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Code coverage timings bottlenecked by endpoint testing #1598

Closed dmadisetti closed 3 weeks ago

dmadisetti commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Was wondering if my PR did actually add signficant overhead, so I ran some timings with and without coverage:

top 20 tests w/o coverage:

===================================================================================================== slowest 20 durations ======================================================================================================
4.21s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.20s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.19s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
4.18s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.18s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
4.18s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.18s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
4.18s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
4.17s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.17s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
4.16s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
4.16s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.13s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
3.50s call     tests/_cli/
2.58s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
2.13s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
2.12s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
2.01s call     tests/_cli/
1.62s call     tests/_server/
1.59s call     tests/_cli/

w/ coverage + strict pr:

127.88s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
35.95s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
6.74s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
5.11s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
4.83s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.76s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.67s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
4.62s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
4.59s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
4.42s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
4.40s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.38s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.35s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
4.34s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.34s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
4.33s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[k]
4.32s call     tests/_runtime/reload/[strict_kernel]
4.29s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
4.04s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
4.04s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/

w/ coverage HEAD:

91.03s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
24.12s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
9.03s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
5.74s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
5.52s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
4.75s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
4.71s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
4.35s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
4.35s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
4.33s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
4.33s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
4.32s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
4.24s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
4.19s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
4.03s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
4.01s call     tests/_cli/
3.90s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
3.88s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
3.74s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
3.64s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/

Only ran once, so not sure how much different server loads contributed. This still runs faster than GH actions- but tests/_server/api/endpoints/ does seems very large. I don't think my PR would add that much overhead?



Code to reproduce

pytest --durations=20
coverage run --module pytest --durations=20
mscolnick commented 3 weeks ago

test_format_cell reaches into black. i wonder if that is causing the slow load (or thats a red-herring)

akshayka commented 3 weeks ago

We could either only run codecov on merge into main, or just disable codecov entirely. I don't look at the results to be honest.

dmadisetti commented 3 weeks ago

No coverage on HEAD was slower than my strict PR- so I don't think timings are all that reliable

5.50s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/
4.24s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
4.16s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
4.16s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
4.16s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
4.15s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
4.12s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
3.50s call     tests/_cli/
2.13s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
2.02s call     tests/_cli/
2.00s call     tests/_cli/
1.65s call     tests/_cli/
1.61s call     tests/_server/
1.54s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
1.54s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
1.54s call     tests/_runtime/reload/
1.50s call     tests/_cli/
1.50s call     tests/_cli/
1.32s call     tests/_cli/
1.28s call     tests/_server/api/endpoints/

Looks like codecov is broken rn as well: (at least public view) I definitely think it's a useful metric, but might be burning into your minutes

dmadisetti commented 3 weeks ago

Here's current coverage if you are interested:

---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.11.9-final-0 -----------
Name                                                      Stmts   Miss Branch BrPart  Cover
marimo/                                           39      0      0      0   100%
marimo/                                            3      3      2      0     0%
marimo/_ast/                                       0      0      0      0   100%
marimo/_ast/                                          264     16    110     14    91%
marimo/_ast/                                         163     22     66      2    89%
marimo/_ast/                                      153     14     87     13    88%
marimo/_ast/                                      96      1     40      5    96%
marimo/_ast/                                         8      0      0      0   100%
marimo/_ast/                                      253     21    142      8    90%
marimo/_cli/                                       0      0      0      0   100%
marimo/_cli/                                          146    146    125      0     0%
marimo/_cli/                                10     10      4      0     0%
marimo/_cli/convert/                                 19      0      6      0   100%
marimo/_cli/convert/                             211     24     62      7    88%
marimo/_cli/convert/                                 19      1      6      1    92%
marimo/_cli/                                       18      4      4      1    68%
marimo/_cli/                                    115     35     38      9    69%
marimo/_cli/                                    48      4     26      4    89%
marimo/_cli/                                          7      1      0      0    86%
marimo/_cli/                                       55      9     16      4    76%
marimo/_config/                                    0      0      0      0   100%
marimo/_config/                                    118      7     79      7    91%
marimo/_config/                                    30      0      4      0   100%
marimo/_config/                                      58     19     18      3    66%
marimo/_data/                                       87      3     26      2    96%
marimo/_data/                                 23      3      8      0    90%
marimo/_data/                                       37      0      6      0   100%
marimo/_data/                               68     19     22      7    71%
marimo/_dependencies/                         73     12     56      4    83%
marimo/_islands/                         146     47     50      6    64%
marimo/                                           41     19     20      1    41%
marimo/_messaging/                                 0      0      0      0   100%
marimo/_messaging/                             33      2     10      0    95%
marimo/_messaging/                        8      0      2      0   100%
marimo/_messaging/                   54     26     24      4    44%
marimo/_messaging/                                  42      0     16      0   100%
marimo/_messaging/                                2      0      0      0   100%
marimo/_messaging/                                    227     16     80      1    94%
marimo/_messaging/                                168     47     36      5    65%
marimo/_messaging/                              16      1      2      0    94%
marimo/_messaging/                                   31      3      6      0    92%
marimo/_output/                                    0      0      0      0   100%
marimo/_output/                                    92     10     74     11    87%
marimo/_output/data/                                  52     17     14      5    64%
marimo/_output/                                        12      5      4      0    56%
marimo/_output/formatters/                         0      0      0      0   100%
marimo/_output/formatters/               21      0      6      0   100%
marimo/_output/formatters/            14      5      4      0    61%
marimo/_snippets/data/                            19      9      8      1    63%
marimo/_snippets/data/                            24     12     10      1    62%
marimo/_snippets/data/                            24     12     10      1    62%
marimo/_snippets/data/                            20     10      8      1    61%
marimo/_snippets/data/                            22     12      8      1    57%
marimo/_snippets/data/                            21     11      8      1    59%
marimo/_snippets/data/                            24     14      8      1    53%
marimo/_snippets/data/                            20     10      8      1    61%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           23     11     10      1    64%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           19      9      8      1    63%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           22     10     10      1    66%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           18      8      8      1    65%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           22     10     10      1    66%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           22     10     10      1    66%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           18      8      8      1    65%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           20     10      8      1    61%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           20     10      8      1    61%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           19      9      8      1    63%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           22     12      8      1    57%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           22     12      8      1    57%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           23     11     10      1    64%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           19      9      8      1    63%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           29     17     10      1    54%
marimo/_snippets/data/                           24     12     10      1    62%
marimo/_snippets/data/                      18      8      8      1    65%
marimo/_snippets/data/                      27     13     16      1    58%
marimo/_snippets/                                 59      2     32      2    96%
marimo/_utils/                                     0      0      0      0   100%
marimo/_utils/config/                               40      6     14      6    78%
marimo/_utils/                        67     17     54      8    66%
marimo/_utils/                                    15      0      4      0   100%
marimo/_utils/                                  12      0      8      0   100%
marimo/_utils/                                  11      2      2      0    85%
marimo/_utils/                                  15      0      4      0   100%
marimo/_utils/                                 43      5     12      2    87%
marimo/_utils/                                     11     11      2      0     0%
marimo/_utils/                                72     25     16      2    69%
marimo/_utils/                                     98      5     48      5    93%
marimo/_utils/                            17     15      2      0    11%
marimo/_utils/                                   54     23     10      1    53%
marimo/_utils/                                      52     19     16      5    59%
marimo/_utils/                               62     28     26      5    44%
marimo/_utils/                                 63     10     26      3    81%
marimo/_utils/                             63      6     48      2    91%
marimo/_utils/                                       22      4      8      4    73%
marimo/_utils/                                     5      1      0      0    80%
marimo/_utils/                                         5      2      2      0    43%
marimo/_utils/                                  7      0      2      0   100%
marimo/_utils/                                      9      4      0      0    56%
marimo/_utils/                                      24     16      4      1    32%
marimo/_utils/                            24      8      6      1    70%
marimo/_utils/                                         11      1      4      1    73%
TOTAL                                                     14280   3431   5863    563    75%