GameTex is causing document compilation errors on Ubuntu 22.04 with MikTeX 22.8.28, example below. It appears MikTeX isn't correctly expanding the macro in GL2020.cls that defines the /latex directory.
Workaround is to edit gametex.sty lines 1677, 1684, and 1690 to remove /latex. As long as latex is called with the --include-directory command-line flag, it will work.
Filing this bug for future followup to figure out why it's borking.
L3 programming layer <2022-08-30>
Document Class: GL2020
--- Children of the Gods --- NOV 11 to 13, 2022 ---
Document Class: article 2021/10/04 v1.4n Standard LaTeX document class
Options: --> char --> sheet
Packages: verbatim multicol comma multido alltt ulem
Graphics Packages: pstricks graphicx lscape
Symbol Packages: latexsym amssymb textcomp
! I can't find file `/latex/extraction.sty'.
GameTex is causing document compilation errors on Ubuntu 22.04 with MikTeX 22.8.28, example below. It appears MikTeX isn't correctly expanding the macro in GL2020.cls that defines the /latex directory.
Workaround is to edit
lines 1677, 1684, and 1690 to remove /latex. As long aslatex
is called with the--include-directory
command-line flag, it will work.Filing this bug for future followup to figure out why it's borking.