marinebon / mbon-dashboard-server

server software for MBON early alert dashboard using Docker
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List of issues/questions for SEUS dash #55

Open dotis opened 10 months ago

dotis commented 10 months ago
  1. [x] (Tylar) Name at top of dashboard (currently FK NMS Early Alert). Can we change to GR NMS Early Alert?
  2. [x] (?) Need to add SST files once cron job is working.
  3. [x] (?) Need to resize map image. Should I generate a smaller PNG? Can we set the window size?
  4. [x] (Dan) Need to define locations for satellite extraction
  5. [x] (Dan) Need to set up USGS downloads via API
  6. [x] (Tylar) Once locations are defined and .csv files generated, we need to update and populate dropdown menus.
  7. [ ] (Tylar) Can we set up a wind rose plot to show wind direction from buoy?
  8. [ ] (Tylar) Fix seascape ERDDAP issue
  9. [x] (Dan) New sponsor logo panel
  10. [ ] Add NERR WQ data and add automatic updates
  11. [ ] (Dan) Add USGS WQ and precip data
  12. [ ] Add bathymetric data (need to get from GRNMS)
  13. [ ] (Dan) Add numbers on map to identify rivers and NERR locations
  14. [ ] Split out Github repos for each dashboard to avoid going over 1000 files in any one repo ("user_output.csv" file output has been turned off for now to reduce the number of files).
  15. [ ] Include CNAPS model winds/currents for SEUS? As pictures?
7yl4r commented 10 months ago

(3) resize map views

The image lat+lon are set in the grafana plugin panel. The settings are accessed via the GUI.

(7) rose plot

I think I remember a rose plot plugin from grafana. If it is installed then it can be added like any other panel. If it is not installed then I can add the plugin.

(8) adding seascapes

Assuming the seascape images are coming through ERDDAP, adding a new grafana-erddap panel should be pretty easy. We can try pointing to the ERDDAP hosting them currently but I suspect we will need to mirror them by adding a dataset.xml to the erddap-config repo.

dotis commented 10 months ago

For (3), I am talking about the map image at the top, which is just a picture file. I don't set any lat/lon for that.

7yl4r commented 10 months ago

For (3), I am talking about the map image at the top, which is just a picture file. I don't set any lat/lon for that.

If it is not lat+lon extent of the image, then maybe we need to resize the size of the image as it appears on the dashboard (to fit better in the panel?). If that is the case then the easiest approach is probably to add some dynamic-sizing html to the panel's "markdown" content. Something like <img src='img/path.png' 'style="width:100%"/>' instead of the current ![altext](img/path.png).