marinebon / infographiqR

R functions for creation of interactive intelligent infographics, ie infographiq
MIT License
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migrate nms4r functions and vignettes to infographiqR #60

Closed bbest closed 3 years ago

bbest commented 3 years ago

Migrate vignettes:

Migrate functions:

bbest commented 3 years ago

Hey @superjai,

We discussed switching the documentation of infographiq from pkgdown for an R package to a looser bookdown format, but considering these nms4r functions and other R helpers, I advocate sticking to pkgdown with vignettes to describe use without R.

bbest commented 3 years ago

On pkgdown website and README now seeing:


This is because of old dependencies that need to get fixed with nms4r R package renamed to onmsR.

For more details, check the Github Action logs, like @5a87146:

Reading 'vignettes/Introduction.Rmd'
-- RMarkdown error -------------------------------------------------------------
Quitting from lines 11-16 (Introduction.Rmd) 
Error: Error in library(nms4r) : there is no package called 'nms4r'
superjai commented 3 years ago

Hey @bbest - I am still having trouble getting the new infographiqjs functionality working within cinms.

I have updated the file _svg-html_child.Rmd to point to the new versions of the javascript. I used the following working infographic example as the template of which javascript libraries to point to. I then reknitted kelp forest as a test. If you take a look at the associated html file, you'll see that none of the svg functions are working (highlighting, modal window pop up, etc.).

Not sure what the issue is, but I have been going around and around on this.

bbest commented 3 years ago

Hi Jai,

Let's move this discussion over to the CINMS issue to get it working:

Although getting there clearly has implications for this repo.