
        # Quick hack for testing
        if "matplotlib" in str(type(o)):
for completion the []( tutorial ```python # Copyright 2024 Marimo. All rights reserved. import marimo __generated_with = "0.1.69" app = marimo.App() @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(mo):"# Plotting") return @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(check_dependencies): check_dependencies() return @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(mo): """ marimo supports several popular plotting libraries, including matplotlib, plotly, seaborn, and altair. This tutorial gives examples using matplotlib; other libraries are used similarly. """ ) return @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(mo):"## Matplotlib") return @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(mo): """ To show a plot, include it in the last expression of a cell (just like any other output). ```python3 # create the plot in the last line of the cell import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot([1, 2]) ``` """ ) return @app.cell def __(plt): plt.plot([1, 2]) return @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(mo): """ ```python3 # create a plot plt.plot([1, 2]) # ... do some work ... # make plt.gca() the last line of the cell plt.gca() ``` """ ) return @app.cell def __(plt): plt.plot([1, 2]) # ... do some work ... # make plt.gca() the last line of the cell plt.gca() return @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(mo, plt_show_explainer): mo.accordion(plt_show_explainer) return @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(mo): """ **A new figure every cell.** Every cell starts with an empty figure for the imperative `pyplot` API. """ ) return @app.cell def __(np): x = np.linspace(start=-4, stop=4, num=100, dtype=float) return x, @app.cell def __(plt, x): plt.plot(x, x) plt.plot(x, x**2) plt.gca() return @app.cell def __(plt, x): plt.plot(x, x**3) return @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(mo): """ To build a figure over multiple cells, use the object-oriented API and create your own axis: """ ) return @app.cell def __(plt, x): _, axis = plt.subplots() axis.plot(x, x) axis.plot(x, x**2) axis return axis, @app.cell def __(axis, x): axis.plot(x, x**3) axis return @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(mo): """ ### Draw plots interactively Draw plots interactively by parametrizing them with UI elements. """ ) return @app.cell def __(mo): exponent = mo.ui.slider(1, 5, value=1, step=1, label='exponent') f""" **Visualizing powers.** {exponent} """ ) return exponent, @app.cell def __(exponent, mo, plt, x): import functools @functools.cache def _plot(exponent): plt.plot(x, x**exponent) return plt.gca() _tex = ( f"$$f(x) = x^{exponent.value}$$" if exponent.value > 1 else "$$f(x) = x$$" ) f""" {_tex} {mo.as_html(_plot(exponent.value))} """ ) return functools, @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(mo):"## Other libraries") return @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(mo): """ marimo also supports these other plotting libraries: - Plotly - Seaborn - Altair Just output their figure objects as the last expression of a cell, or embed them in markdown with `mo.as_html`. If you would like another library to be integrated into marimo, please get in touch. """ ) return @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(missing_packages, mo): module_not_found_explainer = """ ## Oops! It looks like you're missing a package that this tutorial requires. Close marimo, install **`numpy`** and **`matplotlib`**, then open this tutorial once more. If you use `pip`, run ``` pip install numpy matplotlib ``` at your command line. """ ).callout(kind='warn') def check_dependencies(): if missing_packages: return module_not_found_explainer return check_dependencies, module_not_found_explainer @app.cell(hide_code=True) def __(): plt_show_explainer = { "Using ``": """ You can use `` or `` to display plots in the console area of a cell. Keep in mind that console outputs are not shown in the app view. """ } return plt_show_explainer, @app.cell def __(): try: import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np missing_packages = False except ModuleNotFoundError: missing_packages = True if not missing_packages: matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6, 2.4) return matplotlib, missing_packages, np, plt @app.cell def __(): import marimo as mo return mo, import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if __name__ == "__main__": objs, _ = for i, o in enumerate(objs): # Unpack the Line2d cases if isinstance(o, list): o, = o # Quick hack for testing if "matplotlib" in str(type(o)): o.get_figure().savefig(f"{i}.png") ``` produces: 11.png 12.png 14.png 15.png 5.png 7.png where 5 and 7 are the same, and the rest are the same This isn't the same behavior as in the export, but similar, and still incorrect ![5]( ![7]( ![11]( ![12]( ![14](\_-1WZg) ![15](
mscolnick commented 2 months ago

We do some fancy-ish things in marimo/_output/

which is called twice:

I wonder if this is only run in edit mode (and not as a script) that you are seeing this issue. and possible we need to clear the plots in run mode. @akshayka any thoughts?

dmadisetti commented 2 months ago

This does not happen with the way islands generates cells, but I just checked behavior with the script and I now have this error?

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/dylan/", line 293, in <module>
    objs, _ =
  File "/home/dylan/src/marimo/marimo/_ast/", line 335, in run
    return self._run_sync()
  File "/home/dylan/src/marimo/marimo/_ast/", line 267, in _run_sync
    outputs[cid] = execute_cell(cell._cell, glbls)
  File "/home/dylan/src/marimo/marimo/_ast/", line 444, in execute_cell
    exec(cell.body, glbls)
  File "/tmp/marimo_3443916/", line 11, in <module>
  File "/home/dylan/src/marimo/marimo/_plugins/ui/_core/", line 267, in value
    == ctx.ui_element_registry.get_cell(self._id)
  File "/home/dylan/src/marimo/marimo/_plugins/ui/_core/", line 200, in get_cell
    raise NotImplementedError
mscolnick commented 2 months ago

@dmadisetti - this is likely from do you have a small snippet of the code to reproduce?

dmadisetti commented 2 months ago

Not exactly the same error:

Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                                                                                                
  File "/home/dylan/", line 21, in <module>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
  File "/home/dylan/src/marimo/marimo/_ast/", line 335, in run                                                                                                                                                              
    return self._run_sync()                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  File "/home/dylan/src/marimo/marimo/_ast/", line 267, in _run_sync                                                                                                                                                        
    outputs[cid] = execute_cell(cell._cell, glbls)                                                                                                                                                                                
  File "/home/dylan/src/marimo/marimo/_ast/", line 445, in execute_cell                                                                                                                                                    
    return eval(cell.last_expr, glbls)                                                                                                                                                                                            
  File "/tmp/marimo_3531073/", line 7, in <module>                                                                                                                                                  
  File "/home/dylan/downloads/manim/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matplotlib/", line 527, in show                                                                                                                         
    return _get_backend_mod().show(*args, **kwargs)                                                                                                                                                                               
  File "/home/dylan/src/marimo/marimo/_output/", line 64, in show                                                                                                                                                           
  File "/home/dylan/src/marimo/marimo/_output/", line 47, in _internal_show                                                                                                                                                 
  File "/home/dylan/src/marimo/marimo/_messaging/", line 179, in broadcast_console_output                                                                                                                                   
    assert cell_id is not None                                                                                                                                                                                                    

might be worth adding this as a unit test:

I'll see if I can boil it down to something smaller, but the first stack track is just from the tutorial with the full source and initial output in the original summary

mscolnick commented 2 months ago should be good enough to work from - and we can add a unit test for this, thanks

mscolnick commented 2 months ago

@akshayka just squashed 3 related bugs. can you give it another shot with your own code? (we have it running again our tutorials now)

dmadisetti commented 2 months ago

Yes! This fixes the crash- this also fixes most of the redundant plots in tutorial. However, the shared axis object still has a global response:


@app.cell  # cell 14                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
def __(plt, x):                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    _, axis = plt.subplots()                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    axis.plot(x, x)                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
    axis.plot(x, x**2)                                                                                                                                                                                                              
    return axis,                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


@app.cell # cell 15
def __(axis, x):                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
    axis.plot(x, x**3)                                                                                                                                                                                                              
dmadisetti commented 2 months ago

This is actually a bug beyond just scripts now:


run order will change the output of this. Correct behavior should be

plot 1: x, x^2 
plot 2: x, x^2, x^3
+ plot 3: x, x^2, x^4
- plot 3: x, x^2, x^3, x^4  
dmadisetti commented 2 months ago

OR, have the script response as being correct

- plot 1: x, x^2 
- plot 2: x, x^2, x^3
+ plot 1: x, x^2, x^3, x^4
+ plot 2: x, x^2, x^3, x^4
plot 3: x, x^2, x^3, x^4


import marimo                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

app = marimo.App()                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

def __(np):                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    x = np.linspace(start=-4, stop=4, num=100, dtype=float)                                                                                                                                                                         
    return x,    

def __(plt, x):
    _, axis = plt.subplots()
    axis.plot(x, x)
    axis.plot(x, x**2)
    return axis,

def __(axis, x):
    axis.plot(x, x**3)

def __(axis, x):
    axis.plot(x, x**4)

def __():
    import marimo as mo
        import matplotlib
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import numpy as np
        missing_packages = False
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        missing_packages = True

    if not missing_packages:
        matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (6, 2.4)
    return mo, matplotlib, missing_packages, np, plt

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

if __name__ == "__main__":
    objs, v =
    for i, o in enumerate(objs):
        # Unpack the Line2d cases
        if isinstance(o, list):
          o, = o
        # Quick hack for testing
        if "matplotlib" in str(type(o)):
akshayka commented 2 months ago

run order will change the output of this. Correct behavior should be ... plot 1: x, x^2 plot 2: x, x^2, x^3

  • plot 3: x, x^2, x^4
  • plot 3: x, x^2, x^3, x^4

Don't they all share the same axis object though? So it makes sense that plot 3 has x^3.

OR, have the script response as being correct

Okay, I now see how providing a fresh figure isn't sufficient. Thanks for the example. This I suppose isn't specific to plots but really to any data structure that is mutated over and output in multiple cells.

  1. For the particular use case of integrating with Quarto or exporting to HTML — I think islands / marimo export html will now do the right thing, right?
  2. We could still consider adding an optional deep clone to — but I wonder if there's a better solution. Perhaps we could register a _mime_ method on each output that returned the snapshotted HTML?
dmadisetti commented 2 months ago

Correct is relative to design, I think both cases are valid- but ideally you'd want consistency

  1. Yes, export and islands run first and then access output, so Case 2 is what happens—but the result is still cell order dependent particular to matplotlib z-order will change.

  2. I wonder what the performance hit would actually be. Maybe it's fine—premature optimization and all that. Alternatively, what about creating a check to see if a known data structure is in defs and just clones those specific object types?

global hidden state is really hard to get around- the data flow tutorial makes it pretty clear that objects are hard to handle, so this could just be covered under that disclaimer

Just an aside, dataflow expectations for parallelism are definitely Case 1

akshayka commented 2 months ago

Correct is relative to design, I think both cases are valid- but ideally you'd want consistency

Yeah, consistency is key.

Export snapshots while running, so I think you get the same semantics as when running as an notebook (at least that's what happened when I ran it just now). But like you say the more important thing is to define the semantics and ensure consistency across different ways of running.

Just an aside, dataflow expectations for parallelism are definitely Case 1

To double check -- what is Case 1? :)

dmadisetti commented 2 months ago

Oh woops. To be explicit:

Case 1

graph TD;
    cell1("Cell 1\nShows x, x^2")-->cell2("Cell 2\nShows x, x^2, x^3");
    cell1-->cell3("Cell 3\nShows x, x^2, x^4");

Which can be made parallel because the tasks are independent

Case 2

graph TD;
    cell1("Cell 1\nShows x, x^2, x^3, x^4")-->cell2("Cell 2\nShows x, x^2, x^3, x^4");
    cell3("Cell 3\nShows x, x^2, x^3, x^4");
    cell2 --"order takes precedence in mutating axis"-->cell3;

Case 2 has a hidden dependency since the global object is built up.

akshayka commented 2 months ago

Okay great, yes — that makes total sense. On the same page.

dmadisetti commented 1 month ago

@akshayka I might take a stab at this over the weekend. I have something working that passes all unit tests with cloning on (except pickling, but I think that's the test env not being patched), but I want to write unit tests for it explicitly/ clean it up. FWIW, I haven't observed a noticeable overhead

My change also solves some of the behavior I observed in #1509 and introduces a mo.zero_copy as a variable-level opt-out wrapper for cloning.

This is all under a user config flag, that I currently have as execution.puritan : bool, but there's probably a better/less religious-sounding flag name. LMK what you think. Maybe execution.determinism : Enum[relaxed, strict]?

I want to get in, and then I'll make a doc page on "Ensuring Reproducibility".

akshayka commented 1 month ago

I have something working that passes all unit tests with cloning on (except pickling, but I think that's the test env not being patched)

Nice! Is this just for, or for the kernel runtime too?

execution.determinism : Enum[relaxed, strict]

Could be runtime.determinism. I could see this being useful for catching bugs, for example discovering accidental mutations.

I want to get in, and then I'll make a doc page on "Ensuring Reproducibility".

That would be awesome!

dmadisetti commented 2 weeks ago

Closing with #1580