marinebon / mbon-dashboard-server

server software for MBON early alert dashboard using Docker
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Question on #47

Closed dotis closed 1 year ago

dotis commented 1 year ago

In the files, I see the following section. I'm curious if/how (and why) VSNPP is being used here. Is this where the selection of which time series extractions to display are set? The following is from the FGB branch, but that board is currently displaying MODIS extractions, so I'm not sure why VSNPP is set in the table below.

In any case, we should match the time series to the imagery.

Perhaps like this: FGBNMS (use MODIS) FKNMS (use MODIS) FWC (use VSNPP)

        # sat    | product
        ["VSNPP", "chlor_a"],
        ["VSNPP", "Rrs_671"],
        ["VSNPP", "Kd_490"],
        ["VSNPP", "sstn"],
        ["MODA",  "ABI"],
    # example path: `GOMdbv2_ABI_TS_MODA_daily_Alderice.csv`
    SAT_FPATH = (
    for roi in SAT_ROI_LIST:
        for sat, product in SAT_FILE_DETAIL_LIST:
7yl4r commented 1 year ago

You can check the list and status of the airflow jobs created by this at the URL: