marinebon / sdg14

Products for Sustainable Development Goal 14 on Life in the Sea
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Infographic: MARINe rocky intertidal examples for US West coast #33

Open bbest opened 6 years ago

bbest commented 6 years ago

Using MARINe dataset on ERDDAP secured with access granted to by Lynn Dewitt via Jenn Brown.


See also:

bbest commented 6 years ago

From Jenn Brown...

Lynn worked so fast to get the new data up and available - AWESOME!

Below is my general idea of next steps. Please make changes/additions. Then I'll send to Chris Caldow and Andrew DeVo to give them an update. Maybe we should update others as well at that time or we can wait until we have something to show.


Infographic artwork:

1) Jenn to send Ben the most recent .eps version of the MBNMS rocky intertidal conceptual model artwork 2) Ben to convert artwork to .svg file and load as a new habitat scene for Monterey Bay . 3) Ben create a Channel Islands Infographics home page and include rocky intertidal as first habitat scene

Data products:

1) Jenn send Ben a list of the initial data products to link to silhouettes in the scene. Information needed by Ben for each graph includes species/taxonomic group, geographic range of sites to include, output type 2) Ben to create draft data products that are linked to the silhouettes. Format to follow the Generic_infographic_window_layout 3) Jenn and Ben to share v1.0 draft products with MARINe leads (Pete Raimondi, Melissa Miner, Rani Gaddam) and make changes as needed to insure scientific accuracy. 4) Jenn and Ben to share v2.0 draft products with CINMS, MBNMS, MBON, CCIEA, others to solicit feedback

FYI - in addition to the MARINe annual meeting in late March, we just scheduled a CINMS RAP meeting for the afternoon of March 9th. I'm working on travel plans to come down so I can give an update on the CINMS Condition Report and the infographics work. I can show them the MBNMS pelagic habitat and let them know that CINMS is in the works, but if the stars align and we have something to show for CINMS rocky intertidal scene - I think the RAP would be pretty interested to see it. Either way, let me know if you will be in town on March 9th and would like to attend that meeting.

Thanks Jenn

bbest commented 6 years ago

Wonderful! I'm impressed with your thorough outline and agree with all that you've laid out, ever so elegantly. I would like to wait to share with others until we have stuff to show. I'll be on vacation Feb 27 - Mar 9 (returning from Bali Mar 10), so won't be able to join Mar 9 meeting. I hope to have at least a teaser before I leave though.