marineenergy / apps

shiny apps for MHK-env
MIT License
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slowness w/ Shiny apps; tables not showing; cols error #59

Closed bbest closed 2 years ago

bbest commented 2 years ago

@cdobbelaere and I getting this error when first launching:

Error in cols <<- setNames(c(cols_type, cols_status), c(permit_types,  : 
  cannot change value of locked binding for 'cols'

Related to global assignment of cols for Project Timeline. Necessary or possible to rename, eg to clrs?

For slowness, try profile visualization of process times with profvis:

bbest commented 2 years ago

I think the table results not showing up in Projects | Management | Documents | Publications | Reports might have something to do with the Google login, which I'm not seeing on the upper right like I should. And the JS Console error messages.

