[x] 1. From https://shiny.marineenergy.app/report-v2/, if you click on the logo, it stays on the Shiny page rather than going back to the home page, marinenergy.app. Please change the hyperlink associated with the logo.
[x] 2. At the top of the Regulatory Diagram page, it says, "Follow prompts to navigate the diagram. At the end of the decision tree, select the green rectangle to access additional information." There are no green rectangles(???). I suggest removing the last line. Also, it's not entirely clear that the OCS flow diagrams have active links. We may wish to let the user know on the top of these pages (e.g., https://marineenergy.app/regs_grid-pilot-state.html), that more information can be found by clicking on the boxes in the diagram.
[x] 3. The first cell (first row, first column) of the Interactions table says "receptor" and this is a bit misleading as one could read this as representing the column (which would be correct) or the row (which is incorrect - the top row is a list of stressors). Recommend removing "receptor".
[x] 4. We need for the FERC doc links from the Documents page to open in a new window