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lump `Ocean Currents`, `Tidal`, `Riverine` into new Technology parent `Currents` tag to incorporate PRIMRe export of Tethys Publications #114

Closed bbest closed 2 years ago

bbest commented 2 years ago

See 2022-02-18 Tethys Tag ∆s for Documents in notes | mhk-env - Google Docs.

bbest commented 2 years ago

In Google Sheet tabs tags and tag_lookup of data | - Google Sheets:

bbest commented 2 years ago

Fixed with commits:

bbest commented 2 years ago

Hi Jonathan and all,

I updated the Technology tags in all content hosted at to reflect this new hierarchy of Technologies (as the updated PRIMRE export of Tethys Publications):

When users look for Current/Tidal the Tethys Publications will be searched by Current and notified as much:


We would prefer to not loose the granularity of differentiating between these "Current" technologies. Could they either be included as a subheading or a separate API export?

We're noticing that "Technology" in the Tethys Engineering Glossary tends to conflate Resource type and Technology type according to OpenEI under Current: